
Monday, May 26, 2014

Inspiration from Quilter Laurie

Let me introduce you....
This is Laurie B. I met her when she emailed me a couple of years ago and told me she read my blog and would be a vendor at the Coburg Quilt Show.  (I've gone twice) She sells vintage tops, quilts and lots of sewing items.  She also lives a short ways from where I stay in N. Seattle. She invited me to her house to see her collection.  The photo above was taken in La Conner where we went to dinner. 

Isn't this eye catching? Laurie has a special knack for decorating with her vintage and antique finds.

Some of Laurie's antique and new doll/small quilts. 

Look at those quilts! They didn't stay folded up for long. 
I think I ran out of descriptive words for all the quilts I saw!!
Laurie's sweet husband built her the sewing studio and Laurie has worked her magic here too.
Isn't that creative what she did with the door fronts? 
I could have taken a lot more photos. I'll leave you with a little more inspiration.

These little hst finish about 1/2". A whole quilt of them! 

More inspiration to come!


  1. What a fun, fun home to visit! Just so much goodness all in one location. I am sure you got some inspiration there. I like that "No Trespassing" sign where the fabrics are stored.

  2. Thanks for this tour--my kind of place--would love to spend the day with both of you!

  3. What fun! So many quilts to pet - don't you just love them all? Her sewing space looks like a great place to create.

  4. Can't wait to see more! Aren't antique quilts just the best source for inspiration?

  5. Great quilts and I love the fabric cabinet too! The burgers and shakes sign is awesome... would look great in my kitchen! ;-) Perfect sewing room too... ahhhhhh... :-)

  6. What a feast of quilts!!! Be still my heart...............

  7. Oh wow!! She could open her house up and have tours...and charge money!! Such eye candy!! Loved everything!

  8. Oh my!! What a marvelous time you must have had!! I can't wait to see more :0)

  9. What a fun visit to an inspirational home!

  10. FANTASTIC!!! Thanks bunches for sharing - definitely a post to come back to for more inspiration!

    Love the header photo - one of yours? I don't remember seeing it before - but then sometimes I miss things!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  11. Plenty of wonderful inspiration on this easy Monday morning. Thanks for sharing Laurie's quilts and her home. I'd wake up every morning with a smile, if that was my home.
    Love your new header.

  12. Wow! is right, what an amazing display, does she do any online selling? I have a friend who collects quilts and would love a west coast connection. Thanks for the sow and tell.

  13. What beautiful quilts! If only each one could tell it's story....

  14. Thank you for sharing Laurie and her quilts. She has an amazing collection. The quilting on the blue and cheddar quilt is absolutely beautiful!

  15. What a fabulous collection, and I love Laurie's sewing room -- so clever and cute. Next time you come up, maybe we could all get together somewhere -- I vote for Laurie's house :)

  16. It's lovely to see the old quilts - and all that fabric WOW! What a wonderful place to be - surrounded by inspiration.

  17. Great inspiration for quilt display! And a wonderful collection of quilts, lucky you to see them in person!

    Tell me / us about your new header quilt?


  18. What a treat to see these - a nice topping off to the holiday!

  19. Love it....Love her style of decorating, and the quilts are to die for...

  20. I am so happy you shared all this with us. Wow! I just can't believe all the quilts there is! Love the blue and orange; love the blocks, the colour and the quitling. Does she quilt them herself? Can't wait for tomorrow and see more. Thanks Lori and Laurie. It was eye-candy everywhere for me.

  21. I love seeing all the beautiful quilts and they are displayed so nicely! Now I have to clean the drool off the screen.

  22. Oh my goodness--this looks like too much fun! Vintage quilt heaven!!

  23. How fun for you! Thanks for sharing the inspiration... can't wait to see more!

  24. So much inspiration! Can't wait to see what is next.

  25. Oh my - I want to explore her cupboards! Thanks for these lovely pictures and thanks to Laurie for sharing too.

  26. Wow! She is very talented with her decorating!!! And all those quilts!! Wonderful!!

  27. So nice of her to show you all the Lovelies! The best Quilter's love to share. I need a No Trespassing sign, lol

  28. What a thrill Lori! You had a very good day.

  29. ¡¡¡¡impresionante!!!!
    Gracias por estas preciosas fotos

  30. First of all, when I looked at your picture, I thought you two ladies were sisters! Lovely quilts, quilt room to die for - I'm jealous. Everything was beautiful.

  31. Oh my, what a great collection!

    Happy Sewing

  32. What a delightful collection of quilts! Her displays are wonderful and a lovely sewing room to match. Thanks for sharing!

  33. Hey Lori, what a talent your friend has for 'antique collage'! And what fun for you guys to get to visit together! I loved to see some of those vintage quilts and tops!! have fun, CW

  34. I think I was in that shop, or one like it, when we lived in Washington. What a treasure! I bet quilters drive for miles to go there. Actually Laurie looks too young to have had that shop when we were there about 15 years ago. Love the area!

  35. What fun! Looks like a great visit.

  36. Just WOW! Laurie you have such a knack for decorating with a Vintage Style ! Your quilts are just beautiful and so very inspiring. Thanks Lori for sharing with us. Karen

  37. Lori,
    I had a great visit with you. Hopefully see you July 26th at Coburg. In July or August, save a day and how about you coming back up and doing the "Oyster Dome"? I have 3 on my list to do this summer, that is one of them. Glad to see your trip was a good one, you did luck out and had good weather.

  38. Lori, wow how great to meet Laurie!! It's so nice putting a face to the name, seeing as we were partnered in your recent doll quilt swap. Oh, and i do love her decorating style too, so much eye candy, i want to go back and have a closer look at everything lol!!!
    Thanks, Laurie for sharing your home with us, this has been so much fun :)) cheers... Marian

  39. Amazing quilts and friendship.


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