
Friday, March 21, 2014

Baskets Galore

 Wendy's next basket block is ready to download. It's called Garden basket. Find it HERE. My points will be chopped when sewing it together, but my blog is called Humble Quilts for that very reason. It happens!

I am out of town and have this set to post. Finally made it to my dads for a belated birthday.  I'm sure it will be another difficult departure. 

This is the LAST CALL for the Civil War doll quilt swap. See the post HERE.

Have a fantastic weekend.


  1. Love the baskets.....and thanks for the comment about chopping off points!! It made me feel so much better!! Lol!

  2. Your baskets are marvelous. I am such a softie for baskets. Thinking about that upcoming swap with bitty baskets in mind . . . .

  3. Your baskets are so beautiful. Hugs

  4. Baskets with chopped-off points have more character! LOL The doll quilt swap sounds like so much fun I am actually tempted but I have so many other PIPs I don't dare take on another project. I can't wait to see the results though! Enjoy your visit with your Dad....

  5. It is a very pretty basket, Lori. I love the colors springing from it. And I didn't notice the points until you pointed them out. What I did notice was how perfectly flat it appears, even with those Y-seams. I was so impressed! That doesn't happen at my house! : )

  6. Oh I'm sure some of my points will be chopped off as well! Great looking basket block!

  7. I love your baskets, super cute! I was very tempted to do the doll quilt swap but have too much going in in the next few weeks to join. I hope you have another one later this year :) as I would love to join in. Have a great day!

  8. My blog should probably be Humble Quilts II as my blocks often fall into the chopped points category.

  9. Love Baskets and those are definitely to die for! I would like to do the doll swap but am afraid I spend more time playing house, making mud cakes, etc. that I'm sure I wouldn't be able to make the deadline this time, hopefully next......

  10. Well, whatever you do looks great. I bet no one would even notice the points are cut off because your quilts are always made with the perfect fabrics and turn out beautiful. Also, they are made with love.

  11. Baskets are a classic block. I love them. Points can be difficult. Look at antique basket quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Your baskets look wonderful! I hope you have a good visit with your Dad and a safe trip home.

  13. Lovely baskets! Enjoy every minute with your Dad.

  14. I'm so happy I found you and the (new to me) concept of Humble quilts. It has allowed me to take the pressure off and enjoy the process, knowing that mine is a hand made quilt, not a mass produced "perfect" one.

  15. I'm loving your baskets, points or not! Lori, I've seen your post for the mini quilt exchange and sat here thinking for a day or three now if I could swing it. I want to...really do but afraid that I may not make that deadline so will pass for now. But...please do this again!

  16. Your baskets look great! Points are highly over-rated - not every block has to have perfect points! Hope you are having a wonderful time with your Dad - love the pictures you've posted on FB and IG.

  17. The baskets are so fun and I'm so tempted to do them! I really want to do the Sweet William baskets, so I'm trying to stay strong...! I'm glad you don't sweat the points--good philophosy!

  18. Impossible to pick a favorite basket... but the latest is a real contender!
    Have a wonderful visit with your Dad.

  19. WOW, Lori, you made a lot of baskets. I love them. I can't wait to see how you're going to set them. I'd assume you're going to hand quilt the top, too, of course!!


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