
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Doll Quilt Swap?

The Swap is now CLOSED with 61 participants!

I just adore little quilts and am feeling a need to make one. Finishing a big, long term project like the Sally Post quilt drives me to a cute simple one.
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a little swap. I would collect names and hook you up with a partner.
Rules? 24" x 24" or smaller. (It doesn't have to be square), Civil War reproductions, a label, with a deadline of mailing before Easter, which falls on April 20th.

If you cannot (for whatever reason) send international please let me know.

If you are interested please send me your full name, mailing address and if you do NOT want an international partner.   (I really should change that since I no longer work for WW)
I will send you your swap partner over the weekend.

You do not need to have a blog to participate, but I would prefer if I know you or you are a regular commenter on my blog.

Below are a few I've made.

The Swap is now CLOSED with 61 participants!


  1. Replies
    1. I love to make doll quilts. Thanks for organizing the swap!

  2. Yes. I can do that - squeeze it in between other things - practically in my sleep.

  3. Oh, yes yes yes! Thank you for organizing!

  4. Yes, yes, yes! That sounds fun!

  5. Doll quilt swap? I think I could do that. Sounds like fun. Count me in!

  6. This will be fun! Thanks for organizing this swap.

  7. I love little doll quilts...that sounds like so much fun! Thanks for the great idea.

  8. I'm in! I have a big project I am working on, but a little quilt would break up the monotony! This will be fun!

  9. Great idea, Lori! I'm in the mood to make a doll quilt. I'm in for sure. I've sent you an email with my info.

  10. Hi there, I would like to join in also...I will email you my info

  11. Great idea! I think it will be fun :0)

  12. If I hadn't agreed to do that trunk show, I would do it, but I need to stay focused. Sounds like fun. I will watch with interest--wishing I was on board. : )

  13. Hi!i would love to if I could have a partner in Canada or USA. Love our doll quilts! Thanks for the idea!
    Take care, Leslie

  14. Hi, I just found your site and I love it! I have always loved doll quilts, but have only made a couple of really small ones. I was just telling a friend how I want to make a doll quilt for one of my special dolls that a friend made me. Now I am really inspired. Thanks!

    1. Jan, You are on google+ but there is no email visible. That means you are a no-reply commenter.
      If you click on the labels to the right you'll find lots more inspiration for a small doll quilt. They are so much fun to make!!

  15. This is great and I look forward to participating. Thanks for organizing.

  16. I'm in. I know, I know, I swore no hops, QAL's, SAL's, BOM's, swaps, etc. this year but you said the magic words, "doll-quilt and Civil War". What's a girl to do when someone mentions that. I don't mind shipping international but I can't get out to the post office due to health issues so I'd better stick to the USA for this one. Thanks so much. Going to pick pattern and fabric today!

  17. Yes yes count me in. I love little quilts and civil war.

  18. Sounds like fun, count me in!

  19. I'm game! Sounds like a little bit of fun and I'll ship anywhere.

  20. OUCH!
    Is that you twisting my arm? :)
    OK, since you ARE twisting my arm, I'm in!
    Thanks for coordinating, it does sound like fun.

  21. Hi Lori, this comment is just to say I would love to participate but I am on a deadline to finish my quilt. If you do one again next year I'll be in.
    Just wanted to let you know I am still taking time out to catch up on my favourite blogs!
    Sue from Down Under in NZ

  22. I love swaps, especially doll quilt swaps :)) cheers... Marian

  23. Okay, Lori. Peer pressure... Put me down... will be f un!

  24. Hi I would love to get in on the swap! Sounds like fun!

  25. Very sweet little doll quilts! I especially love the last one. There's just something super sweet about the sashing fabric and the little checkered fabrics.:)

  26. I would love to join in but I'm on a deadline for my mums 70th birthday quilt. Have fun everyone and I'll look forward to seeing the results.

  27. ME TOO!!! Look forward to this fun event...Thanks Lori!!


  28. Okay why am I fighting myself on this one :0)
    Sure, but I'd rather not do international.....thank you Lori,
    Looks like fun.

    Happy Sewing


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