
Friday, April 18, 2014

Doll Quilt Finale-2 days

I hope your little doll quilt is in the mail to your recipient. If you are like me, I'm trying to be patient. I have seen several lovely dolly quilts from the swap and am thrilled with them.
I did not make any one of these little quilts in my post. Aren't they cute?
If you have received a quilt from the swap, please be courteous and send them a thank you. If you do not have their email address please contact me and I will give it to you.
If you receive a quilt that you are not happy with because of poor workmanship, (I cut points off all the time, but I do put time and effort into the quilting and binding) please send me photos so I can see for myself. I do think it is only fair to put effort into a quilt and receive a little quilt that you think had effort put into it. I really want to know.

If you are going to be late sending your quilt, please let the recipient know and when she can expect its arrival. If you have forgotten who you are sending to, please ask me.

Feel free to show your exchange quilt or the quilt you made on your blog. We will be linking these up,  I suppose about the beginning of May.

Am I forgetting anything else?

Happy weekend and happy Easter!


  1. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter to YOU!!

  2. We'll now, at 63 these are making me want to get my old dolls out of the attic. This is a great idea!

    1. You are never too old to enjoy and play with little doll quilts! I'd love to see them.

  3. Now I regret I didn't get on that swap :( They are all so lovely. Great job everyone! thanks for sharing Lori.

  4. Also waiting patiently!! Love the little quilts!!

  5. So much to consider when sponsoring a swap. Good of you to do it, Lori. I've seen some very sweet quilts on blogs. I hope everyone is happy with what they receive and you don't have any headaches over this! : )

  6. Those are lovely little quilts! Happy Easter to you!

  7. They are all such nice quilts, nicely done Lori! Have a blessed Easter!
    We will be up at the grasslands for our field trial if you get the urge to ride a brace give me jingle!

  8. I sent my quilt to my partner and shes received it. I also received a gorgeous quilt as happy! Thanks for a fun swap!

  9. I received a wonderful quilt and will be posting it on my blog later today (hope to leave work early!!). Mine is going in the mail today...finally.

  10. Love that clamshell stitching on the little quilt in the middle! Great idea. Sounds like your Doll Quilt Swap has been a big hit so far.:)

  11. Wonderful little quilts! I look forward to see more photos when you do the link up. Happy Easter!

  12. Thanks again for the lovely swap! I have posted the quilt I sent as well as the one I received. This has been so much fun...THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  13. I'll be stitching up to the deadline but it will be mailed on Saturday! Love this swap and looking forward to seeing what my swap partner comes up with :)

  14. Thank you Lori for organizing this wonderful exchange. This was my first participation in a swap and it was fun mailing out my quilt to the recipient last week and receiving my quilt just a few days later.

  15. such cute little quilts.
    Happy Easter

  16. Hi Lori! I sent out my quilt yesterday!
    Thanks for organizing the swap!
    Happy Easter weekend, take care, Leslie

    1. OOPS, Leslie Legros, Kenora, Ontario, Canada

  17. cute doll quilts! I haven't gotten mine yet, but I'm sure it will be on its way - Can't wait for the linky party!

  18. I posted mine on Tuesday of this week. It has a long way to go, so lets hope it is there in a week or so. Wendy (in South Australia)

  19. I spy my little quilt that I got up there. It is so beautiful and I will be bragging, oops I mean blogging about it next week. Now I am going to have to rely on my quilt recipient to take pics of hers (cause I forgot) and I need them to put in my journal. The quilt I made is by far not perfect but hopefully she will share what special little thing I did to explain the imperfections Mysterious right?

  20. More darling little doll quilts! So darn cute!

  21. Thanks for organizing the swap. I sent mine out and also received mine this week. You couldn't have made a better match for me. The doll quilt I received fits my personality to a "T". I absolutely LOVE it!!!

  22. Hope the swap goes well. I think one of the little ones in your post is one of my AAQI quilts?

  23. What lovely little quilts! Sounds like a great swap. Love small quilts.

  24. My quilt arrived today and it is lovely! I posted a photo on my blog

  25. My swap partner in Washington received her quilt from me last week. I got my little swap quilt in today's mail from Maryland.

  26. Thanks for the swap Lori, it's been a lot of fun. I received a beautiful quilt from Annie. Thanks for the perfect partner.


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