
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Flags of the American Revolution Quilt aLong

There was enough interest to have a little sewalong and my book arrived. I am certainly not disappointed! I hope if you are joining in that your book has arrived too.

This is the quilt we will make. Jan has it broke down into 16 parts, but I'm pretty sure some of them will not take long to applique. Realistically I'm thinking a year. (or shorter)

We will start with this one. What's not to love about this block?!

Our goal is to have it finished by August 31. I can't wait to get started.......

I plan on using the same color scheme as in the book. Tell me what your plans are for fabric and color.


  1. Awesome quilt, you will enjoy making it so much! Your other quilt is turning out very nice too!

  2. I love this quilt Lori and I got my book!! I'll follow the same color scheme as the book but I think I need to go shopping!!

  3. Great quilt. I am about three years behind on my projects so I will have to watch.

  4. Hi Lori! My book didn t come yet but I won t complain bec I got a great price on eBay. I hope to do the same or similar color scheme, but I also am planning to work from my stash [hahahah, like that ll happen] so I may be subbing some parts. If anyone has this guy's tan stars in the wreath fabric and wants to share/ trade I d be very thrilled. That bit seems rather important and I know I don t have it.

    Fun! Thank you for a great summer / yearlong project!

    lizzy at gone to the beach lizzzz,

  5. I am SO tempted to join in but I've sworn off starting new projects until I finish a few. But I might change my mind since I purchased the kit for it from Jan several years ago and keep thinking I would love to make it. Not having to choose fabrics would make it much faster. As you can see I'm weak willed when it comes to starting something new which is why I have so many UFOs.

  6. My book did come! Can we do wool on cotton? I'd love to try that. but don't
    know how.

    What are you thinking you are going to use?
    This is going to be fun :0)

    Happy Sewing

  7. I am going to join in! AFTER my book is returned (a friend is mailing it this week) AND after my son's wedding in 3 weeks. I've wanted to make this quilt for years and your sew along was the key for me to get going - thanks!!

  8. I missed the original post about the sew along. What is the name of the book this pattern came from?


  9. That is certainly a stunning project.

  10. it will be fun to see everyones version - will you make a separate blog for this?

  11. I've seen this quilt before and would love to make it, but just can't start something new right now - what with the move, etc. Maybe someday.

  12. Lori, this quilt just looks like you! I wish I could sew-a-long, but there is just not enough time in the day. But...I will join you in spirit (and drool over your quilt as you go).

  13. My book has not arrived yet. But should be here any day now. I am going to follow the color scheme as the book. Hope to do this as much as possible from stash.

  14. I a debating between reproduction fabrics in similar colors or just whatever I pull from the regular stash. I already had an eagle cut out from a few months ago but I am re-thinking it. Are you using reproduction fabrics, Lori?

  15. Lori, I'm in! I participated in Jan's American Revolution Quilt BOM. I was sent the pattern and some fabric (I think..). Then when the book came out, I purchased the book. Why? Good question. I have an amazing friend that owns a quilt shop which makes over purchasing very easy! I have some of the blocks completed, and then, like the ADHD quilter that I am, I moved on to another project. I would love to get this quilt completed. My eagle block is done and I will send you a picture. While some of my blocks are completed, I will wait for the group to work on future blocks. Thanks Lori for lighting the fire to get this quilt completed. d

  16. I just saw your post from today so I came here to look. I love flags and really love eagles - especially this one. I always wanted to eventually appliqué one but never got around to it. God thought I was good with the Oak Leaf and Reel. I accept His decision. ;)


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