
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Life Interupted

Hubby and I were on track to go hiking Saturday. He had the rare day off, lunch packed and everything prepped and ready to go.
We knew we would have to cross mill Creek several times. This was the first crossing.

Another crossing.
I can't help but admire the old ponderosa pines- such stately trees!

All was well, until the 4th or 5th river crossing. Hubby jumped off a big log and twisted his ankle. He was able to hobble 2 miles back to the car. His foot was still very swollen and getting more and more black and blue and he finally let me drive him to urgent care last night.  He will get xrays today but the Dr is positive he has fractured his ankle. Because we own a business I made him sit on the stool as much as possible and was covering for him and when he is home I make him prop it up, so I've easily forgotten how much he does around here!  Sewing has taken a back seat to life so far this week.

On another note, I've seen so many wonderful quitls from the exchange! I couldn't be more thrilled!!

Happy Tuesday!!


  1. I hope he heals quickly. Life does take precedent over quilting.

  2. Oh noooo!! That is awful!! Hope he is up and about in no time....and you are back to the sewing room!!

  3. I hope he heals quickly. Kind of a nice change of gears to step in and cover for him, nice you can do it. Looks like a lovely place to hike.

  4. I'm so sorry about the accident. I broke my own ankle while hiking several years ago. (It was my right ankle, and I quickly figured how to run my sewing machine pedal with my left foot.) I'll be praying for a speedy recovery.

  5. What a shame -- such a beautiful day and gorgeous photos. Hope he feels better soon.

  6. Looks like it was a lovely outing before the accident!
    My husband broke his ankle several years ago and has had no problem with it since. Wishing your husband a similar rosy scenario after some recuperation!

  7. So sorry to hear of the misfortune. I pray he will heal quickly. D.G. L

  8. Not the kind of outing you had planned, for sure. You never know what is around the bend in life, do you? Here's hoping it will be a break that can mend without surgery!!
    Lovely little quilts around blog land, Lori. I have been inspired. : )

  9. Holy Cow! So sorry to hear about your hubby's ankle!! Wishing him a speedy recovery!

  10. Oh Lori, sorry to hear about your husbands ankle. What a drag! I hope a speedy recovery for him and a lighter work load for you. take care, CW

  11. oh drats! one of the Fabric Stalkers fell in Hawaii and did the same thing. She was has been a walking boot for weeks. Life sometimes is a stinker! Take care!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear your DH ankle, hope it isn't too bad and he heals quickly. Take care of him and yourself! I am loving all the little quilts I have seen on blogs and can't wait for the link up to see even more. Thank you for organizing the swap, it has been so much fun!

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's ankle! It looked like a beautiful area to hike in. I certainly hope he heals up quickly. I have been seeing some lovely doll quilts from the quilt exchange.

  14. Sorry for your husband, wishing him a quick recovery! Best regards.

  15. That is always my worst fear when hiking, I usually take ace bandages with me, just in case. I hope it is just sprained, breaking a foot in the nice weather is not fun. I see we dress alike, I love the roll up pants so I can have them any length to fit the weather.


  16. Oh, no! :-( I'm glad you two own your business and can make that part of it work.

  17. Oh no! Hoping he has a speedy recovery. It's already been a difficult month for you and your family.

  18. Oh, dear :( I can empathize with you and him. My DH (73) fell from a 10' ladder in 2012 and shattered his left ankle. It wasn't was shattered. He had 4 surgeries within 10 weeks and developed a terrible infection that almost took his life. It's taken almost 2 years for him to (almost) recover. He has to wear a specially made brace because there are no bones left in that ankle. Be thankful your husband didn't do more damage. Here's hoping he has a non-eventful healing.

  19. Healing hugs and prayers being sent your way.

  20. I am really sorry for your dear one's ankle...boy, he is a tough guy, walking two miles on a broken leg!! Hug him and tell him we are all sending healing prayers!

  21. Lori, So sorry to learn of your Honey's fall. Prayers for healing. Continue to take good care of him...he's a "keeper". : )

  22. What a bummer, so sorry to hear, but thank goodness he was able to get back to your car. Take care of him....and don't forget about you, too!

  23. Oh no! That poor man! And to walk 2 miles back ... excruciating 2 miles! Sending positive energy and prayers your way so that he will heal real quick. Take care.

  24. Sorry about the ankle. Nice you know the business enough to help out there too. The stitching always waits for us

  25. Bueno con lo que duele!!!!!
    espero que pronto se pueda mover y hacer su vida normal
    con tus cuidados y ayuda sera pronto

  26. So sorry about DH's ankle. I had hoped that it wasn't broken. Once I got my foot in the 'boot' it felt so much better. I hope if he did fracture it that the cast or boot will bring him lots of pain relief fast.

  27. Wish we lived closer, we could come and help! Hope it is better news than what you first heard...

  28. Looks like a wonderful healthy hike - so unfair to end like that! Do hope he is fit again soon. Looking forward to seeing all the little quilts - there have been some beauties on the blogs I follow :)

  29. Hope hubby is on the mend - they (who is "they" anyway??) say that a break is generally better than tearing ligaments, etc. Maybe he just needed some TLC!

  30. Sending healing energy in your direction... Karen

  31. Hope your DH's ankle heals quickly!

    Looking forward to seeing all the little quilts too. :)

  32. Sorry about your husband's ankle. Life sure has a way of diverging off the path. Your doll swap appears to have been a great success.

  33. Hope your DH is on the fast tracked mend, sewing is an essential part of life, ahem! Seriously, ankles are notoriously tricky so I do hope he makes a quick and full recovery. Please don't bother with replies you sound busy enough!

  34. Oh no, so sorry your nice outing had a bad ending, I do hope you find a good ortho man
    to fix him right up. Meanwhile give him plenty of TLC

    Thanks again for doing the swap, I had a lot of fun making my little quilt.

    Happy Sewing

  35. Oh no! I do hope it's not as bad as feared. Either way, best wishes for a speedy recovery. I've seen some of the quilts - they are gorgeous!

  36. oh no, hope he is doing better - I'm always afraid this will happen to me when I'm with coco. some help she'd be!

  37. Gorgeous scenery!!! Too bad about the ankle. That is rough, and it puts a crimp in the plans, but he should be fine in the end. My oldest son just got a bad sprained ankle playing racket ball and is not having fun either.

  38. Lori, so sorry to hear about your husband. Hope he has an easy recovery. I wanted to let you know that I posted pics of both quilts (sent & received) from the doll quilt swap on my blog -

  39. Oh... No!!! I hope it heals fast. Broken bone is better than torn tissues.. If there is any bright side to this. Your picture by the tree is beautiful!

  40. My husband broke his ankle in two places about 3 years ago. He was carrying one of the dogs down the stairs when he slipped on something. He tried to catch himself so that he wouldn't fall down the stairs - and landed funny on that ankle. The dog fell all the way down the stairs. (but Archer was okay thankfully) My husband required two surgeries ... one to insert a metal rod, and a couple months later a second surgery to remove some of the pins. He was off work for about 3 months. When he finally went back to work the company took him off their insurance - so we had to cover the physical therapy on our own. One of our other dogs was recovering from back surgery at the time ... so she was on a strict routine of medications. It was a hectic, hectic, hectic time. (oh -- and I quit smoking during that time too -- which added to the fun!)

  41. Sending speedy recovery wishes to your hubby! I do hope he heals quickly and is not uncomfortable. Thanks again for hosting the doll quilt swap, it has been super fun!

  42. having broken an ankle myself, I wish him all the best. The key my OT said was to keep off it as much as possible during the initial healing. My MIL took care of my 3 kids for three weeks so I wouldn't even put my foot on the floor, a heroic act of kindness I still am grateful for 20 years later.

  43. So sorry to hear about his ankle. Sounds like you are taking good care of him. Hugs

  44. Darn!! I'm glad he was able to hobble back to the car - can't have been too fun! Ouch! Hope his ankle heals up quickly!

  45. Sound like he is a pretty tough guy hobbling back to the car like that! Hope he feels much better soon.

  46. What a shame! Here's to a speedy recovery. Real life gets in the way sometimes; darn.


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