
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Flowers" Wool Applique

One more wool applique complete! I really want to start making the HST but my machine is set up for quilting and don't want to change it until I'm done.
Six blocks are now complete! I am going to start hunting around for the color I will use for the HST. One side of the hst will be the same. The original design uses  a copper/brown color but I'm leaning towards blue. Any thoughts on that?
Was cleaning my car out today and look what I found! I'm not sure what I was using him for or how long he has been in my it possible since vacation in September?

Happy Wednesday! Stay warm!!


  1. Love the plaid background you chose! Too funny...wonder what I would find if I cleaned out my car???

  2. Love your progress. Looks like the little birdie turned up just in time to be added to one of those beautiful blocks! ;)

  3. Each time I see these blocks I admire them more!!

  4. I'm loving those blocks!!! What a cute little bird - I'm sure you'll find a place for him!!


  5. I love the blocks! I made this quilt many years ago but never quilted it. I'm thinking I should do some digging and pull it out for quilting. Love the little bird that was hiding in your car!

  6. maybe he flew south for the winter ~

    1. Akkk ... I thought I was commenting on Paulete's blog, who DID go south for the winter!
      Cute bird anyway, I think he could find a home on your flower quilt.

      .... need more coffee...

  7. When I clean out my car, the only things I find are leaves.
    Sorry, I have no opinion about the blue. If it looks good to you, do it. But I do think it will make those blue flowers pop.

  8. The timing of the little bird means he REALLY wants in this quilt.
    Great prim project. You're so good about keeping up with your WIP, which is inspiration for us sometimes slackards who take our time.
    As you work with it, do you do anything special with the very thin pieces of wool, like the stems? or do you just handle it so carefully that nothing ravels? I assume not all of your wool is felted. Do you combine felted and not felted in one project? I'm a novice re: working with wool and have what are probably pretty silly questions.

  9. Really enjoying your wool applique coming together! Too fun to find the bird. I'm sure you'll find a place for him some day too.:)

  10. The new block looks great. I like the idea of using blue in the HSTs. (I do have to confess that I love blue though...just so you know). I do think it would work well with the colors in your applique.

  11. Like your new flower block, I think blue would be a fresh look. I have been thinking about that choice as well. One can use a little black bird in many ways, hope you find his spot.

  12. I am thinking that Carrie and I need to post our progress on our blocks...except that I am going to change out the first one I did. Have not done much since being hoo...but am going to prep another block as will be in Ashland next weekend and will need something to do at night.

  13. The applique blocks are beautiful! I'm leaning toward blue...I agree that it will make the blue in the blocks "pop". That little bird is sweet and should really perch on one of those blocks.

  14. Hi Lori. You obviously need another sewing machine just for piecing!
    I like the idea of blue hst

  15. I love the bird! Lucky you! I never find quilt bits in my car. Maybe he could be added to a flower block, your own little touch? Or be in the border? He def fits in.


  16. The blocks look fabulous. I think the blue sounds good.

  17. Those are such great flower blocks, Lori. I think blue would look great with them.
    I'll bet that birdie is glad to be found! : )

  18. There's that crow I've been missing. How did you end up with it? LOL Isn't it funny when you find a missing link?

  19. remember once looking for a couple lost applique pieces, no luck, cut them again..... one day while binding a different quilt found them quilted into the back!!! I'm sure this little bird will find a fun home soon......

  20. blue would be nice . . . maybe cheddar?
    the blocks are wonderfully fun and now you have a little bird to sneak in there amongst the blossoms~!


  21. Those are most unique flowers I have ever seen! I love them - especially the latest one and the one in the middle!!

  22. your wool flower blocks are just wonderful! love those tiny berries!
    what a sweet bird you found. I'm sure he'll fly onto a sweet project.

  23. I think this one is my favorite block thus far in the set. I still haven't started on mine.

  24. Blue and cheddar could be interesting or blue with a mix of your background tones?

  25. OK Confession time -- I'm a Checked Geek. Love them. Checked fabrics add spark to any quilt. Those are the blocks that draw me to them. Love the applique, but the background fabric is going to make the quilt 'Pop' you wait and see .... can't wait to see more.


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