
Friday, April 11, 2014

Signs of Spring

 There are signs of spring inside and outside of my house! Woo-Hoo! It sure took it's time arriving.
 Here's a fun wool and cotton applique quilt from Sue Spargo that I completed a few years ago. It's the first thing you see upon entering my house.
And here is a fun vintage project I completed in 2010. You can read about it HERE on this post.
I didn't like the first shirt blocks I was making, so I am changing it up. The purpose of the first blocks was a secondary pattern within the sashing and I was not feeling the love! I will add them to this quilt but plan on making more of these and setting them on point. I've had a difficult time getting my groove back and haven't stepped into my sewing room this week. I'm hoping this weekend to at least get the blocks cut out.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Sometimes a break is needed and then you will be raring to go! I love your entry way quilt - it's adorable! My irises are starting to bud.

  2. What a fun eye-catcher when first entering your home.
    So the Star quilt is how big? In my mind I thought it was large, but when I read the history I could see I was wrong. I still don't have a sense of the true size. I think both layouts you made look good.
    This shirt block is great--one of my favorite patterns. : )

  3. Your entryway quilt shouts Spring! It is wonderful. Enjoy the nice weather.

  4. What a wonderful Sue Spargo quilt to hang in your house! and the string quilt just makes me smile.:) No matter the circumstances, it's tough to 'just bounce back' from something so heartfelt. There are no rules, just take care of yourself.

  5. Love your Sue Spargo quilt. She actually came to our little town in Alaska. She gave a trunk show at our library. I really like your 'Bakers Star' too, I think you did a great job using those quilt blocks. No signs of spring here yet, at least another month.

  6. Nice to see Sue Spargo projects combining wool and cotton!! Yours is awesome!

  7. Wonderful pieces for spring, I still need to finish mine, hard to sit and sew for long with a baby in the house.


  8. I love your Sue Spargo quilt! It really says SPRING.

  9. What a beautiful greeting for your visitors. Spring has come her too. Hugs

  10. A wonderful quilt to hang in an entrance because it sure knows how to greet someone. So much to look at on this quilt. I love the block with the flowers at the bottom. It seems to me that some flowers are fully open and others aren't. Very interesting and you did a great job.
    Don't rush yourself to "get back" in life. Sometimes, it is ok to just sit at the edge of the world and watch it go by for a little while. Give yourself a chance to heal.
    Hugs and prayers are been sent your way.

  11. que gran recibimiento a tus visitas,
    ese edredón es precioso
    buen fin de semana

  12. Sue Spargo has some fun designs, and this one is perfect for Spring! The first look at the star quilt and thought it was an authentic antique! You really knocked that one out of the park! :-)

  13. I love the Sue Spargo quilt in your entry. Love the vintage star. Your stitching mojo will return. Then you will be off and sewing. :)

  14. Dear Lori,
    wonderful work, lovely wool and cotton applique quilt and vintage project. I bet it is welcoming to enter the house and see a beautiful quilt.
    Greetings, Sylvia

  15. My, how the weather changes? I love your Sue Spargo quilt and the vintage star is gorgeous.

  16. Always fun to revisit projects of the past, and see the beginnings of new ones. Sometimes it just takes the right fabric or project to get back in the sewing room. It will happen!

  17. I just love your wool/cotton applique quilt...beautiful colour composition. It gave me such a feeling of home...

  18. I love your entryway quilt! Definitely reminds me of spring.Yea! Everyone hits a slump now and then. I hope yours is short-lived.

  19. Your little Sue Spargo appliqué is w-a-y cute Lori!!!

  20. I have never made one of Sue Spargo's quilt designs. Well, I shouldn't say that as she used to contribute to some of Jan Patek's books and I think I did one of those designs but it was not an exclusive Sue pattern. She has a unique style.

  21. Hi Lori, I'm a first time commenter but a long time fan. I thought I better figure out this comment thing so I can join in the next swap! I just love the vintage star project you showed today. I am mending an old top from my great grandmother and had already decided to use the fan quilting. It looks lovely on yours. If I am a "no reply" let me know. I'm also sending a separate email. -Roxanne in Virginia

  22. The quilts are lovely. Hope you get your mojo back soon. Hugs x

  23. love that sue spargo quilt! what a great welcome to your house. I really like your string star!
    hope you got more blocks done with weekeknd.


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