
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Something to Crow About

One of my all time favorite Oregon quilt stores is on the way to the Coburg quilt show. ( isn't that convenient?!?) It's called  Something to Crow About and is in Springfield. Here are seven reasons to stop if you are ever in the vicinity.

Lots of wonderful wool!
Gorgeous samples throughout the store. 

They also had a vendor booth at the quilt show so the store was a little sparse in areas. I like a store that you can move around in without the fear of knocking something over. ( can anybody else relate?)
Easily accessible patterns.
Did I mention beautiful samples?
Mail order BOM and class samples.
And lovely reproduction fabric.  And one of the most important factors of a great quilt store? The friendly employees!


  1. Nice shop! I was in Lancaster shopping last week. Did you ever get there with Jill?

  2. Looks yum, it's on the bucket list!!!!!

  3. Yes, I do love that store and need to get back down their this fall. If you are near Salem to should go to Ladies of Liberty in Independence. I think you would love it also.

  4. Friendly employees - it's surprising that more quilt shop owners don't realize that. My son had orientation at a university. Whilst he was busy that I explored quilt shops in the area. There is one I will definitely go back to, one I won't and there is one that I might give them a second chance but that's only because it is the closest to where he will be living.

    As to knocking things over, there is a shop in Pennsylvania that is notorious for the amount of fabric in there. How the fire marshals allow it to stay open I have no idea. One of my sons moved a bolt and I thought he was going to be buried.

    What I love about the quilts in the photos you show is that they are not all easy. My LQS mostly has easy quilts as display models.


  5. Oh I love that shop just from the pictures!! Don't you think we need to make that blue and brown quilt, second picture down? I love it!! Customer service starts with those friendly employees...they make or break a business in my opinion.

  6. Looks like my kind of shop--wish it was on the way to anything for me! : )
    Yes, some shops are treacherous to navigate! I hug my purse close to me and keep my elbows in. Ahh, easily accessible patterns--I don't like having to ask an employee to get on a chair to get something for me. What if I don't like it after I see it close up? All that bother for nothing.
    As to friendly employees--I just visited a shop last week that I had been told to be careful with the owner. If you get on her bad side (which is apparently easy to do), you stay there for life. After a quick perusal of the shop I realized there was nothing there worth walking on eggshells for, IMHO.
    Lots of stuff in these photos worth seeing--and making!

  7. Those shop samples are wonderful! It looks and sounds like a great shop. So did you lighten your wallet a little :0)

  8. It looks like a wonderful quilt shop. I really love their shop samples!! Beautiful quilts!

  9. I'm not sure why, but that snowman brought the biggest smile to my face. Guess I'm ready for holiday sewing!

  10. Los muñecos de nieve son mis favoritos para decorar la casa en invierno,
    esa tiende de edredones la veo muy interesante
    veré si mandan correos a España
    gracias por compartir

  11. That looks like a beautiful shop. In addition to all the lovely fabric and samples, a great staff is so important. Did you have to take some fabric home with you?

  12. It looks like a great shop, I love the ones where the staff welcome you in and make you feel right at home.

  13. I'll have to go there sometime! I'm sure we'll be exploring the state more than we have in the past and hitting all the quilt shops is a priority!


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