
Monday, July 21, 2014

First Thursday in July

This month's First Friday at Quiltworks was on Independence Day so they celebrated with a First Thursday! I was on my way to Boston, but was able to head over the week before the Sisters Show and enjoy the exhibit.  It was another fun exhibit!
The featured quilter was Cindy O'Neal. 

This is the quilter's family. (including dogs) Isn't that adorable?!

Got a good LOL out of the quilt below. Here's the description which you must read to enjoy the quilt fully.
Got to love a quilter with a sense of humour!

The theme for the other side of the gallery was "Let's Laugh"

Made by Kristen Shields- she is so talented!

Hope you enjoyed the show!


  1. loved it! always inspiring to see what other quilters are doing....

  2. this was so fun! I just loved that beetle quilt, my first brand new car was a yellow VW bug!
    I think this is great the shop does this I would want to go every month and see it too.
    wish we had more quilt shops here….
    thanks for sharing always fun to see what others in different parts of our country are making

  3. maravillosa exposición!!!
    me gustan los trabajos
    especialmente los excursionistas!!!!!!

  4. These are such fun quilts, love doing art pieces, as well as the prim.


  5. Marilyn is so awesome to provide such a wonderful venue for quilters!

  6. yes I did! My particular favourite was the whimsical scene.

  7. What a fun show, from very traditional to whimsical to just funny. All of them special. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Lots of eye candy in this post and some LOL too. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed it a lot.

  9. How can you not love a quilter with a good sense of humor? Thanks for sharing!

  10. The monthly quilt show is certainly is an inspirational treat. It's nice that you're able to share it with all of us.

  11. My favorite is the flag quilt with the animals.

  12. great quilt show, thank you. Loved the cars one at the end xxx

  13. Thank you for sharing your photos of the First Thursday quilt show! I always enjoy seeing them! I can see why Cindy won first place with her challenge quilt! lol


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