
Friday, August 29, 2014

No Homes in This Tree

As Laurie and I were hiking Oyster Dome I told her I'd have to make a mini quilt to commemorate our hike. I even picked the fabric at Two Thimbles Quilt Shop after hiking.  I knew right away I'd be making TWO quilts. One for me and one for Laurie. I've never made a tree of life quilt so finding a workable pattern was a challenge
Here is the one I kept for me. I machine quilted both of them.
I had a bit of a size issue when assembling it. 

Oops! Once for a swap I always regretted sending my humble little quilt with funky unmatching seams so I knew I would keep this one.
I changed patterns and this one added a little triangle at the base of the tree. It was kind of confusing so I machine appliqued it down. 

But I think it turned out really cute.

Fun memories with a new friend.

If you have your eagle block done and do not have a blog please send me a photo and I'll post Sept 1, which is Monday.  Let's go ladies!!

Have an awesome weekend!


  1. Really cute Lori ....what a nice thing to do to remember a happy memory!

  2. this was so nice of you to do that, both of you will smile when you look at these little quilts.
    A tree of life quilt is on my must make someday! love the fabric choice btw!

  3. What a great memory for a hiking tour, bet you saw a lot of trees on your trip.
    Just fun, great idea.

  4. I really like Tree of Life patterns. I think it's cool that you made 2 different blocks for 2 similar quilts. They both look great! A lovely way to remember your time together :0)

  5. I love The Tree of Life blocks! I saw one, a long time ago, done with cheddar and muslin fabrics, but I could never make those blocks turn out. Of course their blocks were very large, I bet 16 inches, it was so pretty, maybe I should try again... Have a great weekend!

  6. un recuerdo muy verde!!!
    me gustan los arboles y verde es genial
    buen fin de semana

  7. I love your Tree of Life blocks! They are a challenge, well done!!! Wonderful idea to share in two ways and remember a good day of hiking. Perfect!

  8. A perfect block to remember being there. I could see a bird appliqued on it for fun, too.

  9. A Tree of Life quilt is on my list. You know, that one day I want to make it list. Love the little trees you made to remember a special day.

  10. I love this block, it really captures your experience in the forest.. I like the traditional first block the best but the other is interesting too, very pine-y.


  11. What great memory quilts of your hike together. I like that you made two different trees.

  12. A fun idea to commemorate a good time with a friend by making something that so fits the situation. I had not thought of that.

  13. That is a beautiful piece and a special gift to remember time with a friend.


  14. Such a wonderful way to remember that special day! The colors you chose really captured the area you hiked in!

  15. I love these! Great single block doll quilts.
    Here is a pattern for a tree I designed based on several antique blocks.

  16. what a nice way to commemorate your hike and new friend!

  17. Great way to commemorate a hike and a new friend.

  18. Experimenting with traditional blocks, just one or two at a time--that's a great way to expand our quilting experience and maybe find a future project. These trees are doubly special as they commemorate your hike. Thanks for sharing them, Lori.

  19. Lori,
    Thank you so very much for the "No Homes" Tree of life quilt. You sure did capture the colors perfect. I love it, and will Laugh EVERYTIME I see it. I might find a miniature horse to display it with.
    On my list is a Discover Pass and Hiking Shoes. Thank you Again, Ever so much.


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