
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quiltworks First Friday

Friday I was able to get away with my girlfriend for the First Friday event at Quiltworks. The exhibit was quilts based on The Dog Stars, which I have not read, but after seeing the quilts I am intrigued.
What I really loved about this month's exhibit was the variety of techniques used. Most are what I would consider art quilts or pictorial quilts, but each has utilized a wonderful technique that makes their quilt very unique!
Take you time  looking at them and tell me if there is something that really pops out to you or inspires you in some way.

I adore this!

The quilting really creates movement in this one.
Classic, sweet, traditional.

I love the silhouettes of these two. I really like  the spotted bird.

Another one that I love for the quilting.

I hope you enjoyed the quilts!
Have a fantastic day!


  1. I always love it when someone shares a quilt show. Love all the quilts. Hugs

  2. Great quilt show! Thanks for sharing! I particularly loved the half-circle quilt towards the beginning.

  3. I enlarged each photo for a closer look. I am intrigued by the different ways in which the FMQ is incorporated as part of the art. But the thing that had me the most fascinated was the arc of stars along the top of the third piece. How did they accomplish that? : )

  4. Oh WOW! I love the two people sitting in the chair looking out the window with the dog at their feet!! I think it would be so great to take a class to learn how to make something like this - I mean where would you even begin? These quilts are just so different from appliqué or patchwork. Wonderful!!!!

  5. One of these days I will attempt something along these lines... on my bucket list of quilt projects.

  6. I like how graphic that first quilt is. The colors - so bold like that draw me in. Thanks for sharing your pictures :0)

  7. What wonderful quilts and love the art pieces too, so fun.


  8. I think the first quilt is my favorite--love the machine quilting in it.:)

  9. I want to put my feet up and look out the beautiful window while I hand stitch. Love it. So many beautiful quilts and so different. I do love the very first one maybe the simpicilty? Thanks for sharing.

  10. I'm not much of an artistic quilter, nor can I create pictures like these. But I really admire and enjoy looking at these. There's a lot of talent in their quilts and wallhangings. I especially like the ones with a sense of humor-- red flying underwear and a lamb in a plane aren't particularly common in quilts. (I wonder what the story is there). Thanks for sharing them all.

  11. Oh Lori, they are ALL so beautiful. The very first picture is so inspiring, quilting wise. Love it. I showed on my blog the quilt I did for my DS#1, with very different quilting patterns for each block. It is a flannel quilt so the quilting doesn't show very well, and it was nothing like this quilt in the first picture. No, no. but it was a lot of fun to do. So why I haven't done it again, I do not know. I start with a pattern and stick with it till the end. But, I have decided I will do a different quilting pattern for each block on a quilt ... for the second time! I am so grateful you shared all these. Thank you :^)

  12. I really like all the quilts.Such ingenious creations! There are so many talented quilters out there. I did Google "The Dog Stars", and after reading about the book, I saw the connection with the quilts. I hope the ending of the book, was like the quilt with the couple looking out the window. Thank you for sharing them.

  13. I think I read a bit about "The Dog Stars" book previously but don't remember what it was. I like the window view quilt with the people witting on the chairs. The sheep in the funny! I also like the quilt with the oranges and rusts with the birds on a line.

  14. I love the perspective in "Look to the Skies". But they are unique and each is wonderful in its own way!

  15. Thanks Lori, for the show and share! Loved seeing them all. but traditional is where my heart lies. My favorite contemporary one is Look to the Skies. Probably because of your touring me to the Head of the Metolius... made me think of those crazy stalking chipmunks! LOL Great times :) Miss you, friend!

  16. lots of great work and only the one traditional . . . i like it the best i think.
    i also like the one that was mostly, if not all, batiks. very clever use of fabric in that one i think.

    thanks for sharing.


  17. great mix of quilts - thanks for sharing again

  18. Hard to pick a favorite here...they are all wonderful! I really like that moon & stars one early on in the post..

  19. Lori, thanks for your good post on not being a no reply blogger. I think I've got it now, at least I'm hoping! Roxanne in Virginia


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