
Monday, March 24, 2014

Doll Quilt Swap

If you signed up to be in the swap you should have gotten your information and know who you are sending to.  Check your spam folder before contacting me.

I've had a few questions. Is Jo Morton Civil War era, yes, generally, but I wouldn't say the batik lines she is creating are. It is so hard to generalize.  When I say reproductions we don't want the cute 1930's fabric.  I'm sure if you are reading my blog you are familiar with Civil War repro's. If you need to get re-acquainted HERE. Margo at Reproduction Fabrics has a wonderful assortment of fabric which is accurate and you can see online.

Now, let's have fun and get sewing!


  1. Fun to revisit some of your little creations. How many participants signed up? From the comments I couldn't tell if some of them were just saying it was a fun idea, or if they were joining up.

  2. Those doll quilts with repro fabrics are so cute! It's true that you cannot mix civil war repro fabrics with repro circa 1930 or even worse : batik fabrics... by Jo Morton or not! Thanks for the link with such beautiful fabrics!

  3. What great repro doll quilts! That first one is such a charmer :0)

  4. i love civil war era fabrics and i love your sweet little quilts too!! i can't wait to get started on my swap quilt :)) cheers... Marian

  5. Cutting, cutting, cutting! We're on a retreat this weekend and I hope to get most of the doll quilt done. If I get the cutting done before I leave, it will go that much better.

    Lori, do you want a picture of ours before we mail it out?

  6. I just have to say that I find your blog so informative - I am off to read up about the fabrics now following your link in this post. I am really interested in all this - so thanks. xCathy

  7. darn I missed this sign up for the doll quilt!! I hope we see the list of persons that are swapping so that we can see their little quilts!

  8. So fun getting to see all your little doll quilts! Will you be posting pictures of the swap quilts too??

  9. This is dumb question time, but it is only a quilt top, isn't it? Not a finished quilt. I am sorting through my scraps and orphan blocks to see what I can come up with. Wendy

  10. Dang, sorry I missed this opportunity! I would have loved to participate. Incommunicado for 10 days.


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