
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Applique and Baskets

I've got a mixed bag of blocks finished and they were going into one project, but I didn't think it through very well, so now I'll have extras.

 These are the 5 I finished machine appliqueing on the retreat. 
These 5 blocks are from the Noah and Matilda quilt. Aren't they adorable?! Dawn has done a terrific job of reproducing them. Find them HERE.
For some reason I could't get this one to stay turned when adding to my blog, so you'll have to cock your head. If I would have put a couple of the blocks on the diagonal they would fit in easily. 

These two didn't make the cut and will have to go in another quilt. I love them both! So, I am making one more basket block and 4 more applique blocks for a total of 25.  Wendy at Legend and Lace generously shared the basket patterns and the setting. Thanks Wendy. You can find them HERE.

And while I'm sharing basket quilts. Here are two more from the sale booth.  Stand on your head to see these properly!

Love to you all!


  1. They're all gorgeous! Nice job.

  2. Your blocks are lovely. What a nice quilt that will make!

  3. What beautiful little blocks. I love Dawn’s Noah and Matilda pattern.

  4. LOVE your blocks...well done!!...and these quilts are AMAZING!!

  5. I love the mix of the basket blocks with the applique blocks. It's going to make a very pretty quilt! I'm sure you'll find a use for the extra blocks. I always enjoy seeing more antique quilts - the scrappy unpredictable blocks make me smile :0)

  6. Your projects are wonderful! You are really cranking out the blocks!

  7. all so pretty and what a lovely quilt that basket / flower one will turn out to be!

  8. I love the on point set you are going to use. Those blocks are so cute! I think the shirting backgrounds really add something too! cheers, cw

  9. Beautiful blocks, Lori! You do such great work!

  10. I am too bottom heavy to stand on my head!
    My favorite block is the applique one in the lower right corner of the on point setting. Just something about the colors make me smile. I like what you have come up with by combining blocks from different sources. Will make it uniquely yours.

  11. Like Karen, I love the way you are combining the blocks from different sources to make a totally unique quilt. And, like Claire, I was immediately drawn to the choices of background fabrics you made. Very nice!
    What this all means is that I love what you have done here, and I don't have an original thought in my head. : )

  12. Wow -- as always just beautiful work Lori... love the blocks.

    Take care,

  13. Hi Lori. I don t mind the few blocks being not on point, it adds to the folky charm. Especially if you put them off to the sides. Or could you maybe piece/ extend the shirting backings and recut the blocks on point? They seem too wonderful not to include. I can t wait to see what you choose for the setting triangles and I suppose sashing. Double pink? Red? or the maybe brown in the antique quilt is interesting and unusual.


  14. A combo of Noah and Matilda blocks with Wendy's baskets sounds like a match meant to be. It'll make a wonderful quilt.
    Question -- in the burgundy squares of the pink/yellow/burgundy antique basket quilt, do you know what the white is on thsee burgundy squares? Maybe white batting showing through stitches that have spread or ripped the squares? I'm curious.

  15. I love what you've done, Lori! Fabulous! And those basket quilts are amazing. I sure don't remember seeing them. Maybe they had gotten snatched by the time I went by...

  16. I had to make an extra rose block to make my setting work, and ended up with 25 blocks. They look great Lori!

  17. Oh, Lori, I'm totally drooling over your fantastic blocks! Love, love the fabrics you've chosen! Beautiful antique basket quilts too.

  18. Lori - they look wonderful together on the floor there! Love the antique basket quilts too - even upside down Lol!

  19. GOOORRRGEOUS basket quilts. Had some problem with the standing on my head part (not enough wine I think do be that flexible LOL). It's funny how computers can sometimes annoy us. Anywho, very lovely applique blocks. Love them all. Now what do you plan for the sashing: pieced, colour, stripes?

  20. que bloques mas maravillosos!!!
    que gran edredón, precioso......
    los edredones antiguos me fascinan

  21. These are just beautiful, love the mix of baskets and appliqué. The alternating red and yellow petal flower is my favorite.

  22. There's just something special about the way you put your fabric together! The applique blocks look so vibrant.:)

  23. Those are beautiful blocks and beautiful appliqué.


  24. The blocks are beautiful. Your fabric choices are great. Are you going to sash? I really like the blue flower pot fabric. Can't wait to see the next blocks.

    1. Yes, I am going to sash the blocks. Janet, you are a no-reply commenter so I hope you see this reply.

  25. I hate when blogger turns photos but I do find if before I load them I rotate them, save, rotate back, save then load they for some reason load correctly! Go figure. Love your blocks with flowers and baskets, the fabrics...all! Devine!

  26. great blocks lori - love those different backgrounds.
    great antique basket quilts

  27. Every block is so very them!! I love antique quilts for their softness and texture...just yummy!

  28. Your applique blocks are terrific Lori! I especially love the designs and color palette you've used.

  29. Such beauiful applique blocks. I love them mixed with the baskets.

  30. the two sets of blocks work very nicely together and will make a wonderful piece~!
    . . . and the extras . . . will be like sour dough starter for another beautiful project.


    btw: have really enjoyed seeing all of the antique quilts in your latest posts. thank you for sharing them. i particularly liked the block that was a star and had a sort of New York Beauty set in bit . . . very interesting and graphic~!!

  31. Love how you are combining the blocks! Wow, I just might have to work on some machine appliqué so I can crank out more blocks :-)
    Love the shirting ground fabrics!


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