
Friday, March 14, 2014

Sally Post Progress

These are the 6 blocks I had left to applique and here they are DONE!
First three.....
Then three more...
Why am I missing a triangle? Aargh! Remember the reds I bought the other day?
I liked it enough to purchase it twice!

I was supposed to be going to my dads today to celebrate his 89th birthday but I managed to catch a nasty cold so my visit will have to wait. I'm so hoarse I cannot even talk to him on the phone.

Maybe I'll feel up to sewing the rest of this together this weekend.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I adore seeing applique projects. This will be beautiful when finished. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  2. Your blocks look great. I bet you are glad to have them all completed.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Your blocks are beautiful. Feel better soon.

  4. Your work is beautiful!!! I love the colors you used, and that red is just so pretty! Sorry for your must be a "computer virus", because I am getting it too..sore throat and runny snooter!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Very sweet quilt, I love the red and pink setting on this quilt.

  7. Your quilt is so pretty! Hope you are well soon...

  8. Your blocks are beautiful. I collected all the patterns for "one day". You are inspiring me to make that "one day soon".

  9. You are doing a great job on your blocks. I have saved the patterns and maybe someday I will get mine made. Feel better soon!

  10. That striped green just makes me smile--wonderful choice. Each block it is in is my favorite, but every block is beautiful!! : )
    I'm sorry you are missing your Dad's birthday. Bummer! Hope you will feel good enough to console yourself with sewing this up.

  11. Awesome blocks Lori! Just beautiful. Hope you feel better soon - it had me a couple weeks ago... :(. Take care.

  12. Beautiful applique. Absolutely love the stripey cherry tree(?) block! Yummidy. Feel better soon. Happy Birthday to your Dad.

  13. felicidades para tu padre !!!!
    los bloques preciosos, tengo unas ganas enormes de empezar mi sally
    deseo que el refriado pase pronto
    te puedes ayudar de flor de sauco, nosotros para el refriado le tenemos una gran confianza
    buen fin de semana

  14. I love your new blocks. And they are done. I hope you are resting. Feel better soon.

  15. Feel better soon!
    I love the color combo with your blocks!

  16. Happy birthday dad and get well Lori x

  17. Those are great, especially the tree block! Fun to see these come together for you.:)

  18. I love those blocks! Too bad you can't go to see your Dad on his birthday. Just take it easy and stitch if you can.

  19. Isn't that the way life is...always one red triangle short. Can't wait to see the whole quilt together.

  20. So pretty, I love the pink sashing.

  21. You make so beautiful applique! Get well soon!

  22. I've enjoyed watching your fabric selections, block by block. How lovely they all look together. The variety of greens-- solids, stripes, patterned and dots-- are really impressive. You've confidently combined them. VERY pretty. Get well soon, and Happy Birthday to your dad.

  23. I was trying to pick a favorite block, but I just can't do it! I will say that I LOVE that green stripe and what it does to each of the blocks - just perfect. shouldn't feel a bit bad about double-buying that red - it's a good one! Sorry you aren't feeling well and have to miss the party, but happy birthday to your dad!

  24. I love the block with the striped fabric. Your quilt is going to be beautiful. Hugs

  25. not to be a jerk, by why are these sideways? ha ha
    sorry about your cold, my husband is getting over a really bad one too.
    I LOVE the striped treee!!

  26. Your blocks are just beautiful! I love the way you used the green stripe.

  27. Hope you feel better very soon - gorgeous blocks!! (Thank goodness for double purchases!)

  28. Oh, Lori, more stunning blocks!! I am so in love with your fabric choices on this quilt. The stripe in the tree block looks fabulous! The red setting fabric is perfect - lucky you got more to replace the lost triangle!

  29. You have some nice interesting greens!


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