
Monday, June 2, 2014

Sunriver Sisters

 Last summer a bunch of who got together to sew and have fun the week before the Sisters Outdoor Show swapped friendship star blocks. I thought I better get mine completed before this year!
 I took photos in different lighting as a test. I thought I'd just post them all here.

 I won! I won! Janet from Rogue Quilter was celebrating her 3 years of blogging and here's the wonderful loot! Look at that tiny quilt! It's all so fabulous! Thank you again Janet!
Life is throwing us curve balls again. My FIL ended up in the hospital and should be discharged tomorrow but they will not let him go home alone. So, we will be re-arranging our downstairs to accommodate him until an apartment opens up at the assisted living unit my mom is in. I put him on the list last week. It should keep things interesting around here that's for sure!

Make it a great Monday!


  1. Congrats on the fun win! I am happy you got some sewing time in.

  2. Maybe you can show your FIL how to make some nine patch quilt blocks while he is there.

    Friendship Stars are a good block to trade among friends. I like the setting you chose with the house in the middle. Are you doing another block trade at the show this year?

  3. I can't believe its almost time for Sister's quilt show again, cute quilt but that pincushion you won is my very favorite pattern - Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations on your wins, I need to start working on the ones I got;)
    I hope that things work out for your FIL, it is hard when they can't stay home and wonderful that you are there for him.


  5. Lucky you to get all that Loot from Janet. Your Friendship stars with the house are a great memory of your Sunriver Sisters. Hopefully Bonnie will be joining you this year.

  6. Love your stars/house quilt. You are so good at recreating the vintage look.
    One of my early blogging memories was reading about one of your Sunriver getaways. I love seeing what you ladies come up with.
    You will have your hands full for a while, won't you? Aging parents are a reality in our lives, too (like the call at 3:30 this morning from my MIL, who lives across the pasture from us. She had fallen two hours earlier and didn't want to bother anyone, but still couldn't get up, so she finally called. Luckily, unhurt)!
    I'm glad you like your winnings. They went to a good home. : )

  7. Your friendship star quilt is lovely. Wish I was going to Sisters this year, but it will have to wait until next year. Congrats on your win. What a cute little mini quilt and pincushion. I'm sure you will be able to put those charm packs to work quite soon. It will be fun playing with them.

  8. What a great little quilt to remind you of your friends and the fun you had :0) Sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope his time with you goes well and happy memories made. What a great win! You'll make good use of them.

  9. That little quilt is really tiny! I have been thinking about doing some nine patch blocks to use up scraps of Liberty prints. Well done on your win! - do I see some Jo Morton fabrics in your quilt! :)

  10. Hey Lori, It looks great! And thank you for the reminder 'cause I did say I would finish mine by the next Sister's show! I better get busy, that's not very far away now! cheers, CW

  11. Gotta love a quilt with a house block and stars! So heart warming! Very nice win on the fabric. Lovely to have something new to check out. And so sorry about your FIL, but I bet you'll have some good times before he's settled.:)

  12. Such a cute way to use the friendship stars! And yes, life has a way of throwing the curve - when least expected, but I'm sure you are handling it very well. Thank God for daughters and sons who care.

  13. What a great little quilt with some good memories attached to it! Love the house and stars! Congratulations on your win, those are pretty fabrics, cute goodies and an adorable tiny quilt. Your little blocks for the sew along are so cute. I have been saving the patterns but haven't had time to start them yet. You are keeping up very well. Sorry to hear your FIL is having some health issues. It is hard watching parents age and have difficulties. At least your Mom and FIL can be at the same location, that will help a little bit.

  14. Felicidades por ese premio maravilloso!!
    Las estrellas de la amistad me gusta como las terminaste
    genial abrazando la casa
    ¿entiendo que tu madre esta enferma?
    deseo que pronto se solucione todo
    tenemos a la madre de mi marido muy mayor 90 aƱos ya
    y vive a mas de 500 km de nosotros, una vez al mes tenemos que visitarla para ayudarla en
    las cosas mas importantes

  15. Stars & Houses are the bestest of the best! Great fabrics too!
    Sorry to hear about your FIL!! Wishing you strength and patience and endurance to
    deal with it all….

  16. I am so sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope he is feeling better. I love your Sunriver Sisters quilt! A great setting for your blocks. Congratulations on winning Janet's giveaway! She does the most amazing mini quilts!

  17. Lori, I'm so glad you got the friendship star quilt done. I think Claire and I may be the only ones who haven't put them together... Okay, I'll get on it before we are together for the show this year. Hope George gets into the assisted living soon...

  18. Looking forward to seeing all those friendship star quilts later on next month.

    Assisted living sounds like the right route for your FIL. Hope you all hold up while he waits for his place.

  19. Love the quilt and congratulations on the win. Great goodies. I'm glad that it's good news for your FIL. I hope he gets a place soon xx

  20. great finish on your swap stars - love all house quilts.
    sorry to hear about your FIL - he's in good hand with you until he can get settled.

  21. Love the star/house quilt.

  22. Lori - I just sent "mine" (with the friendship stars) off to be quilted. I ended up adding the s'more blocks (that Pat gave us instructions for) around it. Yours looks terrific. I will send you a photo of mine when its done. I have to say when I saw your picture the first time I thought "where have I seen that before". It looks a bit like mine!

  23. Quilt looks good Lori - glad you got it finished in time. Thinking of you and your FIL - hope he can get into accommodation soon.

  24. Your quilt is wonderful - love the house in the middle! Congrats on your win - that little quilt is great,and all the other great goodies! Sorry about your FIL - so nice that you can have a spot for him until a place opens up. Will be convenient to have him in the same place as your mom too! And great job keeping up on the quilt along!

  25. love your friendship star quilt and congrats on your great win~!!



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