
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Favs from Coburg Quilt Show

This was a BOM from Material Obsessions

 This one was simple, but so pretty. What a great way to showcase RED!

 This has always been on my possible quilt bucket list.
These were a few beauties. Overall it wasn't as good as it has been in past years. It didn't seems like there were as many quilts or vendors. Unless Laurie goes back next year I will probably not attend again. That's too bad because it is a very nice venue for an outdoor show.

PS I'm not sure if the sale of quilts is new, but there were 6-8 Pickles quilts that someone had made and put for sale. They really took up space and didn't add to the show at all.


  1. I haven't been to a quilt show in two years. Thanks for sharing! That last one has been on my bucket list for quite some time also.

  2. Beautiful quilts and the first one is gorgeous, really nice design and appliqué work. I also like the forest, so peaceful feeling.


  3. I enjoyed your favorites. That Hawaiian quilt looks quite amazing. Thanks for sharing your pictures :0)

  4. WOW! That Hawaiian-style quilt must have taken a long time to make! And the Material Obsessions BOM quilt is just fabulous, too! It's too bad you were disappointed - but if the show organizers get that same comment from other regular attendees, perhaps they will restructure for next year, and it will go back to being as great as in years past....

  5. I enjoyed seeing your favorites. I was going to go but stayed home with our new calf. My mom and SIL went and enjoyed it, maybe next year.

  6. I can't imagine doing the appliqué on that first one! The second one is wild!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Isn't it great that there's such a broad spectrum of styles of quilts as there are people who make them. Love that first one.

  8. Thank you for bringing back such great memories! I have been to this quilt show a few years back when I lived in Oregon

  9. That first quilt just blows me away. Teal and cheddar, and that intricate quilting!

  10. The quilting on that Hawaiian one is incredible!!
    I love that red one, too. I am always drawn to the simple--I love the random stars in the rows.
    Though I'm not really into art quilts, that forest is beautifully done!
    When you say the quilt is on your possible bucket list--is it the quilt above or below that statement?

  11. Quite a Variety in your FAVS. What is a Pickles Quilt? I love Samplers and the Traditional quilts the Best!

  12. Thanks for sharing the pictures Lori, will have to add it to my to do list of quilt shows to attend.

  13. That BOM/sampler would be perfect for our challenge!!

  14. Wow, just WOW. Those quilts are all gorgeous in different ways, and I think I need to move to Australia so I can join the Material Obsession BOM. *sigh*

  15. Thanks for the pictures - that first quilt is an absolute stunner! Machine or hand quilted I wonder?

  16. Thank you for sharing your photos! Such wonderful quilts! It was probably the simplest one, but I sure liked that red one!

  17. Beautiful quilts...such talent!

  18. beautiful work - but sounds like you were disappointed -

  19. All good, but first three and the last were fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  20. I've noticed that there are less quilts in a lot of shows, even the big ones. I just went to Quilt Odyssey in PA last month; there were only about 124 quilts, including miniatures. Half of the display floor was taken up with an antique quilt exhibit.


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