
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Little of This and That

I have many little projects going on and for now I'm  good with that. In a few weeks i will be getting away for a few days of girl time and sewing and I'm going to concentrate then on one or two projects.  For now this is what I've been working on this week. (It feels like I have shown you these, so forgive me if it is repetitive!)
One more basket block from Wendy at Legend and Lace.
I thought these were complete,  but the green was not appliqued....until now. 

All caught up on the Market Day sew along that Pam Buda is doing. 

Was good to get back in the sewing room. Happy Wednesday!


  1. Great blocks, every one. Love that basket - it's a new design for me.

  2. Great to see you back at your sewing. Enjoy!

  3. I bet it was good to get back to your machine! Your applique blocks are lovely!! Love the cheddar :0)

  4. Looks good! I'm so tempted to start one of those BOMs, but need to just stick with my UFOs!

  5. Adorable little basket and that pink is just gorgeous!! Have to hop to Pam's place and check out that Market Day. It looks very interesting. So glad you are back.

  6. Your blocks are so pretty, Lori. I'm always impressed with how much you accomplish with such a busy schedule -- I guess the car sewing helps a little :)

  7. Market Day keeps on calling to me. I have the fabrics, not the time... Sisters is coming right up here soon! will you be sewing with Randy and Bonnie?

  8. Beautiful blocks, that is going to be a beautiful quilt.


  9. I finally caught up with my baskets too. Love your applique blocks!

  10. More beautiful blocks! Glad you were able to squeeze in a little sewing time. Your applique blocks are so beautiful - I just love those bright repros you are using! I tried the machine applique and it sure isn't as pretty as yours.. :(

  11. I love the repro fabrics - my favourites - I am still drawn to those most if all :)

  12. Yay for getting back into the sewing room. Happy SEWING Wednesday!

  13. Good for you on getting back into the sewing room, it is good therapy after such
    emotional losses. I hope you can remember all the good times your Dad and FIL
    added to your life in your quiet time at your machine.

    Happy Sewing, I enjoy looking at your progress on all your projects Lori, nicely done!

  14. Love those applique blocks!
    If you keep showing your Market Day SAL progress, I may actually get motivated to start!

  15. Love the blocks you showed, especially the applique!! So glad you got some sewing time in!

  16. I find it fun to think and plan what to take on a trip for my sewing pleasure. Always way more than I can accomplish. Fun to have something to look forward to.

  17. Oh dear, I have fallen behind on the sew along but should be able to catch up this weekend. It has been fun.

  18. Sewing time is our refuge when we're dealing with rough and draining events in our lives. Good to see that you've had time to get caught up. You're keeping up on a lot of continuing projects.

  19. Sweet blocks Lori. Enjoy your time away. Get some well deserved R&R.

  20. glad you found time in the sewing room , therapeutic to hear the humm of the machine isn't it?
    enjoy your get away…friends and quilting I am sure its just what you need.

  21. Pretty blocks every one. I really like your red and blue fabrics.

  22. Knowing you, Lori, you'll probably bring a dozen projects, all very close to being done, and gloat to Claire and I about how productive you are!!! HA HA HA!

    Can't wait to see what you're bringing... And of course can't wait to see YOU...

  23. great applique blocks Lori! love the little patches too

  24. Lori, where are the applique blocks from?


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