
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Noah and Matilda Album Quilt

Hey look! I'm finally getting a couple of these done! Dawn, Collector with a Needle  has done an awesome job of reproducing these blocks from an antique wedding quilt.

The plan is to combine them with my basket blocks so I've put them on a background of various shirting prints. I really like the way they are turning out.

Holy, Smoley! Can you say lotsa petals?! It's super cute.

I'm using some of the same reproductions I'm using in the pieced basket blocks.
On Dawn's pattern this basket is pieced. I opted to make it one piece. 

They are so great! If you've been on the fence about this quilt, I'd say "take the leap!" 

You can go to Dawn's blog HERE.


  1. These are beautiful. I have begun collecting pictures of red and green quilts on Pinterest for inspiration.

  2. Fantastic Lori - the shirting makes a perfect background. As always -- your applique is awesome! Karen

  3. Love the blocks on the shirtings. It gives the blocks a totally different look. Great job!

  4. I LOVE your fabric choices! They look great. Very fun idea to combine them with other blocks too. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love your colors and like the idea of putting them together with pieced blocks!! Going to be a beauty.

  6. I love that petal block! Hmmm I wonder how it would look in some little old woolly pieces.....

  7. Happy Belated birthday. I love your version of these blocks. I have been following Dawn's post with interest. Glad to see your version.

  8. Cute little blocks, I have been on the fence about this one...

  9. Your blocks are wonderful. Especially the first one! It is super cute.

  10. preciosos bloques!!! el de pétalos genial

  11. Sweet blocks are as busy as ever!

  12. Beautiful job! I can't wait to see all of them together. This is going to be one gorgeous quilt!!

  13. Darn it Lori!! I've been looking at this quilt for awhile and trying to restrain myself from starting another project!! I think you've just pushed me in the right (or wrong) direction!! where's that credit card???

  14. Your blocks look awesome! Love the multi petal one and that gorgeous red center.

  15. Your blocks are beautiful, especially love the one with all the petals! You are doing a great job on yours!

  16. Those are coming out beautifully. My brain can't do perfect right now, so sticking with prim;)


  17. Beautiful blocks, Lori. I recognize most of those fabrics--lots of favorites in them!
    What a cool idea to combine them with the baskets. Have you laid out together what you have finished so far?

  18. I love your blocks!! They are just beautiful! I think you have a great eye for color!. I have a question. Are you able to buy your Reproduction fabrics locally or do you buy on line? If you buy on line what is your favorite web site? Thanks!

  19. Love your blocks and your color choices are fantastic! Guess you made me want to buy the pattern!!!

  20. That's all looking great Lori. I'm going to love this one.

  21. Your flowers are so very cute! Looks like another very large applique project for you. :)

  22. GOOOORRRRGEOUS Lori! Love the fabric, the pattern and the craftsmanship is so beautiful. LOVE IT!

  23. Your flowers are looking wonderful! Love the fabrics you've chosen. I'm sure they'll look fabulous with your baskets too of which I'm about three behind now.:)

  24. I am so happy to see you making these blocks. And using shirtings. Nice fabric choices.

  25. Inspired! So creative, I love what you ve done with the N & M blocks so far and they will look wonderful with your baskets.

  26. I just love these blocks! These, mixed with your baskets are going to be really stunning! LOVE!

  27. Well, just catching up with your latest posts...great blocks and I always admire Dawn's reproduction designs. She's such a wealth of information on antique quilts. Congratulations on your design coming up in the Prim magazine. I'm sorry to hear about the death of your quilting friend. Your post was a very nice tribute to her, her quilting and your friendship.

  28. Such beautiful blocks! I love your fabric choices. These will be wonderful mixed in with your baskets.

  29. Thanks for cluing me in on these patterns. I love them! And, I just took the leap. I also like you idea of combining them with pieced blocks.

  30. Baskets + applique, doesn't get much better than that! I love the fabrics you are using, the "bright" repros!! I would love to see your applique blocks up close and in person...hint.. ;)

  31. Lori, your blocks are beautiful!! I love your choice of various shirtings for the background.
    Well done on the first block! All those petals did my head in!! Lol


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