
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

At this Rate....

 If I can get one more block quilted this winter that will make a total of 6.  If that rate stays true I can get the center 25 blocks quilted in 3 years.

Click on photos to enlarge.
 I haven't quite determined how long the border will take!
One day of sunshine and this is what I get! Oh yes, spring is on the way.


  1. Your Beyond the Cherry Trees quilt is stunning!

  2. BTCT is looking amazing! Keep plugging.

  3. That is a lot of quilting but it is a beautiful quilt and well worth the effort you have put into it. I need to start quilting my tops, that is the hardest when you have hand and free motion to do, a long arm would be nice;)


  4. Keep on keeping'll get there. Such a beautiful quilt is well worth the time and effort. Perhaps you will quilt a little in the Spring and in the Fall and increase the year's total.

  5. Your quilt is so beautiful. I wish spring was here...yesterday it was 52 degrees out and today we are in the middle of a snow storm. We are expecting up to 10" of snow. Hugs

  6. It's so beautiful / glad that you showed your progress : )

    Spring was here yesterday / it's gone today, lol.. However, the bird song is different in the early mornings so most of the spring and summer birds have returned :)

  7. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is worth every second of work!! Magnificent!! STUNNING!!! You go girl!!

  8. Enjoy the process!! There is nothing better than a handquilted quilt! It is so beautiful.

  9. Amazing! What a quilt to treasure for years to come.

  10. Your quilt looks glorious in the springtime sunshine! The texture and feel of the handquilting make it so worth it. What pretty little crocuses :0)

  11. You will get there! It is a fabulous quilt. I am sure once done you will miss working on it. I've had separation anxiety over a few of mine. Quilt on something for over a years time and it is part of you and your routine.

  12. This quilt is gorgeous! You are stitching along nicely on the quilting. Those crocus are certainly a beautiful sight for winter weary eyes! :-)

  13. What a wonderful family heirloom you are creating, Lori! Does your daughter already have her name on this quilt? : )

  14. Don't despair about how long it takes. Every stitch you take, you're closer to a finish. The first half always takes the longest, it seems. It's looking beautiful and will be well worth the time you put in it.

  15. That is such a beauty. No need to hurry, it will be so worth it in the end!

  16. Your quilt is soooo... beautiful!!!

  17. What a beautiful quilt! Your quilting is great. People who don't sew or quilt don't understand why handmade quilts cost so much. You can't even charge minimum wage because the price would be in the thousands! It is a joy to look at something so beautiful. Keep on bloggin'

  18. It's not how long it takes, it's how you feel about it while your're stitching.:) It's looking fabulous!

  19. It's just beautiful Lori! 3 years doesn't sound bad to me!

  20. I cannot imagine the work that you are putting into this quilt. A real heirloom.

  21. So, so pretty! Enjoy every stitch!

  22. Lori, your quilt is looking great. I'll bet you are anxious to get it done. As for nice it has come your way. We got 10" of snow last night and today. I don't think it will ever come to MI.

  23. preciosa !!! el tiempo no importa
    disfruta de tus puntadas tan maravillosas

  24. It's so worth it! This is a spectacular project. Love it, and the quilting motifs of the original are extra special.

  25. Oh my.....This is SO wonderful!

  26. Gorgeous! So worth it! You are making an heirloom. Love that yellow in this quilt, makes it so cheerful.

  27. WOW Lori, good on you for quilting it the traditional way, by hand. It's already looking wonderful and I'm sure it will look stunning when it's finished.. you're an inspiration :)) cheers... Marian

  28. That quilt is very amazing! Just beautiful and I especially love the block with the grapes!

  29. Your quilt is beautiful. I can't believe you have the flowers blooming after all snow, lovely.

  30. Your quilt is stunning! Please send some spring our way!

  31. Stunning. It has to make you smile when you are working on it!
    So very pretty!

  32. I bet you get the quilting done even faster than you estimate. It is really going to be a beauty when you do get there.

  33. Wow! It's going to be wonderful--enjoy the process!

  34. I will be back in three years for the finish. LOL! You will have it done long before then. The quilting looks oh so good. An heirloom quilt for sure.

  35. I hear you, I'm about the same. One stitch at a time, right? ;)

  36. Don't worry about the is absolutely beautiful and it will happen sometime. Maybe once this dreadful winter is over, you will feel more motivated...

  37. your making great progress - the crocus is so sweet!

  38. It's going to be matter how long it takes!!


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