
Friday, January 17, 2014

2014 Mini Quilalong Process

I love doing the doll size quiltalongs on my blog, but I have to admit I struggle to find the right project. There are a lot of cute little quilts to reproduce but don't want one block reproduced 6 times. While it may be adorable it makes for a boring quiltalong. I also like to make a block or two to make sure the proportion is right; not too small, not too big, but just right!
Here's a cute little one I made this week. So far I cant get the setting to look as wonderful as the full size quilt.
It would be on-point. It's a cute little block, and not too difficult to piece.
Unlike this one which was more difficult. I would assemble this one differently if I try it again.

Hang in there, I'm working on it!!

This weekend I'm heading to my dad's so I'll only be doing handwork.  A healthy friend of my mom's who lived in assisted care passed away quickly from a cold turned pneumonia this past week. She was really active and feisty. It reminds me again of the frailty of life. As long as the roads are clear of snow I'll go hang out with my dad for a couple of days.

Have a fantastic weekend!!


  1. Have a good trip and a good visit with your Dad.
    My goal this year is to see my Dad more.

  2. have a nice visit with your dad! safe travels

  3. have a safe trip and do enjoy the time with your Dad.. I am sure he appreciates the company.

  4. I love the little block - that blue fabric is wonderful. I hope it comes together for you - I look forward to stitching along :0) Have a good visit with your Dad!

  5. Cute, cute blocks!! Many blessings and travel mercies!


  6. I do like those little blocks--and as I made myself take the pledge of UFOs, and no SALs, this year, I did add the caveat that I could do Lori's little SALs if I so choose. : )
    Have a good time with your Dad. You are right about life being fragile.

  7. Looking forward to seeing where your QAL instincts take us! Meanwhile, enjoy your time with your Dad

  8. Have a great time with your Dad.

  9. Have a great time, hope the snowy roads weren't too bad. We just have been socked in with Freezing Fog here. I like your mini's to hang up in my quilty Zone. They aren't just for Dolls! I'm with Janet O and dare not start any more NEW. But I will play along with a Mini or two this year, just to get into the scrap bins I'm unearthing while trying to organize.

  10. Looking forward to it Lori! What quilt is in your header?

  11. Hope your visit goes well, Lori! Drive carefully.

  12. Great blocks, Lori. I hope you have a great time with your dad. You are so right - time flies and we don't always spend the time that we should with the people we love. Have a wonderful week!

  13. Safe travels and good health!

  14. I liked seeing the picture of you with your dad on Facebook. I learned a very long time ago that life can change in an instant so I try hard to keep in touch with those I love even when I don't get to see them very often. I always like what you come up with in your small quilt projects.

  15. Hi Lori,
    I'm looking forward to the mini quilt-along. I did last year's with you and loved it. It's really tough to see our parents growing old. I worry about my dad all the time.

    Gail :)

  16. Great looking block Lori. Glad to now your hanging about with your dad.

  17. Sweet little block; have a lovely visit with your dad.

  18. loving both of your sample blocks here . . . and am wondering what you will be pitching at us~!?

    i hope that you enjoyed your weekend with your dad.


  19. I'll be watching this one, you make such great quilt alongs. Have a lovely time with your dad.


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