
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Quiltworks First Friday

Thank you all for your kind and compassionate words at the loss of my Father in Law. Because we are the only family that lives in town our home has been the center of funeral planning, family and food.

I was able to get away Friday evening to meet up with Bonnie and Randy for Quiltworks First Friday event and dinner afterwards. It was a much needed outing.

 The Juniperberries group was highlighted and the featured quilter was Pat Wellman. All of the quilts were wonderful and were the style I make and enjoy so much.

My talented friend Phyllis made this to honor her mother)

I am not at home and not using my home computer so these are not cropped or organized.

As a family we had planned to go to a Mariner's game and that is where we are going tonight. I just wish George would have been able to make it.

Have a lovely day.


  1. It will be good to get out and a game will be a good distraction. Love all the quilts you showcased. Take care

  2. Enjoy the game! Hope they win in Memory of your FIL. It's always good to take a break from LIFE and go see friends and fun quilts. So many Beautiful ones you show here. I'm loving the Feathered Stars right now.

  3. So many wonderful quilts!! So glad you got to meet up with your good friends. It will be good to get out and do something as a family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. So many beautiful quilts! Enjoy your time with family.

  5. Lori, I'm sure George would have wanted you to go with the entire family to see your local boy play for the Yankees. Have a wonderful time!!! You deserve it! And Friday night was great fun!

  6. Me gusta como organizas tu tiempo
    cada cosa en su momento
    al fin todo se puede hacer,
    Nosotros decimos
    (chica tu vales tu peso en oro)
    las colchas que nos enseƱas preciosas.
    Hoy te mando muchos besinos

  7. lovie....i am sincerely sorry for your loss. you have had a rough year gf. know that your quilting community friends sincerely care about your well being. love and God's peace....d

  8. So sorry to hear that you have lost 2 Dads so close together. I am sure your father in law will be sitting & cheering on the teams at the game tonight.

    Dawn BC

  9. I was sorry to read of your loss, and losing both your father and FIL so close together--that's so very difficulty to deal with.
    I'm glad you were able to spend a little time with friends and quilts as you deal with your grief.

  10. Another good display at Quiltworks. I especially like the basket quilts.

  11. Another wonderful show at First Friday! Enjoy your time together at the ballgame, I'm sure your FIL is smiling down on you, happy you are living life large! So sorry for the loss of your FIL, you have had more than a fair share of loss recently, I pray your memories bring you much comfort!

  12. I'm glad you were able to meet up with Randy and Bonnie when you needed something to lift your spirits. Looks like a great show!

  13. These are ALL beautiful but OH that garden gate and garden favorite! Just lovely! :)

  14. wow - wonderful quilts and so diverse and fun!
    how fun to meet up with randy and bonnie - didn't recognize her with her new cropped hair.
    hope the game was fun

  15. A great show, as always. Glad you were able to meet up with the girls. Sorry again, for your loss.

  16. Those 2 feathered star medallion quilts are amazing! It was a great show! Certainly meeting friends at the First Friday was good for your soul. I want to go to FF sometime - maybe when we visit my BIL/SIL in Prineville.

  17. Thanks for sharing the quilts with us beautiful. Glad you were able to meet up with your friends. Kathie

  18. Wonderful quilts! So sorry to hear of the losses your family has suffered--I know it's difficult. Take care and blessings to you all.

  19. wonderful quilts ~ just my style too. thank you for sharing.
    hope that you enjoyed the game~!


  20. I think it's wonderful that you were able to get out, even if it was just to take a short break and take some time for yourself!

  21. I was very sorry to hear of your loss. Your tribute was so wonderful and heartfelt.

  22. Beautiful quilts. A much needed break for you. And with good friends, even better.

  23. You gals look great! I've been out of the loop of blogging with this fog I seem to be living in as of late. I hope it clears soon and life returns to "normal" soon. I think of you often, pop in on occassion too!

  24. Sorry to hear of your loss, beautiful quilts, can pick one as favorite, thanks for sharing


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