
Friday, April 25, 2014

Shirt Blocks

I managed to finally complete the shirt blocks! I figured out the math last night and looked at what fabric I have from my stash. My plan is to set them on point with a navy blue print. I am hoping to get that done this weekend.
Thank you for the kind words about my husbands ankle. It has been confirmed through xrays it is broke, but the tendons are intact and we think that is a good thing. I have no doubt he will be making a full recovery and we will be out hiking again soon.

Have a lovely weekend.

PS, I received my little quilt but want to wait to show it. Be ready for a Linky party next Friday!


  1. The shirt blocks are wonderful!

  2. Yea! Great blocks, the shoo fly set on point will look great with blue.
    A speedy recovery for DH and that you two will be out hiking together soon!

  3. I'm glad you were able to get your shirt blocks made. They will look great set on point! I can't wait to see the little quilt you received! I hope your DH's recovery goes well.

  4. Those blocks are wonderful and it will be a beautiful quilt when it is all put together.


  5. Love the shirt blocks, nicely done, your color placement really makes them sparkle.
    Oh good news about your DH, hope they can set it without surgery and he has a speedy
    recovery. Any idea why it broke, did he land weird or have a calcium deficiency?
    Ask his Dr. about taking some supplements to increase healing time.

    Happy Sewing, my bigtop is coming together :0)...thanks again for that sew along!

  6. They look great, Lori! they came out wonderful!! Good job sticking with it!!

  7. I agree! Look wonderful and you pushed onward! One of the best things for a supplement for a broken bone is called (no kidding) Bone works really well. Health Food Store item usually.

  8. I love your shirt blocks, they came out great! This is going to be another wonderful quilt. I know the lady you are doing this quilt for will really appreciate it, and your thoughtfulness and kindness in making for her!

  9. Really beautiful, I love the shirting quilts, look like antique.

  10. Lovin' the shirt block quilt... makes me want to visit the local Goodwill and Salvation Army!
    I'm so looking forward to your linky party with the doll quilts... from what I've seen in blogland so far, it's going to be a great show!!!

  11. Your blocks have a very liberated feeling. Love what your creating!

  12. Oh this is promising to be such a beautiful quilt. Can't wait to see it. .. And the linky party! YEAH! I have seen a few so far and they are all so lovely that I want to see them all. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I really like these blocks. It will be fun to see it all come together. I still have lots of plaid shirts of my dad's so I always enjoy the inspiration. Glad to hear your hubby is on the mend.

  14. Your shirt blocks look great. I can hardly wait to see the top done. You really are sewing fast.

  15. Lori, your shirt blocks really pop, i love plaid too..they'll look great set on point.
    So sorry to hear about your hubby's broken ankle, hope he's taking it easy.
    I'm still waiting for my swap quilt to arrive, fingers crossed it'll be here by next Friday :)) cheers... Marian

  16. OMG...these blocks are gorgeous!! Makes me want to rip the shirt off my hubby's back!! haha these blocks!

  17. Great mix of plaids, blues and browns, and block patterns! What's not to love? It will be a cozy and comforting quilt. So good of you to do it.
    Hope your DH heals quickly. So tough for active people to be restricted. : )

  18. great job with the shirt blocks. as are one talented lady

  19. Love the shirt blocks--especially the colors! I need to get out garage sale hopping and start collecting shirts!

  20. The blocks look wonderful! The blue and browns are so pretty together. Can't wait to see all the doll quilts in the linky party!!

  21. Love your plaids blocks!!! I am so sorry I could not do your small quilt exchange...I felt I had too much in the fire right now, but I look forward to a next time! Hope dear hubby's ankle is healing...

  22. I like the two middle blocks in the top row because of the variation of where you put the lights and darks. Looks like antique quilt blocks.

    I am back working on "Tiptoe Through the Tulips".

  23. I think it's a great idea to put these blocks on point! Looking forward to seeing the results.:)

  24. the shirt blocks have been a bit of a trial for you but these blocks look great and i'm looking forward to seeing your top all sewn into it's setting.

    also looking forward to seeing the doll quilt exchange link ups . . . i'm sure that they are all going to be wonderful~!

    glad to read that your husband's been diagnosed and is on to mending the break. i hope that you are well.


  25. Those shirt blocks are great. good to see you found your sewing mood back. Sorry to hear about your DH, hope he recovers soon and good luck with taking care of him!

  26. los bloque se ven genial !!!
    y pronto de excursión
    deseo impaciente ver tu colcha

  27. Loving your shirt project! So much fun! Also, glad to hear your husband is healing and that no tendons were involved.

  28. I am loving your blog, such neat pictures and quilts. I saw one up above of a little girl and a dog and it made me smile. :) It wouldn't let me leave a comment, but I could love that quilt a lot. These shirt blocks are amazing, like you sweet friend. :)


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