
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

No- Sew Tuesday

The sewing I've been doing is slow so I don't have much to show, but had a couple of things I wanted to share.
A friend and antiques/vintage seller found this among some vintage quilt blocks and thought of me! Isn't it sweet?! I thought about framing it, but would I layer it with batting and quilt it a little then put it in a frame? I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you Laurie!

You may have seen this already on Barbara Brackman's site, but wanted to share it with my readers. Another FREE BOM! Is this gorgeous or what? After my love for Civil War reproduction fabrics I love patriotic. This is being released one block a week and it is free if you get it within the first week. There will be a small charge if you miss it and want to download it later.  You can get the first block HERE.   (PS, No I'm not doing this one at this time)
Thank you for the well wishes for my travels this weekend. I came very close to turning around as I drove in freezing fog a good part of the way. I trudged on and am glad I did as my dad's health has declined a lot since I've seen him last.  I'm planning on another trip in 2 months to help him celebrate his 89th birthday.
My dad bought an 8MM camera in 1958 and filmed so much of our outings. A year ago my brother got them all transferred to DVD's and I brought them to watch with my dad. It was a really good distraction since he isn't up to doing much else. When I got home I put this in the computer and did a screen shot of me (the youngest) and my siblings.  I just love it.

I hope to be back this week with sewalong fabric requirements.I hope you'll be joining me!
Happy Tuesday.


  1. How fun to find a block with your initials. You could put a piece of batting behind it, for framing and keep the frame to the size since there are no edges. Or, you could mount it to another cloth and make the block a centerpiece in the middle and then frame it.


  2. Looking forward to the quilt along. My prayers for you and your father. I just lost my 88 year old father in law after a long illness. Very hard.

  3. Glad you kept on driving and that you go to spend time with him.

  4. Sweet little block with your initials! Things I've seen framed have usually not been quilted, but some are. Real helpful, huh? If you quilted it would you also need to bind it?
    I'm glad you made it safely to visit your Dad. That must be tough to be far when he is declining. Those home movies were probably a nice walk down memory lane.
    Looking forward to the SAL--the one I WILL allow myself to join this year. : )

  5. What a beautiful photo of you and your Dad! So wonderful to have those family memories in a format you can actually watch.

  6. Hi Lori, That's a great pic of you and your dad! Sweet pic of you and your sibs. I look at photo albums with my mom too. The past is a lot easier to connect with than the present?! Love the album block! What a nice gift! Happy New Year! cheers, CW

  7. What a cool block!! It wonder what the other L.D.'s name was? I think a little quilting would look nice - I have no idea how to frame but think it's a great idea. Glad your visit went well with your dad. Watching old films sounds like fun :0)

  8. What a great way to spend time with your Dad, watching the old family movies on DVD... very special!
    I think I would frame the initial block, very simply. What a find!
    No BOM's for me... although Barbara's is a real beauty!

  9. That is so great that your brother was able to put those movies on DVD. Hate to have those memories lost. Cute picture of you all. Glad you had the chance to vist with your Dad.
    Pretty BOM. There are so many great ones...too tempting.

  10. You are a good daughter :) Love the photos and I am so glad you got to go even with bad weather. Love the L.D. block! I would frame it just floating on a piece of muslin...lucky find! Take Care. :)

  11. I'm glad you had a good visit with your Dad. He has lived a good long life! I still haven't finished my last QAL of yours and now I'm joining in with Randy for the bulls' eye QAL, so I don't think I'll join yours. I'll be watching, though!

  12. I'm sure your Dad was delighted you trudged on, although it's also good to not take to many chances in terrible weather, be careful......most antique blocks I've seen are framed in their natural condition and this is definitely a treasure!

  13. what a nice antique block with your initials!
    love your family photo and I'm glad you had a nice and safe visit with your dad.
    great BOM from BB

  14. Lori, what a lovely photo of you & your dad. I bet you had a lovely time watching those DVD's too.. sharing special memories of your childhood.
    I love the antique R&W block, what a treasure. I would frame it just as it is with some light backing to stabilize it. It will look stunning in a frame :))) cheers... Marian

  15. So glad you safely made it for your visit with your father! What a precious memoir of your childhood.

  16. What a lovely post! Gorgeous gifts and great memories.

  17. Enjoyed this post very much - made me tear up a bit. I lost my dad 22 years ago. He was only 61. So thankful that you have some time with yours!
    What a great family photo!! I need to do that with our old family 8mm.

    Blessings and hugs!

  18. I think I'm caving on my limited SAL's!! I, too saw the BOM sponsored by Kansas City Star Quilts, and I may just start this one - hey it's only one block a month!! But what about Ben Biggs and Dream Garden...what's a girl to do!! LOL


  19. a lovely old block and how thoughtful of your friend to have gifted it.
    i always think that quilting stitches are nice . . . i suppose that you will turn it so as to have the initials on the straight which means you will have four triangles surrounding . . . maybe some extra quilting there . . . not much help but i have faith that it will look wonderful when you are finished.
    glad to hear that your visit was a good one but those icy roads can be so stressful and dangerous. blessings to count now that you are home safe and sound.



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