
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Oh, Oh, Oh It's Magic.....

If it is at all possible you need to make it to the 40th Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show in 2015! There is something very magical about a western town draped in quilts.
Stitchin' Post employee challenge is always on the east side of the Stitchin' Post.  (You can get see them better by attending the picnic in the park on Friday night before the show)

The next photos were based on Kaffe Fassett's book, Dreaming in Color. 

What a fun stool!

I hope you enjoyed a few excerpts from the show!


  1. I am dreaming about getting to Sisters next summer!

  2. Thank you for sharing all the photos for those of us not lucky enough to attend! Love the stool and the Sue Spargoish quilt in the last post!

  3. This is definitely a magical kingdom for quilters. Thanks for sharing some of the goodies. The show is on my bucket list for travel--maybe some year.

  4. I do hope to get to Sisters for the show one day. So far my timing is off. Thanks for sharing so much of the show.

  5. I kind of kept my eye out for you. I was hoping maybe, just maybe I would recognize you in the crowd(s). This was my first time to go to Sisters and I had a wonderful time! And, yes! - It WAS magical!!! Thanks for sharing your photos. HUGS... and stitches

    1. Ah, bummer we didn't run into each other. We make a point of meeting in the park at a certain time and that does make it easier to find someone. It is a magical time that's for sure!

  6. You bet I've enjoyed your post. Thank you soooo much for sharing.

  7. I continue to be amazed that you got pictures of quilts I don't remember seeing!!

  8. One day I will make it to Sisters!

  9. WOW what a fabulous quilt display!! I love those patchwork stools.. what a great idea!! cheers... Marian

  10. There's nothing better than seeing a bunch of quilts displayed outdoors! The natural light makes the colours shine. Love the ottoman!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures! I've always wanted to attend the Sisters Quilt Show but I've never made it so your pictures of these wonderful quilts (and gorgeous stool) are greatly appreciated!

  12. I'd love to go one day - but in the meantime I love seeing your photos

  13. thanks Lori for reminding me of how fab Sisters is. I cant believe a year has gone by since my trip there. I loved it so much- and the area is stunning too. Glad you had a great time


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