
Monday, April 7, 2014

Doll Swap minus 14 days...

 My quilt is done.......... We spent 9 hours on Saturday in the truck traveling  to and from my dad's memorial and I was able to get it all quilted.
 I'm calling it "Off the Beaten Path" to commemorate all the backroads and hikes we used to take with my dad while growing up.  My label is a bit messy, but the info is what is important not my handwriting.
 I washed and dried it. I am having issues with it though. I worked on this little quilt while at my dad's bedside and it made 3 trips with me to Moses Lake. I thought I could part with it, but as I prepared it for shipping, I decided I couldn't part with it. I know I have 2 weeks to make another one but I can't find it in me to make another one quickly. I hope my swap partner will understand.
I even found the inspiration for my doll quilt on a trip to my dads! 

So, I will send my version of the quiltalong "Faithful" to my partner and I hope she will understand and accept the "already made" quilt and love it just as much as my newer creation.

Some housekeeping issues:

  • Hand or machine quilting is fine. Quilted with a few ties is fine. Ties only is not.
  • Please attach a label and add a note so the recipient knows who to thank.
  • Thank the person who sent you a quilt.
  • If the workmanship is very poor and it looks like it was done very unthoughtfully I want to know and I'd like to see photos. 
  • We will have a linky party so we will be able to see all the little quilts!
That's all I can think of. Anything else?


  1. I can understand why you would not want to part with the little quilt. I have been looking forward to seeing what your swap participants have created. You chose well with yours...both of them.

  2. I totally understand your unwillingness to part with the quilt you made. I'm sure that your swap-partner will understand as well.

  3. As I began reading your post, I became quite alarmed, how could you part with such a meaningful little quilt? I am sure your swap partner will understand and love the other little quilt (I would!) but "Off the Beaten Path" surely belongs with you.

  4. I believe "Off the Beaten Path" is meant to stay with you. I also believe that your swap-partner will love your version of "Faithful". Thanks for hosting this swap. I am working on finishing my quilt this week.

  5. These are great quilts, they brought back memories of when I first started quilting, how I love those great old patterns and fun cotton fabrics. The new quilts are beautiful but I love love the old simple patterns and scrappy look! If I were your partner I would treasure your quilt.....

  6. We can all understand why you need to keep this quilt. It is beautiful. Who wouldn't like to get your "Faithful" quilt. This has been a fun swap. I'm finishing up mine now and should have it in the mail next week. Hugs

  7. Oh, Lori! Such a sweet remembrance that little quilt will be. Your work on your quiltalong quilt was meaningful too! Mine is basted and ready for quilting. I'm going to combine some machine quilting with big stitch.

  8. I am sure your swap partner will understand!

  9. You're doing great. Don't worry about it; people who have lost someone, do understand. Consider yourself hugged.

  10. What swap partner wouldn't be thrilled to have your original of "Faithful"? "Off the Beaten Path" belongs with you! It is a great little quilt and it is attached to your memories of your Dad's memorial and time spent with him.
    Hope your Dad's memorial was a fitting tribute and that it helped bring closure for you.

  11. All of your quilts are beautiful. I couldn't imagine giving "Off the Beaten Path" away either. Mine has been mailed to its recipient. This was such fun! Thank you for organizing the swap.

  12. Of course you must keep that quilt. It could never mean as much to anyone else but you. It's lovely and precious, then again, all the quilts you make are very special. Hugs to you, sorry about the loss of your dad.

  13. Off the Beaten Path is such a sweet quilt and it belongs with you. I hope I'm your partner, I would love to receive Faithful. I will be mailing my partners quilt out on Wednesday. Hope she like's it.

  14. I agree with everyone above. Your little "off the beaten path" embodies too much meaning and emotion for you to part with. Your recipient can always make her own from your picture, which would also have meaning. I love ALL your doll quilts, so if it were me I'd be elated with any of them.

    Mine is finished, and will get it in the mail this week.I almost had myself talked into keeping it, as it turned out really cute (imo) but I decided I can always make myself another one. Is it OK to post a picture beforehand? Must be, as you just did. The mystery still is, who will receive it.

  15. Off the Beaten Path is a beautiful remembrance of time spent with your father and definitely belongs with you. I'm sure your swap partner will understand. I'm sending mine off today and hope the recipient likes it.

  16. That little quilt belongs with you, we all understand. What great memories you've stitched into it.
    Take care!

  17. When the memories and personal associations are so strongly attached to our quilts, they're not meant to leave us. This is definitely one of those situations. Your swap partner will definitely understand.
    I hope that all goes well with this swap so that you might consider hosting another one in the future. Then I'll pay more attention to deadlines and sign up in time.
    Happy stitching, Lori.

  18. That little quilt was meant to stay with you....what memories it holds. This has been so much fun...I sent my quilt out today and can't wait to get mine!! With everything you have going on Lori, thanks so much for organizing this swap.

  19. I completely understand, I had a deep attachment to certain pieces that I"ve made. One that I was hand quilting at my mothers bedside in her last days. One that I was hand quilting while dad recovered from surgery and we waited for cancer results. We stitch our lives into some of our pieces. Big hugs to you.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Your Off the Beaton Path quilt is wonderful, and you are right to keep it -- it's a mourning quilt. Of course your partner will understand, and she's going to love your doll version of Faithful.

    So glad you're going to do a linky party so we can see all the quilts -- I just finished mine.

  22. I understand perfectly why you wouldn't want to part with Off The Beaten Path. You have mixed emotions stitched into it.
    I'm sure your partner will love whatever she receives from you.

  23. i was holding my breath thinking that you should NOT give this little quilt away . . . so relieved that you realized it and i'm betting that your partner will be too.

    i'm looking forward to watching the doll quilt swap happen and following the links. i hope that you do it again and that i'll be able to participate at that time.

    take good care.


  24. Off the Beaten Path is an adorable little quilt with so much emotion stitched into it, it belongs with you. Your little Faithful quilt is darling, too, and anyone would be happy to have it. I just have to get the binding and label on my quilt and it will be in the mail soon. Lori, thank you for hosting this swap, it has been fun!

  25. I am happy that you will keep this one.

  26. As I read why you named it "0ff the Beaten Path" I felt a twinge in my hear,t until I read that you decided to keep it. That was the best holds so many precious memories. I'm sure your swap partner will love what you send!

  27. What a special littel quilt that has traveled with you for some bittersweet visits. I am sure that your swap partner will love the mini you are sending.
    My thought are with you.

  28. ese edredón, lleno de recuerdos tiene que estar siempre contigo !!!
    los dos que trabajaste son preciosos
    tu compañera de intercambio estar de acuerdo y se alegrara de tu decision
    un fuerte abrazo

  29. deseo ver las fotos de todos los intercambios
    gracias por
    en otra ocasión tengo que intentar participar

  30. I echo the sentiments of every comment left before mine... Your swap partner will understand. After all, receiving ANY one of your mini's would be a dream!

  31. Wonderful sentiments here for you, I am sure your partner will love her special quilt! You were on my mind this weekend, thought you would be having your fathers memorial, this what makes quilting so special, its all the memories wrapped up in your hand work. I love the name of your quilt as well as the label! Hugs, Carrie

  32. I'm sure your doll quilt swap partner will understand. It's so nice that you have this little quilt for a memento of this time.

  33. I can believe it would be hard to part with it. So many memories stitched into that one. It is really wonderful with the cheddar sashing! I really like the inspiration quilt too. Good decision - I'm sure your swap partner will understand and enjoy your "Faithful" quilt. I need to get busy and finish mine up!!

  34. No way can you part with the memories that belong to that little quilt AND you... belong together!!! Meant to be!

  35. Off the Beaten Track is beautiful, wonderful colors. It belongs with you as you have put love and memories into every stitch.

    I have made three doll quilts for the swap so far. It is hard to give them away, isn't it. Tiny treasures.


  36. Lori, what a darling little quilt and full of memories too, i can understand not being able to part with it. I'm sure your swap partner will love whatever you send her, i know i would!!
    I have finished my little swap quilt and it's ready to be sent, i've emailed Laurie to confirm her address, i would hate for it to get lost in transit from Aust to the States.
    This has been a fun swap, i can't wait to get my little quilt in the mail :)) cheers, Marian

  37. No wonder you can't part with your little quilt--too many memories. What a sweet, lovely quilt.:)

  38. I'm very glad to hear you are keeping this little quilt for yourself. It hold memories, if sad ones of your dad. Your swap partner will definitely understand they are going to receive a wonderful quilt!
    I hope to finish mine today!

  39. Good decision! Hang it and love it. If I end up with your substitute, I will LOVE it forever!

  40. Of course I'll understand if I'm lucky enough to be your partner in the swap. Keep "Off the Beaten Path" and treasure it for all the memories it represents. The "substitute" quilt is just as lovely and will be treasured by the lucky recipient too! I'm finishing the quilting on mine and will ship by week's end. This has been FUN!

  41. That precious little quilt needs to be with you. That's one of the great things about quilting is how our lives are captured within the threads of whatever we're working on. Love the inspiration piece with those cute baskets!! Your partner will be receiving a wonderful treasure too!

  42. Oh my gosh I was afraid you were really going to send that little quilt! You must keep it, it is now part of your history filled with very important memories....please tell one of your children the story of that little quilt so they know it too.

    Love you idea of sending one of your very sweet HST blocks and that little basket quilt is just adorable.....I'd like to make one of those myself :0)

    Happy Sewing and thanks again for doing the swap

  43. Dear Lori, If you'd have sent me the one you worked on while you were with your dad...please believe me when I say I'd have sent it back to you straight away! It's beautiful...but it wasn't meant to be mine. That quilt was meant to be a comfort to you now as it was then. I absolutely adore the one you sent in it's stead. Thank you! Hugs, Christine

  44. I would not be able to part with that one either, Lori. Mine is all ready to post, just hanging in a day or two longer

  45. Lori, I'm curious about the doll quilt you found on your trip to your dad's. I own that quilt -- identical in every piece and partial piece. It was purchased at an antique mall in North Platte, Nebraska. Is yours one that you saw, or do you have one just like mine?

    1. Hi Donna, You are no-reply so I do not have a way of contacting you.
      I wasn't very clear when I said that...I think I "found" it (just a photo of it) online either on pinterest or another website. Looks like it was cut down from a larger quilt. It is adorable and you are lucky to be the owner!


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