
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Patriotic Giveaway.

Sometime recently my bloglovin' followers hit 1000 and I thought about a giveaway. Then other obligations and family deaths got me sidetracked. Now I have 1129 followers and I finally have a little giveaway. 

I worked on this to and from Boston. Remember I said I didn't want to be working on a Santa project, so I made this instead. I made the cotton log cabin and added the wool flag, then dyed it to prim it up a bit.

If you are in the USA and would like to win this (doesn't make much sense outside of USA) please leave me a message and tell me what your highlight of the July 4th weekend was.

I was inspired to make Jan Patek's quilt, Flags of the American Revolution. I need to order the book first! Anybody want to play along?

If you are outside of the US I'll find a little something this week at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt show. Leave me a message! I'll draw next Monday, July 14th.

Thank you all for your nice comments.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. My highlight was showing my nephews daughter how to sew and have her assist me, she is only 9 years old .

  2. I am from outside of the US and thank you for letting us participate in your giveaway as well! Having been to your country many times to spend our vacation I would not mind at all to win your patriotic block! It is a cutie & I do sort of celebrate the 4th of July here at home as well, with American food (I made pulled pork sandwiches this time) because we have so many happy memories of your country. But then again, it will be such a surprise to see what you find at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt show. Hopefully you will post many pictures of what you will see there ?

  3. I have a new granddaughter, so holding her was the treat of the week.

  4. The highlight of my weekend was kayaking on the Finger Lakes. I would be honored to win your little quilt! Thanks for a chance.

  5. What a sweet giveaway! The highlight of my holiday was chatting with my son who's a Marine serving in Afghanistan. He is recovering from a severe injury and was able complete a job he hasn't been able to do for about 6 weeks. A great accomplishment. Thank you!

  6. What a cute little giveaway! I must say that my favorite part of the holiday weekend was spending time with my kids and all their friends while we had a cook out and then fireworks. It's so fun to see how much the kids still love shooting fireworks even though they are all teens now. Heck my husband still loves it and he's past 50! Relaxing with family, friends and neighbors, that's my idea of perfect!

  7. Lori, your little quilt is just adorable! Due to the bad weather we had on the 4th, we just hunkered down. It was a good excuse for me to get some much needed sewing therapy in.

  8. My 4th included Sewing my Market Day from Pam Buda and a Sweets Baseball game. Got a bit of the two best parts of Summer. Quilting and Baseball.

  9. Watching fireworks that haven't been in our town in many,many years.

  10. My husband and I watched the community parade and fireworks. We had a pretty low key weekend. Love the little quilt.

  11. What a cute little quilt! The highlight of the weekend was our daughters 40th birthday. The whole family got together at a tiki bar on the Chesapeake Bay to celebrate! Fun! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.... I'm seriously thinking about playing along with The Flags of the American Revolution!

  12. Hope you have a wonderful time at the Sister's Quilt Show. I've been once and have been hoping to get back again, but now that I live on Vancouver Island, it takes a bit of planning and I haven't been able to get things together. I'll be looking forward to pics from you of the show.

  13. Such a fun patriotic giveaway! My favorite part of 4th of July...I can narrow it down to two things:
    1. I made a pie from our own blueberries.
    2. My son's girlfriend joined us for the first time AND helped make the pie!
    We had a great family day.

  14. My favorite 4th of July activity was watching the neighborhood kids setting off their safe & sane fireworks so cute. I would be interested in playing along making the Flags if the American Revolution quilt I saw a couple of blogs this year & it would be right up my alley. Love your patriotic giveaway.

  15. The highlight of my July 4th weekend was blessed rain! It's been dry around here and the rain was so welcome (to me, at least!). Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway. I'm intrigued by the suggestion of a flag-inspired quilt-along, since I'd like to make a red, white, and blue quilt. I think I'll look for the book, too.

  16. I love patriotic quilts! The fact that this sweet little piece has traveled to & from Boston, & witnessed our countries history, makes it all the more special.
    This was our "quietest" 4th ever! My husband and kids all worked, so I was on my own with the pups, doing a little painting & a little stash reorganization. Since we had so many fireworks in the air all around us, we stayed home to keep an eye on the boys in the pasture and make sure the old barn stayed safe.

  17. Cookout with the whole family was a winner.

  18. I haven't been to Boston in ages, we always drive around it, lol.
    We did go to Ct. a few days to paddle on the coast. My highlight was spending the day with my grandson.


  19. Your little flag quilt is so cute! The highlight of my 4th was spending a fun day with family and friends.

  20. Lori, we spent the 4th packing for a trip to visit family. Not exciting, but it started the trip in a very relaxed mode. I'd love to win your little quilt, and just ordered my Jan Patek book. I'm ready to play along!

  21. We had a lovely day with some running and some quilting and some reading and a great bbq with the kids. And about that flag quilt idea - you have caught my attention

  22. Oh My…..this little flag piece needs to be at MY house!!! ha! It's just toooooo cute Lori!!

    What I enjoyed most about the 4th was the piece and quiet. It's a busy time here with wheat
    harvest and all so everyone was working and I had the day to myself to putter in my sewing space.

  23. The highlight of my 4th celebration was sitting on the front lawn of our state capital building in North Dakota watching fireworks erupt with the sounds of our live symphony playing in the background. I felt very patriotic. Very cute flag block and I'd love to give it a place of honor at my home.

  24. I'm in the UK and the highlight of my weekend was the Wimbledon men's final !

  25. What a sweet give away! I work retail so I wasn't off work until Monday. I SO enjoyed my day off yesterday to spend with my DH and college aged kids. I love your blogs

  26. What a wonderful and generous giveaway! The highlight of the Fourth for me was being with family, especially my kids and awesome granddaughters.

  27. What a sweet little flag quilt! Congrats on your new milestone! I enjoyed having a quiet lazy weekend.:)

  28. My July 4th weekend wasn't exciting but it was productive. I bought a new piece of furniture for my bedroom and then rearranged the whole room. After 20 years of the same layout I felt like I was in a hotel for the first couple of nights. :)

  29. The highlight of my weekend was celebrating my soon-to-be daughter-in-law's birthday.

  30. Didn't have a big do this year, but spent the evening with sons family and watched the kiddos and some tame fireworks. Your Boston trip sounds like a fun thing for the 4th - maybe next year.

  31. What a cute little quilt, love the wool flag. Working with wool is so much fun. Love following your blog. Congrats on the number of followers your now have. Keep up the good work.

  32. My husband and I had a quiet 4th after a busy week...we did watch an awesome fireworks show our neighbors have every year. The only time our little country road has a traffic jam! Thanks for the giveaway - I'd love to win your sweet quilt!

  33. Being with family at a cookout was a fun 4th for us.

  34. My highlight was watching my two year old grand kids eating a Klondike ice cream bar in 90 degree weather. It was a riot and very very messy!

  35. I love the family this year, but I love seeing those sparklies!!

  36. We were treated to homemade fresh peach ice cream with family on the 4th--yum!

  37. The weather was gorgeous in Virginia, so I spent the day outside with the granddog, gardening, stitching, talking to the neighbors. I made my hubby a special steak dinner since he had to work, and then the dog and I disappeared into the basement so he didn't have to suffer through the neighborhood fireworks. The little flag quilt is beautiful! And congrats on the over 1000 blogs! Keep them coming!

  38. I love your little flag quilt! We were treated to homemade ice cream by our neighbors~ good times and good friends. :-) Thanks for the chance!

  39. We had a great time with friends for BBQ and fireworks - so nice!! Darling little flag quilt would sure look cute at my house! LOL Looking forward to seeing your new flag project!

  40. I love patriotic quilts I think I will have to try and join along and make this one too,
    4th of July was always special since its a few days before my birthday and have such fond memories of my family celebrating on the 4th and it always included a birthday cake for me. I treasure those memories now. and the tradition carries on today always a birthday cake on the 4th for me!

  41. My highlight was going to see my son in his new apartment. He has his first real job, and he loves it. Nice to see him enjoying life as a grown up.

  42. The highlight of my Independence weekend was going to see my daughter. I hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving last year and miss her so much!

  43. I spent the day relaxing with my hubby of 43 years. We had a nice, relaxing day on the lake. Thanks for a chance.

  44. This is so cute. I am trying to get a group of patriotic projects together for my house. I would love to win this.

  45. I love your creativity!!!! Family, grilling, and fireworks highlighted my Fourth of July!!!
    Blogger ate my first comment!!!

  46. Congratulations of hitting the 1000 and beyond mark! I'm not surprised one your blog!

  47. That's a lot of followers! My highlight was that 2 of my nieces from ND made a surprise visit (surprise for my hubby - I was in on the secret!). So awesome to have them here. We took them to see fireworks in a neighboring town - it was even more special because one of them brought her fiance, who served our country for 4 years.

  48. I know my 4th of July weekend would not sound very exciting to most people. We stayed home except to eat out and I sewed to my heart's content. Worked on red, white, and blue projects.

  49. My favorite combination - cotton & wool!

  50. I am pretty sure I have Jan Patek's flag book. Sounds like a plan.

  51. Spending Sunday afternoon with Mom....dementia/90 yrs...putting our feet up on her bed watching the birds...talking about making quilts...peanut butter and jelly for supper...some sweet hours with my favorite gal..hated leaving her at the facility as always...

  52. felicidades por el gran numero de seguidores!!!!
    tu blog es tan creativo.....

  53. Oh I'd love to do another sew along with you......I'm almost finished with my last one :0)
    4th of July was quiet this year with DH in New Zealand on business, spent the evening with friends have a delicious dinner :0)

    Thanks for the chance to win and
    Happy Sewing

  54. Nothing exciting in my house on the 4th, just quality time with husband and the boys (dogs). Would love to win the block. I would love to do the Flags. I guess I would be cheating because I have a BOM but maybe this would be a push to get it made. Thank you Lori, you are such an inspiration.

  55. Having my son come home for July 4 weekend was definitely the highlight of my July 4. Love your block -- so wonderful!

  56. Hi Lori from Australia! I love this, and would still display it in my home. I love the 'prim' look, and have a niece here in Aust, and a friend in NZ who love anything American, so any gifts I make for them are often American themed or red, white and blue. Having seen all the gorgeous patriotic quilting on various blogs recently for 4th of July, I am thinking I might need to make some for myself, it is such a gorgeous colour combination. My niece and I actually had our own little 4th of July party last year! Sadly, this year, I was unwell and she was working. She was been to America twice now, and loves it, and we are planning a trip there together next year. Thank you for the lovely giveaway opportunity. I would love to join you in a quilt along again too.

  57. It's no surprise to me that you have so many followers - I love your blog! It's always full of inspiring projects and wonderful quiltalongs! Have fun at the Sister's show!!

  58. Congrats on your milestone. This 4th was a little different for us, we grilled out steaks with friends. Always glad to celebrate being an American. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Sitting on my couch and watching the fireworks display out my living room window. Thanks for a chance I love the mini.

  60. The little patriotic quilt is adorable, Lori. I'm on the east coast so we had heavy rain this year on the 4th. But I had fun anyway, setting out all my flags , large and small, and recalling family Cape Cod Fourths. My dad so loved this holiday! And I treasure the time spent this year with my kids after the rains, beach/ BBQ/ friends...

    I m always tempted by your sewalongs, not sure I have time for this one, but it looks so fun.

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  61. Love the little flag quilt! My highlight was being in Gettysburg and Antietam over the 4th. What a grim reminder of all our forefathers went through. Thanks for the giveaway!

  62. Congrats on your blog achievement! Your little patriotic log cabin is really cute! I got to hold and play with my 3 month old granddaughter and watch my 5 year old grandson enjoy sparklers. It was a fun weekend away from home!

  63. I ordered the book "Flags of the American Revolution" today. Would love to do a sew along. I have a son that loves American items so this would be great for him. Let me know when you get started.

    1. You are a no-reply commenter. I'm thrilled to have you join in!!

  64. Such a wonderful little quilt! And just think it has been to Boston and back already! I had no excitement on the fourth, we put the first coat of Deck Over on our deck.

  65. Your giveaway is great. Think I might make one with our flag.

  66. We traveled down to So Calif for my nephews wedding and got to spend the night before (the 4th) with the entire family, it was awesome!

  67. my highlight was just watching my little girls relax in the hotel pool! we had it to ourselves and it was nice to get away and just hang out!

  68. Watching the parade in Arlington, WA and my grandson was even in it with his baseball team! And then watching the most fireworks I have ever seen!

  69. Harvesting garlic and shallots from the garden, the end of the peas and enough beets to can 5 quarts. Along with fried chicken and fireworks, of course! Love your sweet quilt.

  70. Mine was defiantly spending time with my grandchildren!! And the second was putting together Pam Buda's Market Day Sew Along.

  71. What a sweet giveaway. My highlight was a Bennett family reunion and both of my sons showed up with three grandbabies.

  72. Count me in - that little quilt is darling. My highlight was rest, relaxation and enjoying the family, food and friends.

  73. Very pretty, and nice that it was made on the way to and from Boston which is known for so much of our American history. 4th of July means remembering those who have fought for our independence and recognizing their sacrifice.

  74. Congratulations on so many followers. Your blog is great. Have fun at Sisters and post some photos for us. Thanks for the chance on the flag quilt.

  75. What an adorable piece of work! Hmmm, I guess my highlight from the 4th of July weekend was: SUN

    We were camping and we had lots of rain for most of the 4th, but the sky cleared in the afternoon and the sun was out for the rest of the weekend so it was much more pleasant to walk our dogs.

    Enjoy your trip to Sisters. . . . that is on my bucket list.

  76. We spent the day with our 2 Oregonian grandchildren! Later tried to sleep through lots of fire crackers!

  77. My highlight for the holiday weekend was some quality time quilting and making significant progress on my project.

  78. Congratulations on your followers, a lot of people enjoy your blog, thanks so much for sharing. We had a yard full of friends and family to celebrate with, lots of fun! Your flag is wonderful perfect for this time of year! Please enter me in the drawing, thanks so much.

  79. Love the little quilt. I have ordered the book and will join you in your sew-along. Hope I can keep up. Do you know when you are going to start? I have a baby quilt I am working on that I need by the 20th. The 4th was a wash out here on the Cape but the rest of the weekend was beautiful and we had a great time with friends and fireworks.

    1. You are a no-reply commenter. I'm thrilled to have you join in!! I don't have my book yet, so it will be a little while before we start!

  80. My highlight was walking to the Square for our hometown parade and stopping at the quilt shop to cool off.

  81. Love your little patriotic quilt and would love to win. I am from Massachusetts, and many times we would drive to Boston for the Boston Pops and fireworks concert. wonderful memories.
    Carolyn B

  82. Cute quilt, and thanks for the giveaway, Lori. My favorite part of the July Fourth weekend was having a lot of quilting time. No family gathering, no trip out of town, no obligations away from home. I watched patriotic events on TV while my sewing machine was happily humming along. It was a great couple of days.

  83. It's a wonderful Flag and I love your humble style! Thats so nice of you to do and congratulations on your success!

  84. My favorite part of 4th of July weekend was spending it with 3 of my 4 siblings. It doesn't happen very often these days and it was so sweet!

  85. This Foirth of July was special as it is every year as my hubbie came back from Vietnam with minor injuries. Many friends didn't. We host long time friends most Fourth's and they are Airforce veterans of other actions. We celebrate by having fun and staying good friends. We reminisce about those that didn't come back. Your flag mini would be a good focal point during our gathereings.

  86. Lori, what a darling little quilt, I would love to win it even though I'm an Aussie! I love how you decorate you home with all your wonderful patriotic quilts, it's so inspiring :)) cheers.. Marian

  87. Watching fireworks in Butte Montana with daughter and grandchildren then watching a rodeo through the eyes of 5 and 6 year olds . Love the family,kid time. Would love little quilt.

  88. what an adorable little piece and it's even hand quilted~!
    the highlight of my holiday was having my wonderful daughter and my soon to be son-in-law visiting . . . the next day there was a lovely small private wedding.

    :- D

  89. We enjoyed a day with family and friends then a great firework display in the evening. Thank you to all who keep our country free

  90. Congratulations Lori! We went to a family cook out, than to see firework. A fun day.

  91. The highlight of my 4th was having my daughter home from the Air Force for a few days! Haven't had her home on Independnce Day in years.

  92. Lots of family with little kids playing in the lake. Fun!
    I LOVE YOUR QUILT! Did you design it?

  93. That is so sweet. Our highlight of the 4th was celebrating our country's independence with family and friends - over 100 of them!

  94. I put my sewing machine on my front porch and sewed all day on the fourth.

  95. Been away from the computer for a few days with my Mom in the hospital and a family reunion at the same time. Love your little prim flag quilt!
    On the 4th we usually go to a pancake breakfast put on by a scout troop. This year we also hiked around the little lake in a nearby mountain canyon. Sometimes we have a cookout with the grandkids (they were out of town this year) and we finish with watching the local fireworks from our deck. I love all things patriotic, but I don't do the local parade because it is just too hot for me! : )

  96. Love your little flag. The fireworks on the 4th of July. Even though we are in our 60's we still enjoy them. Seeing the little kids get all excited watching the fireworks is so much fun.

  97. Congratulation for so many followers. I love your little flag.

    On the 4th of July, I went to visit my mom and I have done some quilting.

    Carole Y. from Canada (lilacbus021 at gmail dot com)

  98. Love your little flag! Love your blog! Not hard to understand why you have so many followers.
    We celebrated the Fourth with a camping trip with our youngest daughter and family.

  99. Lori, it's just a wonderful little piece and I would love to get your giveaway!!

  100. We grilled out with some of our country's finest airmen. It was fabulous! Lots of laughs, fireworks, sticky fingers and sunburned cheeks! I love 4th of July. Gorgeous giveaway. Thanks for the chance. xoxo


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