
Monday, May 19, 2014

Scrappy Monday

I had a partial block left from THIS QUILT. It was one a group of us made for Jill while she was sick. 
I had to make 2 corner blocks and one strip of flying geese, but think it will make a nice table topper and a reminder of my dear friend Jill Reid. (I have one of her other published quilts on tap to make later this year) 

And I'm all caught up on Pam Buda's Market Day pieces.

Adventures await me this week. Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Well can hardly wait to hear about your week! Sweet little quilt....

  2. Love the geese. Have a great week.

  3. Love the colours of your quilt and the scrappy look too. You've made a beautiful quilt, can't wait to see what else you will produce. Happy stitching, Elizabeth in England.

  4. Love the scrappiness of the top quilt! Great variety! The more the marry-er I always say!
    cheers, CW

  5. I love the geese! those are really neat and a great memory of a sweet friend. Have a great week, fun adventures too.

  6. I think it will be a wonderful table topper - that it reminds you of Jill makes it even better. Adventures!! Sounds exciting!! Have fun!!

  7. Love that Scrappy Block. Still keeping the instructions for "Market Day" until I get a few more UFO's finished. Like Nabby's Dowry...

  8. sera un recuerdo precioso
    y con el tiempo al mirar sonreirás recordando anécdotas vividas juntas
    eso al menos me ocurre con mi querida Marga este mes 2 años que ya no la tenemos

  9. Very nice scrappy block! Have a beautiful week!

  10. Lovely scraps and a wonderful way to remember Jill. I want to make one of Jill's free patterns from Windham too although I do have my Vermont challenge quilt with all our names on it.

  11. You and your friends made a beautiful quilt for Jill. I am sure she treasured it and that it brought her comfort knowing some many were praying and thinking of her. Your block from that quilt is full of scrappiness, love it!! It will be a beautiful table topper and I hope it will bring fond memories of your friend!

  12. It is just fun to play with the piecing!! Your blocks look fun anyhow...I am so glad you made a quilt for your dear friend...she sounds so very special, and I am sorry that I did not get to know her.

  13. Quilts are the perfect place to stitch together the special bits and pieces of our lives. Love you're scrappy block. An adventure? Can't wait to hear.

  14. I see that you are making both versions of Market Day, too. So far it's been a fun and easy project.

  15. Sweet reminder of Jill.
    I keep seeing you post about doing Market Day--and it keeps reminding me that I haven't started it yet. : )

  16. I went back to read the post regarding the quilt that was made for your friend Jill. (Beautful... a real labor of love among friends!) How nice that you had a nine patch block leftover and could finish it into a sweet table topper as a sweet reminder of your friendship. Lovin' those market day blocks!
    Enjoy your adventures... hope you share the stories!

  17. You made good use of the left over part and your piece will be a nice memory of what Jill's friends did for her. I look forward to seeing which of Jill's designs you make later this year.

  18. Wonderfully scrappy pieces in honor of your friend, what a treasure!! Your Market Day pieces are looking great!

  19. I love your table topper. Looks like a nice sew along project...wink wink. I'm working on my Market day pieces today. Hugs

  20. I did love the quilt you've sent to your friend Jill and I love this little one too. I love how some flying geese are reversed with the lighter colour as the geese and not the background, It makes an entirely different effect. Very beautiful little piece.

  21. a very cute piece and it will make a great table topper~!
    it's good to have special handmades around to remind us of all who share our lives (past and present).


  22. nice memory quilt for you - very cute

  23. great little quilt I know you will treasure. I may need to make one too. I always admired Jill
    her quilts always inspirational.


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