
Monday, August 18, 2014

Inspired All Over Again

If you have been reading my blog long you would have met Laurie HERE. I think we were all inspired by her quilts and fun decorating sense. I got to see it all over again when I stayed with her this last week.

I got to sleep under this beauty!

The way the light was falling on this quilt in the evening the quilting showed up so well. Look at that! 

I have a pattern for this difficult block. It is so sweet. I think Laurie said her sister made that for her.

This adorable little jacket is in her sewing room.

This is just a fraction of her stash.

This is an evening photo so not very good,  but I was so inspired by this on my last visit, I changed a few things around at my house. Her little quilts are so adorable!

If you do not have a blog but would like to showcase your quilt decor or antiques, I'd love to see them and show your photos on my blog. Let me know!

Happy Monday!


  1. Love seeing the vintage quilts!! The little quilts are so adorable. Makes me want to hang a clothes line to display some of mine. I love seeing how others decorate as well as setting up sewing spaces. Love your blog!

  2. I love to see how others decorate with quilts. Laurie's style is inspiring. I love the cabinet she stores her stash in.

  3. Wonderful inspiration once more, thank you so much.

  4. That is inspiring, how cozy and charming. I think I need to do some work around here!

  5. Such an inspiring much to see and talk about !

  6. I want to make a reservation to stay with Laurie! What a treasure trove! I am intrigued by the wood cabinet with the spool door fronts.

  7. Thanks for the inspiration. The quilting on the Tree of Life is incredible. The quilter put so many designs together and made it come alive. Beautiful.

  8. OMGosh!! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!! A wonderful display of quilty goodness!

  9. Goodness compared to Laurie my little quilt show at my house pales!
    I do love how her home is decorated!
    How is your eagle coming along? I worked on mine all weekend and still
    not done :0)

    Happy Sewing

  10. Sew, sew cute! What beautiful quilts - especially love the minis and the way she displays them.
    Such neat ideas. Thanks for sharing - as always enjoy your posts.

  11. Looks like a place I would love to visit. Very inspirational surroundings! : )

  12. Your visits with Laurie are each filled with inspiration and ideas and a wonderful sense of the joy this lady must get from her antiques. I'm sure I would be hyperventilating with the first step into her home. Lucky you :) and thanks for sharing with us.

  13. gracias por compartir este lugar
    ¡¡¡ mágico !!!
    es un encanto

  14. What an aMazing quilt to sleep under!

  15. I just know I would have such a great night's sleep under that quilt! xCathy

  16. You have good friends with fun Quilts. I would be inspired there too.

  17. It is inspiring - love it all. That hand quilting is gorgeous!

  18. I love her display of little quilts! I plan to hang a bunch in my new sewing room. I'm waiting patiently (not) for it to be painted!

  19. I would love to me your friend and see her house in person. Fantastic. I love the strawberry pillow.
    Thank you for sharing Lori.

  20. What a fun house to stay at. The hand quilting is very inspiring, just beautiful.
    Lucky us - thank you for sharing!

  21. Looks like a wonderful place to stay!!

  22. ohhhhh I love Laurie's place and all her wonderful stuff.. I wish she lived closer!! I love the way she displays her small quilts too.. i just happened to notice the little swap quilt I made for her, it's hanging there too :))

  23. I would have been afraid to sleep under those beauties. I for sure would have made some sort of mess. LOL Love the minis hanging.

  24. Wow, even more beauties from Laurie's house! Love that pillow!

  25. How gorgeous! Lucky you sleeping under that quilt!!

  26. Glad you got to see my sis again. That is the strawberry pillow I made her, it was a difficult one for sure. I did make her two others, one is the 2nd from right on the mini hanger, and the other is probably in one of her many cabinets...a tiny cheddar and rust star quilt. I'm so proud of my sis and her ever changing, ever growing antiques and quilt collection!


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