
Friday, August 15, 2014

WA Quilt Shops

I got out of town this week and made my way to a couple of Washington state quilt stores.
Personally, I love a store with lots of samples! Look at that beautiful quilt! This is at 
Two Thimbles Quilt Shop in Bellingham, WA. 

This one is going to be done as a class. What a terrific setting for a star sampler.

Lots of Jo Morton and lovely reproductions. 

I can never get enough of little quilts.

Then we ended up at FolkTales in Lynden. I think the owner is the master of the needle arts.
The shop was full of lots of stitchery and threads. I have to say, it was somewhat piled up, but it didn't stop me from making a purchase. I bought some lovely Moda wool and a few other goodies.

If you want to see why I came to WA please check out my other blog HERE. 


  1. Did you do any damage in Two Thimbles? It looks like a very tempting place!

  2. The quilt shop in Bellingham opened after I moved away, but I did get to visit it once when we went back for a visit. I took my first quilting class in Lynden! That shop has closed though. Thanks for the memories and have fun on your hike.

  3. Thanks for all the eye candy....I really like the star those colors! I think I would have done a lot of damage in those shops!

  4. Two Thimbles is one of my favorite shops! Congrats on "hiking" Oyster Dome, a well loved trail in this area.

  5. What fun! We have one store that has the piled up look...and the poor owner can't find anything!! But it is such fun to explore her treasures, as you did in that quilt shop. Enjoy your goodies.

  6. OMGosh...two more shops to add to my list!! When we head down south we avoid this area...well the Seattle area...and take the Port Angeles ferry. Might have to rethink that! haha Hubby will be thrilled!! They look like great shops!

  7. Hmmm, I have a niece that recently moved to Bellingham. Looks like she needs me to visit. : )
    Love all of the quilts in the photos that you shared!

  8. I love both of those quilt shops, although since I've moved to Vancouver Island from Vancouver, I don't get there as often as I would like. Two Thimbles always has a great selection of repro CW fabrics, and Lynden is such a cute town to visit. At one time, they had five quilt shops.

  9. Love All the quilts but my Favorite is the one using the Hewson vase! Another idea to add to an already-too-long list of quilts I would like to make!!

  10. That first medallion quilt looks like a Dutch quilt I've seen. What wonderful samples. And I love the pictures in the different shops!

  11. I like the medallion quilt in the first picture. Lots of interesting blocks added to the piece. I assume that the center is partially done broderie perse style.

  12. I love tyhe stars with the unusual setting. That s an idea to remember!


  13. Oh,my, I'm in love with that star quilt!! You are a bad influence..I may "have" to make one! :)

  14. What beautiful shops. That second one looks way too tempting since I still do a bit of other kinds of stitching. LOL

  15. Thank you for sharing the shops. Wonderful and inspiring samples. So much better to see them in person. I probably would have left with a few shopping bags!

  16. I like those shop samples too! I think I need to go sew!

  17. Looks like two great shops. I really like the star sampler quilt! What a hike! Sounds like you had fun though.

  18. Lori,
    So glad you made the trek up here. It was a fun day. Too many shops, to little time. Houston??

  19. awesome shops and lots of inspiration - love that star strippy too!

  20. What lovely quilt shops. Would love to come over and see them. day ☺

  21. I love Folktales! Haven't been to the Bellingham shop but it is on my someday list

  22. I feel fortunate to have Two Thimbles so close by. It is my favorite without a doubt. Lee does a great job in presenting us with challenges on a regular basis, including the star sampler. Great review of her store.

  23. I love love the setting on the star quilt!!!


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