
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Benjamin Biggs BOM

 Benjamin Biggs block 6- complete! You can find out about this quilt HERE.
So, I guess I am making a 3x3 so 3 more to go. I like the way it is a little quirky.

Gifts! The shirtings squares came from Martha and the necklace from Laurie. Can you tell what the necklace is? The bottom of a knife. I can slip a tiny pair of scissors in the top or maybe make a little cushion to keep pins. It is adorable and creative!! Thank you ladies!

Thank you for your kind comments about my FIL. He is so fragile and weak, it really breaks my heart. I'm glad I'm here to help him.


  1. Lori, your Benjamin blocks look great! I am 3 behind but trying to catch up. Your FIL is so lucky to have you and your husband. Take care.....

  2. Those Benjamin blocks are great! Love the gifts too.

  3. Love your blocks!! I hope to work on #6 today.

  4. Your quilt is wonderful!! And so are your gifts!! Having you so close will bring your FIL great comfort! I wish him well...

  5. fun blocks. I like how all the corners are the same little buds.
    very cool necklace!

  6. BB blocks are looking good! So emotional dealing with our aging parents.

  7. So sorry to hear about George. Praying for you all.

  8. The gifts are lovely - you will put them both to good use. 3x3 will be a nice size - quirkiness keeps things interesting :0)

  9. bloques preciosos!!!
    y cuidar de los padres es algo muy gratificante.
    los regalos son muy guapos

  10. You do beautiful Applique work. Love your colors in these Blocks. Take good care of your FIL. The necklace is a fun gift!

  11. Beautiful work! I especially like the blue and red print.

  12. Your BB blocks look so good to me! I'm still trying to figure out what you think looks quirky. : )
    Cute gifts--that is a clever necklace.
    I'm sure you will give your FIL very tender care. He is blessed to have a caring DIL!

  13. Your BB blocks look so wonderful--very antique/vintage looking.:)

  14. I love your red, white, & blue BB blocks!

  15. Lovely new BBiggs block. Mine is still in prepping. I do love all your blocks together - will you add the swag border too do you think?

  16. I think your Benjamin Biggs blocks look great! I hope your FIL will improve and grow stronger!

  17. I remember that blue and red fabric. I don't think I have any now but it is one I especially liked.

    A unique use for a hollow core table knife. A good recycle idea.

  18. Wonderful BB blocks! I love it that it isn t green and red.

    The necklace is very cool. Do you think the maker has an etsy shop?


  19. Really like your BB blocks! The quilt will be a real beauty.

  20. So sorry about your loss of your FIL. Your Benjamin Biggs blocks are wonderful! Love the colors!

  21. Trying to catch up after being away. Your blocks look so pretty together. Still really liking your color choices.


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