
Monday, June 9, 2014

A Tribute

I would have never guessed I'd lose both my dad and my father-in-law within 2 months. Funny my dad was 4 months older than my FIL. Here is my tribute to George DeJarnatt
Yep, it's a boy!

He started young as a musician and played until arthritis made it too difficult. (He was still in his 80's)
He served our country in World War 2. 

And became a family man. (the youngest son with the scowl is my husband!)
He started Madras Auto Parts in 1955 and worked with 2 of his children.  (Cory on the left)
He was the Patriarch of the family. We looked up to George because of his unconditional love, integrity, and honesty.  His love ran deep as he cared for his father, his daughter and his wife through their illness and death. 
My kids spend a lot of time with their Grandpa. He babysat them as we went out of town on business or just to get away. He gave them lots of junk food, nintendo games and taught them how to play poker!  This photo was at my son's college graduation.
He loved going to watch the Bend Elks baseball game. Especially $2 night with his two sons.
My daughter had lots of special times and talks with her grandpa. I had to snap a photo this past Christmas when they both had their puffy jackets on!
Even though George was getting weak, my son took him golfing about 6 weeks ago.  Just the fact that my son would drive 3 hours to spend the afternoon with him meant the world to George.

I feel fortunate to have been able to take care of him this past week when he got so sick. It was a big thing, but such a small thing.
Rest in Peace George.


  1. I am so sorry about your loss...looks like George had a wonderful life...hugs

  2. A wonderful man who left a wonderful legacy for your family! You are all blessed to have had him and your father as long as you did. The sorrow is blended with all the good memories when the departed has lived a good, long life. I will be remembering you in prayer at this time.

  3. Please tell your husband how sorry I am.... your tribute is beautiful, what a wonderful family he had.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are extended to you and your family. You shared a beautiful tribute.

  5. Lori, I am sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family. This is a wonderful tribute. Take care of yourself.

  6. Sending heartfelt condolences. You've had a lot of loss of loved ones in your life recently. My prayers for you are for peace and healing.

  7. I am praying for you and your family Lori. Your trip to visit with Randy and Bonnie was a comfort to you in your sorrow, I'm sure. Take care of yourself, you are loved by so many. The tribute is beautiful.

  8. That was a beautiful tribute on George and such great pictures too. Praying for you all during this time. So glad you could help in his care as it was such a huge & memorable thing. You have a special family. Hugs.

  9. My condolences, Lori. A wonderful tribute and I know George feels so blessed that you were there to care for him! Take care of yourself.

  10. I am sorry for your loss, wonderful tribute, he looks like a lovely man.

  11. It sound like he was a wonderful man and led a full life. Your gift to him, by your caring, was as much a gift to you. Bless you and condolences.

  12. Such loss for your family in such a short time. I'm so sorry, Lori.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks for the beautiful tribute.
    Terri in Texas

  14. Prayers going up not only for your loved ones but for you & your family. Deepest sympathies.

  15. Mis condolencias!!!!
    que gran familia sois,
    un abrazo en momentos tan tristes

  16. Oh sad to hear of more loss for you and your family.
    You wrote a wonderful tribute, and your son demonstrated all the important values we hope our children will learn... beautiful and inspiring.

  17. It is never easy to lose a parent but I hope your husband and you can take some comfort in knowing that George had a long life, was well loved and if the photos are anything to go by, a very happy life.

  18. He sounds like a wonderful man. I hope that his memories will make the days ahead a wee bit less painful for all of you.

  19. Just the pictures say a lot about what a well loved man he was and that says more about what a great person he was than a whole lot of words! What a nice tribute.

  20. I am so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing his story. Hugs.

  21. You've had a tough year girl! But glad you have such special memories of your FIL that you can look back on.
    Condolences to all your family Lori.
    Big hugs x

  22. Beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing such special memories! Thinking of you and your family.

  23. That wasn't very long to have him in your home. What great memories you have of your FIL! Prayers of peace for your family as you remember him.

  24. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. What a wonderful life he led enriching the life of so many.

  25. I am so sorry Lori. It's been a tough year. So glad you all have wonderful memories he was a treasured man

  26. Sorry for your family loss....wonderful life he shared with you all and an ever so sweet tribute to Grandpa.

  27. I am so sorry, Lori... it is so hard to lose someone you love. What a lovely tribute.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Your lovely post is a beautiful tribute. Hugs.

  29. I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. A wonderful tribute...

  30. So very sorry for your family's loss :( By the time I got to the end I was crying with you. A beautiful tribute.

  31. Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your family. What a wonderful man!

  32. Lovely tribute, Lori! I can tell he was a much loved family man. So sorry for your loss. And also for your father. I lost my Mom just a year ago and can feel your loss. I wish you peace.

  33. I'm so sorry to read that you've suffered another tremendous loss. Another heart warming tribute.

  34. I am so so sorry for your loss. Such a loving tribute, it brought tears to my eyes and memories too of my father.

  35. You've had it tough the last few months. Your father in law seemed to have a great life. Another sweet tribute.

  36. What a beautiful tribute, Lori. Sounds like a good man who was a blessing to his family--and he was lucky to have a DIL like you.
    So sorry for the loss upon loss you have suffered!

  37. Lori,
    Wonderful tribute and great photos. Sending condolences to your husband, and family.

  38. What a wonderful tribute to what seems to have been a wonderful, caring man. Hugs to you and your family.

  39. wishing you and your family happy memories as you get through this loss.


  40. Thanks for sharing a bit of your FIL with us, he was obviously a devoted dad and grandpa who will be much missed. My sympathies to your family.

  41. Great photos of your father-in-law and extended family, and a lovely tribute to the patriarch and founder of Madras Auto Parts.

  42. I am sorry for your loss Lori but a lovely tribute to him and you have given a great glimpse of a good man.

  43. Beautiful tribute - sorry for your family's loss. xx

  44. What a beautiful and touching tribute--thank you for sharing. It is obvious how much he was loved. God bless you and your family.

  45. Your tribute is very interesting. I love the part about the golf game. Sad that your family has had two losses so close together.

  46. My sincere sympathy to you and your family, may your memories comfort the pain in your hearts.

  47. Hugs to you Lori. What a great man he was - love all of the pictures of him and your family. Your kids are so lucky to have been able to have him and be close to him during their childhood. Will keep you all in my prayers.

  48. Lori, this posting should have come with a warning. I have tears streaming down my face. Your dad sounds so much like my dad. His wife, children and grandchildren were his life.

  49. Lori, this posting should have come with a warning. I have tears streaming down my face. Your dad sounds so much like my dad. His wife, children and grandchildren were his life.

  50. So sad to hear of this.. your family has wonderful memories of a wonderful family man. Loved the pictures!!

  51. What a wonderful tribute. it was great to hear how you spent so much time with him over the years. You will always cherish those memories. We lost my MIL, Mother and Father in 7 months time. It does get better after time, but you will still miss them dearly. Hugs!

  52. Sorry for your loss, looks like he left this world a richer place for having been here, and a family that loved him, who could ask for more?
    I hope your warm memories will comfort your while grieving.

  53. I am so, so, sorry to hear that you lost you FIL. He sounds like he was a wonderful man, you wrote a great tribute to him. I know that grief is so painful and that you and your family will miss him so much, but you do have wonderful memories of him. God bless you and your family!

  54. Lori, the pictures show a very loving man. Thanks for sharing such intimate pictures!

  55. What a beautiful baby and man! How lucky that he had such a wonderful life with his family. You could tell from the photos that he loved his family. We are all so sorry for your loss. He was blessed.

  56. Thank you for sharing him with us. So glad you were able to be there when he needed the help. It is hard being far away when parents are declining in health. So many wonderful memories you all had with him.

  57. Sorry to hear of your double loss and thank you for sharing their lives...and yours...with us. It is so hard to imagine the family fabric tearing to release a valued member, then ever re-stitching itself to seem whole again after the fact, but I guess it does happen after time. Hang in there...

  58. Lori,
    I am sorry to hear about your loss. This post is a beautiful tribute to your father in law. Your kids are so fortunate to have been able to spend time with their grandfather. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts...

  59. What a wonderful tribute to your father-in-law. Thanks for the glimpse into the life of what sounds like a wonderful man. I am glad you had him in your life (and the kids' lives).

  60. A life well lived and a man well loved. Thanks for sharing a bit of your father-in-law's story. I'm sorry for your loss of a dear family member.

  61. What a lovely tribute . I am so very sorry that you have lost so much in such a short time. I think of you and your family and hope that your wonderful memories will help keep them with you in spirit.


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