
Friday, January 10, 2014

Cavalcade of Little Quilts

 I'm working on a project that will be published! (Yay! I'm so excited!) The only bad thing is I cannot show you yet. I finished machine quilting so I can start some regular sewing soon!! Whoop! Whoop!
I thought I'd show you a few of the little quilts I finished in 2013. These do not include the AAQI quilts. I had a heck of time finding these online, so hopefully they were all made in 2013.
A Country Threads design from Charm School- This one is on my coffee table right now and I love it!

Vermont Challenge- gifted this year
   Baby quit for my grand nephew. (so many of you generously donated cowboy fabric to the cause)
Abundance quiltalong

Juniper Flats

Mini version of Scandinavian Christmas

 Medallion Quiltalong
Tea Time- gifted

Faithful Quiltalong 
Harmony Quitlalong

Braided quilt from Tara Darr

I hope you enjoyed those. I like being able to go back and see what quilting I got accomplished.
I think 2013 was a good year.

I've been asked a couple of times about a winter quiltalong. There is always so much going on at the beginning of the year, but I do enjoy them, so even if one person (Lizzy!) sews along I can have a good time. Be patient a little while longer.

Have a wonderful weekend! We are supposed to have high winds- ugh! Football and sewing are on my agenda!


  1. I love your blue 16-patch, Lori. You've had a truly impressive output in 2013 ~ looking forward to seeing what the new year brings!

  2. Love your little quilts...and I am so intrigued about your publication!!

  3. Congrats on a soon to be published project. I enjoyed the Faithful QAL. And yes, I sent in some cowboy fabrics. Glad to help keep the little dude warm. I heard the winds this morning, woke me up way too early. Enjoy your Football and Stitching.

  4. Look forward to seeing you published again, congratulations.
    You are a very productive girl......the first quilt makes me want to cut strips!
    Being a pokey person I better stay focused and I may be able to finish a couple in 2014!

  5. Very exciting that you will be published again!!! Can't wait to see the project. It was fun seeing all your beautiful quilts again.

  6. That's great to see so many little finishes! LOVE your juniper flats and the blue 16 patch esp. Wonderful to have your work published too. Looking forward to following along with your journey!

  7. Published work to come... what a thrill for you and us!!!
    It's a little like a walk down memory lane looking at your 2013 projects... the sixteen patch is among my favorites. I made one as well in 2013 (same pattern), but kept it square. I'm tempted to make another in a rectangular size. I still want to make the Faithful block you shared with all of us... one of these days! Enjoy the weekend of football and sewing... a pretty great combination if I must say so myself!

  8. I'm so excited for you that you are going to have another quilt published!! I enjoyed your little quilts year in review. I enjoy your quiltalongs very much and I bet there would be more than one sewing along :0)

  9. Oh dear...was I nagging? I won t keep asking. There's plenty of little quilts here for me to be inspired. They re just adorable.

    Sounds like you have a lot going on. Very exciting that you ll be published!


  10. Your posting reminded me of some UFOs that I need to pull out and finish (always with a smile on my face, as your quilt-alongs are great fun). Thanks for sharing your year in review. You finished a long list of lovely projects.
    I'm looking forward to learning the details about your being published. How exciting for you !!

  11. Congratulations! Can't wait to see your project published. You had a very productive year- all those quilts are the blue 16 patch & Juniper Flats...I would have a hard time choosing just one favorite.

  12. Congratulations, can't wait to hear about it, when you can talk about it.
    Lots of wonderful quilts, small ones are fun to do and great way to use up scraps.


  13. Lots of sweet little quilts - well done! Congrats on the secret published quilt and looking forward to seeing it. Enjoy your weekend:)

  14. Love all of your quilts, but I think my favorite of this group is the Medallion Quilt Along. Congrats on being published - can't wait to see!!!!

  15. Wow another quilt published ... you're becoming quite a name in the quilt world Lori! May there be many more!

    I learnt a new word today ... "calvacade' and a calvacade it was! It was really nice revisiting all you little quilts of 2013!

  16. Congratulations on your publishing project! I loved seeing your 2013 show and tell, you did well.

  17. Congrats on publishing! I love your little quilts. It never ceases to amaze me how the simplest of quilts are often the most captivating - your little Juniper Flats is one such example, It is lovely!

  18. My favorite of what you show is the medallion quilt-along quilt. I think because of the applique border.

  19. Very sweet little quilts. Always amazing how rewarding a little project can be!
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Wow, that is quite a lot! I really love the 16-patch. Beautiful colors and again.... simple designs sometimes make the most beautiful quilts!

  21. Love 'em all, Lori!
    When I told myself "no new starts for a few months," it was with the caveat that I could make a mini now and then--especially your SALs!! I'll be patient. : )

  22. yes, 2013 was a good year~!! so many wonderful and inspiring projects.

    we have had very high winds for the last few days. i'm quite sick of listening to the wind howl~!
    and a few spits of moisture but that's it. if it keeps up like this it's going to be one wicked fire season.


  23. congrats on the upcoming publication - can't wait to see it!
    thanks for the quilt show this morning.

  24. so excited for your publication!! Wow! You have been so creative this year but that is nothing new for you Lori! I love the Medallion Quilt along. I have had the honor of seeing Jo's in person and I am just stunned by lovely it is. Maybe I'll get to see yours in person this summer!

  25. Great quilts! I would say you had a very productive year, Lori!

  26. Thanks for sharing all your recent quilt projects Lori - and congrats on getting another one published! I've always wondered - do magazines pay for that? (please excuse me if this is a rude question)

  27. Weren't you Miss Productive in 2013??!!!

  28. Love all your quilts! I esp. love the little quilts. Your first photo is a mini of what I'm currently working on! My blocks are 10 inch blocks, so a little different! *grin*

    Congrats on the upcoming publication! How cool is that?!

  29. Congrats on the publication - cant wait to see what it is!! Great quilts too.


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