
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Peek into Linda's Sewing Room

 Here is more fun and inspiration from blog reader, Linda. She obviously loves horses!
I adore the posters behind the ironing station.

 Isn't that fun?! I love where she protects (and hides) her stash!  Thanks Linda for sharing your room with us!


  1. I have seen the shelf near the ceiling in a couple other sewing room photos. Not filled with horses but quilty type things or baskets, etc. Wonderful idea.

  2. Thanks for showing us other sewing rooms ("Studios")! They give me good ideas! I also like the idea of a shelf above a window or door. She has quite the collection of horses. I wonder if she has a real live one too.

  3. Oh i LOVE her horse collection!! and what a nice sewing room

  4. I Love the denim patch curtain, what a great idea!! I used to have gobs of denim scrapes...They seem to have disappeared?! My family doesn't where much denim anymore, now it's all stretch knit stuff, what is this world coming to...?!

  5. I bet there is lots of horsing around in that sewing room! I know...I know...lame! Loved seeing Linda's stall...'er...I mean studio!! Her stash had me whining for more...

  6. If my daughter ever has a sewing room, it will look like this...she's a horse lover too! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoy peeking into other sewing spaces. I'm naturally nosey like that. :)

  7. Wonderful sewing space, so tidy and organized!

  8. Great sewing space. But she had better be careful or pretty soon the horses will take over and she will have to go sew in the barn. : )

  9. What a fun space! Her stash looks so neat!

  10. What fun to see such a nice sewing room!

  11. very that a shower curtain with the grommets or something she made?

  12. But where's your sewing machine or do you hand sew only?

  13. Lovely to peek into another sewing room - thanks for sharing! This one is full of character and warmth :)

  14. Always fun to peek at quilters sewing rooms

    Thanks !

  15. Great horse collection. How fun that she has all her treasures with her. The room is so organized and looks so functional.

  16. Love to see other sewing rooms. I just posted some pics on my blog

  17. I LOVE seeing others sewing/quilting rooms. Always on the lookout for ideas to incorporate into mine. I like how she has surrounded herself with her horses. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Much more organized than me :)

  19. Great room - and I loved that fabric stash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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