
Friday, May 16, 2014

New-to-Me Books

I thought I'd tell you about a few book I've gotten recently. If you've read my blog for any length of time you know I love antique quilts. I love seeing them, reading about them and reproducing them. 

 "Common Threads" Quilting Traditions of Hunterdon County NJ. The next best thing to seeing the exhibit  is ordering the book. Judy Grow was the curator and who I ordered the book from.

Ohio has a rich quilting history and I got a chance to pick this one up recently. Just look at the amazing story quilt on the dust jacket! It is fantastic! You can see it on Amazon HERE.

I'm growing to love English style medallion quilts more and more. This was recently a
Bobbins Deal on the Kansas City Star web site. If you haven't signed up to be notified you are missing out. I picked up this jewel for less then $5!! (no shipping either!) You can see the info on this book HERE where this is also a link to a video of the pages of the book.

Speaking of medallions. This is a repro that I made from a pattern designed by Sue (not Sue W but her friend)  in UK.  It is so spring like and I have been enjoying it immensely on my table.

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. A woman after my own heart regarding antique quilts. I too bought the Common Threads book and just love the cover quilt.

  2. Medallion quilts are so pretty, and your's is no exception! My favorite is the red and green quilt on the first cover.

  3. Oh, you temptress. I am trying not to buy all of the cool books I see. I was not even aware of these. They all look wonderful--I love the books on vintage quilts from various regions!
    That is a very sweet little medallion.

  4. I have been trying to be very good and not buy new books. Like you, I'm always most tempted by the ones with older quilts.:)

  5. What a great exhibit that was. And so happy that they printed a book! Didn't know it was available on Amazon. Highly recommended!

  6. Those books look very tempting and no doubt we might just find ourselves doing a little quilt along from one of them.
    Fun to see Sue M's Elizabeth Hake quilt. Sue drafted the pattern from one of Elizabeths cushions which I happened to have in my possession for a while.

  7. Neat collection of inspiration. I absolutely love the cover quilt on the Common Threads book!

  8. great medallion quilt
    I have the ohio book, the others look good too

  9. Gorgeous quilt Lori! These books look so interesting. I love poring over antique quilt books too.

  10. Although most of my quilts are bright, I really love antique quilts and the history of quilts. Looks like you got a lot of wonderful quilt history to read about.
    Love your medallion quilt.

  11. Oh I want all these books! Thanks for the links I will check them out. Can you bring these to Randy's and I will bring some of my latest finds to?! cheers, CW


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