
Friday, June 27, 2014

Good, the Bad and the Ugly

 Hopefully you think the quilting is Good (at least fun to see), the Bad, well, I've had enough of that lately, although I don't like to think of it as bad, only life with bumps that makes you a stronger person, makes your faith firm and really lets you know who is there for you in the hard times.
Here are the larger blocks from last Friday's market day sew along with Pam Buda. 

Ready for the Ugly? 
 My sewing room! It is in complete and utter disarray! This is what happens when I start digging through my scraps.

I hope I can get it cleaned up this weekend. 
Today I am volunteering at Sisters to hang quilts in sponsor's businesses. It's a fun way to start gearing up for the quilt show.
Early tomorrow morning I am taking my mom and nephew to a dog show to see my cousin. It's become a once a year tradition. Then after dinner that night we are having her over to celebrate her 79th birthday. 
Sunday, we clear out the last few boxes of her storage unit. 
I also decided I am not bringing the  Christmas wool project to Boston over the 4th of July. There is a little project I'd like to do over the weekend, then I can quilt it while away. 
And I started training again, so a run is on the schedule as well! 
Whew! Tired already.
Have a fantastic weekend my dear quilt friends.


  1. looks like my sewing room right now!!! i have to admit, i love it when bloggers show pictures of their sewing room in disarray. it is kind of like looking in someone's medicine cabinet (are those things even around any more....good night, i am showing my age). love the little applique blocks on your cutting table.

  2. I have some similar piles in my sewing room - the sign of good things to come

  3. I'm working on a scrappy project and my sewing room looks worse than yours! I think there's no getting around it when you're using lots of fabrics. Sounds like you're busy, busy!

  4. call that messy. I can't even see my floor when I dig through my fabrics. It takes me longer to put it right than it does to sew the blocks half of the time xx

  5. Love looking at all your designs and even your mess too. Enjoy being in Sister's today and your volunteering. Sounds like fun, you have had some bumps, but you are strong. Enjoy the time at the dog show & the time with your mom & nephew and maybe you can bring home some dogs with you. :) Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend!

  6. Have a fun weekend! Wish I was going to the Sister's show. And I am so glad someone else's sewing space looks like mine.

  7. LOL...I'm not even going to show my Studio this morning....yours is clean compared. Love those appliqued blocks!

  8. I always think the quilting is good. I think you have a very good attitude towards the bad. And the ugly - well - for me a creative space needs to be a bit of a jumble so to me it doesn't look too bad :0) I hope you have a fantastic trip to Boston! Your weekend sounds pretty good as well - enjoy!

  9. Pretty nine patches!! Have fun this weekend...and room is messier than yours!! LOL!!

  10. Oh, if only I had a sewing room - I would keep it very neat and tidy all the time! Ha, ha:)
    Seriously, I am hoping to have one when we move - I am sure I would be more productive if I had one :)
    I really like your applique block!

  11. How did you get pictures of my sewing room! :-) It's a creative space, not a photo shoot. Have a fabulous time on the 4th, travel safe. I'm coming to Sisters, but don't have a set plan yet. Would love to meet up for a few minutes.

  12. Hope your giftie arrived safe! It was sent out Monday!

  13. The jumble in the sewing room is a sign of creativity at work! I like catching glimpses of people's sewing rooms. What sweet applique blocks, I like the pincushion that looks flag-ish, and I see "Baby Steps to Heaven" hanging on the wall.
    You definitely have a full plate, Lori. All sounds like good stuff, just lots of it! Hope you can enjoy it all and not be too exhausted!

  14. My sewing room often looks like yours does now. Not always conducive to working well in there. All the scraps look like plenty of fun times were had and can be had in the future. I bagged most of mine a while back into plastic bags by color. But now those are full and I need more bags or use up some.
    Are you going to Boston for fun times?
    Also wondering how your mother is doing.

  15. I love a messy sewing room. And, I covet your DJ bag.

  16. Hmmm I knowyou said it was the bad, but it looks more like creative. You are always so busy that it makes me tired. LOL Enjoy the dog show. And the Birthday.

  17. Isn't it something like a messy sewing room is the sign of a successful quilter? Or something like that. Enjoy your travels with friends and family.

  18. Looks a lot like my sewing room. I start something new and just throw thjngs into piles to make space

  19. First a very Happy Birthday to your Mom! Second, your sewing room doesn't look so "Bad". Lots of pretty fabric can't look bad, Third, I love that flower block in your second photo! Hope to hear more about that and the ones hiding under it!

  20. Ok, if you call that an ugly room, I'll never invite you over without cleaning first. Your sewing room is missing what mine produce in profusion: LINT! Everywhere! LOL! BUT ... before order comes chaos and chaos represents creation, imagination, reorganization in order to have a beautiful finished project. So enjoy the disarray. And the hanging of quilts. And the dog show. And the birthday. Have a GREAT weekend.

  21. Great piles full of great ideas. Have a fun trip.

  22. That's not "bad"... It's a happy mess. Enjoy the precious time with your mum, and if you need anything while you're in Boston let me know! I'm 27 miles away and it's an easy drive. If you emaile, I will send you my mobile number.

    1. Deborah, I do not have any email associated with this comment, or I would email you!! Shoot me off an email if you get this.

  23. hooray - that's a happy mess!

  24. It's not a messy sewing room... it's a sewing room where creativity lives!!!

  25. Whew, I don't feel half as bad now I have seen your sewing room.

  26. Oh I've seen MUCH worse in terms of mess in a sewing room. You're just living your creativity!

  27. I don't consider this as disarray. I think it is a creative mind at work!


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