
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Midwinter Blues part 2

If you've done my quilalongs before you may have made 1/2 blocks. You cannot make a full block and just whack it in half and use both sides. You need a seam allowance so everything fits together properly.We will make 4 half blocks.
From your blue cut four (4) 4" x 2 1/2" rectangles.
We will piece the side triangle the same as we did in the previous step.
From brown cut two (2) 2 1/8" squares, then cut on the diagonal  for 4 triangles. We will only need 3 of them.
From your tan floral print cut five (5) 2 1/8" squares then cut those on the diagonal to make 10 triangles. We will only use 9.
Look at the photo and the section on the left. It seems like you would not have to add  the extra triangle, but we still need a seam allowance so add a triangle. (I have a secret, On my other half blocks I used a scrap triangle and not even from the same fabric as the other ones! Most of it will be cut off!)
 Be sure to iron and trim off any dog ears.
 Get your square ruler and line up your corner, just like you would if you had a full block and trim. Keep your 1/4" seam allowance if it is possible, if not, it isn't the end of the world.

Now we need to cut the block in half. Line up your ruler so you are 1/4" past the center. and trim excess block. I wish I would have gotten a better photo, so be sure to let me know if you do not understand.
Make 4 half blocks.

On the original quilt, which you can see here , the corner setting triangles are quite a bit different than the fabric used in the blocks and I opted to make mine that way as well.  Choosing what you like will make the quilt uniquely yours!

I oversize my triangles and trim them after the quilt is put together. Because I used 4 different fabrics this is what I did for my corners. Cut a 5" square of paper and cut on the diagonal to get a triangle. Lay this on your fabric corner and cut a triangle. If you prefer to cut a square from the fabric that will work too,  but then you will have an extra triangle.

I am thrilled to see so many working on this little quiltalong! I'm giving plenty of time for each step so everyone can keep up and be able to share in the linky party at the end.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Just made part one last night. I am so glad I did not fall behind or I may never get caught up. I am loving this quilt, Lori!

  2. Ohhhh I love these fabrics!! Can't wait to see this one finished!!

  3. I have my blocks cut out, Lori, and one block made, so I am on my way! What a darling quilt you designed!

  4. I'm loving it! But my is extra special this time. I'm using the little squares you gave me last year in Portland. It's now a very special quilt. Thank you!

  5. Great directions Lori! I'm a virtual follower, but I'm loving seeing these all come together. The colors are so classic and traditional--love that.:)

  6. I sure wish I liked to piece... LOVE the block and your colors are beautiful. Thanks for sharing...

  7. ready to make step 2 this weekend - thanks lori


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