
Friday, June 20, 2014


I wonder if my kids will say what I'm saying about my collections!

Before George got so sick my siblings and I had decided to sell off what's inside my mom's storage unit. We've been paying on it for 5 years now and it's time to let it go.

One main collection was Dragonware. Some of it is so beautiful, but still there is too much! Many tea cups have the lithograph Geisha girl in the bottom.

The fun has began and the selling starts with the roosters in the morning. Wish us luck!

Happy weekend.


  1. Hope your weekend goes well. Lovely collection of teacups!

  2. Save one or two just for the memory. Good Luck with your sale.

  3. Collections are interesting things, aren't they? My Mom's only collection is cat figurines--they are everywhere! My Dad doesn't collect.
    Are there any pieces that have special meaning to you among these?

  4. It must be fun to go through her things and I am sure you will find a few that you will want to keep and pass along to your kids. My mom collected some things and I got some pieces from her red glass collection since I was collecting that. That is something I know I will pass down to my daughter.


  5. I'm hoping I'll be around for another two and a half decades or so and that by that time my daughter will appreciate my collections--at least enough to get a fair price when she sells them!
    I do imagine it's hard to let some of your mom's treasures go. Although I wouldn't want to violate your privacy, I'd love to see some posts of the things of your mom's that carry special memories for you.

  6. That many years in a storage unit -- definitely time to spread around the joy of the collection. I'm sure you've all put in a lot of time and work to prepare for the sale. Looks like some very interesting items. An auction or a tag sale? Best of luck!

  7. The china collection is beautiful, Lori, but I know how hard it is to find the storage needed to display something like this. I have two china cabinets full, and I seldom use it because it seems when ever I do, something gets broken. So now, I'm thinking of selling all of it. My kids love it, but they don't have any extra room either. Good luck tomorrow.

  8. Such an emotional time! Good luck with the sale.

  9. Good luck with your sale. It is hard to do and can feel like you are losing part of your Mom, I know that is how I felt when we had an estate sale at my Mom's house. We did keep a few things that had special memories for my sister and I. My Grandmother collected tea cups and one tea cup was given to each grandchild as a memento. My brother did not want one so I have two to pass on to my two daughters.

  10. It is fun to collect something, but it's value is more for the joy it gives to the collector - and that's fine. Other family members might have different ideas. Good luck with the sale. Hopefully, other collector will come to get more of what they like.

  11. The collection looks beautiful. It is so much fun to look at and to collect, but if you have no room to put it beomes a problem. I think my Dad might still have some of my Grandma's stuff in storage. Good luck with the sale. I hope all the treasures find new homes.

  12. I have a tea cup and saucer of my grandmother's with the geisha in the bottom. Somewhere along the line, the handle on the cup was broken (and it wasn't saved for me to at least glue it back on). I remember being so fascinated by the geisha in the bottom of the cup when I was a little girl at grandma's house.

  13. Good luck with your sale! It is so hard going through things and making the decisions! We're facing some of those same issues! This stage of life, I guess!

  14. I know my daughter wants at least part of my glass collection as she has already been taking pieces home. But I know she doesn't want the sewing machines. And we have different taste in quilts but there are a couple she wants. I wish you luck selling your mother's collection. Someone will love having some of them. Interesting looking pieces.

  15. good luck I am sure they will find good homes and be treasured again.

  16. Hohhot how I wish I was in town! Best wishes....sigh

  17. I sympathize with you! My Dad loved to collect collections - of many different things, types, andvalues... from mint matchbox cars to silver ingots to bronze sculptures etc... It is a long difficult process for the ones who inherit the task of dealing with it. Nothing but success and good luck to you.

  18. I'm sorry for your recent losses. My husband and I both lost our moms exactly 6 weeks apart 5 years ago.

  19. your collection looks beautiful x

  20. hope it went well - dragon ware? never heard of it!


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