
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Test Projects

Before embarking on a big quilt project I like to do a couple of test blocks to see how it is going to go. 
My plan was to do the quilt Remembering Rebecca in honor of my friend, Jill Reid.  Here is the start to that quilt. The stars finish at 3" and with the sashing it will finish at 5". You can see the quilt HERE as it was published in QNM. I decided that 3" stars were a little small for me to want to make 98 of them! So this will be a small quilt of Remembering Rebecca and I will do a different quilt to remember my dear friend. 
Here are two more test blocks using a Lori Smith pattern. I will be taking the fabric with me to work on during my retreat. (after 4th of July)

And while I was working on small blocks I did the latest installment (the smaller option) of the Market day sew along.

We will be making a whirlwind trip to Boston to spend 4th of July! I've been doing a little planning, although "whirlwind" is the best description. If you have any suggestions of restaurants/diners/coffee shops  in the Back Bay area I'd love to hear.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I like your blocks a lot but a trip to Boston sounds wonderful, we enjoy watching 4th of July with the Boston Pops - have fun!

  2. Wow I love that Remembering Rebecca quilt! A great pattern for a scrappy quilt! I really like the fabrics in your Lori Smith blocks. I look forward to watching both of these projects progress. I think it would be so interesting to visit Boston. Have a great trip!

  3. What a wonderful idea, Lori. Remembering Rebecca is a beautiful quilt, but so are all of the other designs by Jill that you have pinned. I didn't realize she had designed so many! Any of them would be a wonderful tribute and remembrance. I have some of the Windham pattern brochures she sent me, but am amazed at the variety you have gathered.
    Wish I had anything to recommend in Boston--never been there, but hope to visit next year, so when you are back I will be interested in your recommendations. : )

  4. What a great way to honor your friend Jill! I had no idea that she had designed so many beautiful quilts! I love the blocks you have been testing out. I may have to make the "Remembering Rebecca" quilt!

  5. Really great fabrics! I like to make test blocks too. Always an adventure.:)

  6. Wow... Remembering Rebecca is a beautiful quilt! Keep us posted on your progress!
    In regards to Boston... I've never been there, so take pictures to share, and have fun!

  7. One of our most memorable meals while living in MA was at Strega in Boston. It was anazing!

  8. I did a test project for the current quilt I'm working on (Hunter's Star with the Deb Tucker Ruler). I'm super happy I did, just to get the hang of the ruler and the technique.

  9. oh I remember that quilt of Jill's it was amazing I saw it at a quilt show and have to tell you I was so in awe. I must have stood in front of that quilt for over an hour, just beautiful. a true heirloom and labor of love.
    what a great idea to make a quilt to remember her.

  10. I visited your Pinterest Tribute page for Jill and repinned several of them.

  11. Lots of blocks and all pretty. I can undersand not wanting to do 98 tiny blocks. :)
    I have never been to Boston so I can help ou there, but have fun!

  12. What a lovely tribute to Jill and a wonderful way to keep your memories of her close to your heart. I saw the quilt again a few weeks ago and can remember when Jill was appliqueing that border. It is easy to see why it was an award winner. I hope you are planning to visit the Pilgrim/Roy exhibit at the Museum of Fine Art. I hope to be there myself before the end of July.

  13. sounds like you are going to have a wonderful 4th of July.
    love all of your sweet little blocks. you are always keeping so busy and getting so much done.

    enjoy your trip and your retreat.


  14. You are approved to proceed, ha ha
    I'm posting a new technique on 9-patches tomorrow - you might like it.
    so fun to be going on retreat :)

  15. Cute blocks - enjoy your retreat!


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