
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pile O' Shirts

I'm working on a new project....
 My plan is to turn this pile of shirts...
Into blocks  

My first attempt was a complete failure! 

I think it will be slow going. It will be a labor of love for sure.


  1. I love plaids! I have a box of plaid fabrics, some from shirts, that I intend to make into a quilt. I am interested in your progress in this project. Are the shirts from thrift shops, or from someone special in your family?

  2. I like the pattern and that you left a button on one :)

  3. It seems a great project! I as well love plaids but I find them difficult to work with.

  4. I love plaids and homespuns, and am trying very hard not to start collecting shirts. You are not helping!

  5. I mad baby quilts for my two new grandsons out of shirts from my son, husband, and dad. I want each of my four kids to have one for their kids. Two down and two to go! Love they way they look!

  6. Okay this is crazy, I have hundreds of yards of fabric in my stash by why oh why is cutting up shirts and making a quilt out of them so fun? I love doing it too or just adding some blocks from shirts to a quilt.

    Happy Sewing this look fun

  7. Have fun, don't give up on your idea....I lot of my grandma's quilts had our clothes in them and they are still around! Have a fun day!

  8. Are these your Dad's shirts?
    That looks like a tricky pattern to put together. But I love the button left on!

  9. I love using old clothes, gives the quilt a time worn look.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Working with different fibers can be a challenge, I'm sure your finish will be worth the time and effort.

  12. You, my friend, are a whirlwind of wonderful ideas. You're an inspiration. I love the blocks. Anne

  13. Pienso en las camisas de tu padre.
    Seguro que sera un gran trabajo y muy amoroso
    el botón genial

  14. OH, you know I love those shirts!! Very pretty blocks too!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This looks so fun and different! You could simplify the block as a Nine Patch with border strips...or sew the 4 corner L's and then the central spacer as a long strip and 2 shorter ones. It d go together easier that way , maybe.

    What inspired you to chose *this* block design?


    [ps sorry for previous removed version, blogger was being weird,lol]

  17. This looks challenging and fun. Love the idea of using recycled shirts for a quilt although I've only ever used bits and pieces in amongst my newer fabrics.:)

  18. I also like makeing items out of my loved one's clothing after have passed. I am making stiched and painted ornaments from a waitress uniform my mother used to wear...I even have a picture of her wearing it. L

  19. Considering the quilt is going to be a labor of love, must be a quilt made from your Dad's shirts, love the design the patchwork blocks are making. n

  20. That block looks a bit tricky. I love the shirts, I don't ever find any good ones. I am sure you will sort it all out and make wonderful blocks.

  21. I love plaid quilts, although I have yet to finish one LOL. When I use old shirts, I starch them before cutting them up. It's easier that way. You got me very curious with this block. It is very interesting. Happy sewing.

  22. That's is a great block for your special project! I haven't made a quilt from shirts, yet, but I have a growing stack of them that will hopefully eventually become a quilt!

  23. Check out Bonnie Hunter's blog. She has lots of inspiration for using shifts in quilts! Hang in there!

  24. I shall follow this project with great interest. 2 Years ago my friends and I went to a quilt show (we don't get many in England) and our favourite quilt of the whole show was an old courthouse steps quilt, a bit worn and faded, made from old shirts. We still talk about it now and I have gathered quite a stash of old shirts. Maybe your project will inspire me to get going :-D

  25. are these your dads shirts? I made several quilts years ago out of shirts and its a challenge. Did you starch? I'd recommend heavy spray starch.
    it will be a cozy quilt!

  26. That is a wonderful idea! I love that pattern you have started. Keep us posted.
    Enjoy the process. It can be comforting.
    Hugs marg

  27. I love shirt quilts and plaids. They make such a pretty, cozy & snuggly looking quilt. I have some shirts that I'm saving and when I have enough will make a shirt quilt. It's going to be a wonderful quilt!

  28. Two of those shirts look exactly like two I bought at a thrift store last year. LOL! The block design you are using is a good use for the shirt pieces. I only ever used one piece of a shirt in a quilt. I just couldn't get them to work with other fabrics to my satisfaction. I think your blocks would be a good solution.

  29. I have almost finished making this exact quilt and it was easier than I thought it would be. I only have the last outside border to go and then it goes to the quilter. I am hooked and have started making the next shirt quilt. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  30. I love plaid quilts! It's interesting to me how simple blocks can look complex. I sometimes have to study a quilt for a while to figure out how it's made. It would have been that way with this quilt block -- except you showed us how you made it. Thank you.


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