
Monday, October 27, 2014

A Little Quilting

Here's a small fall quilt that I hand quilted recently. I got the binding sewn on yesterday.
Here's the fun backing, although I'm not sure what it is! hahaha

Ta-da! Binding all sewn down. Simple, fun, rewarding.

Here is the back to another table topper that I've made recently. It's killing me, but I cannot show it yet. I'm working on the binding on this one too.

Be sure to send me photos of your flag blocks if you do not have a blog. We will post Friday morning.

If you haven't yet, sign up for the book giveaway HERE. I'll draw a name the beginning of November.

Happy Monday!


  1. Love it! It feels good to finish something, doesn't it? I'm almost finished sewing down the binding on my "Over the River" quilt. Yea!

  2. Great finish Lori, I love your colors.
    Looking forward to Friday,

  3. Simple, fun, rewarding...and GORGEOUS!! Love it!

  4. Love your little quilt! So cute!

  5. Que guapo !!
    me gustan los colores

  6. So perfect in its simplicity! And I see that the influence of "Barb's Fun Backings" is spreading--or maybe you have always done them and just haven't always shown them. : )
    Is that secret quilt the next SAL, by chance?!?

  7. Love your little quilt!! Love those little bunnies on the back! Good thing I don't live near by because I'd want to steal/borrow some bunnies. What are those yellow blobs? LOL!

  8. The dark backing looks like rabbits and eye balls but I doubt that is what is on there other than the rabbit.

  9. Very, very pretty Lori - Love the little quilt. I NEED to make one -- maybe with just HST ;)

    Thanks for the sneak peak -- can't wait for the reveal!

  10. Love your hand quilting, so pretty. Can't wait for the reveal. I have one of those right now as well. Makes for a boring blogger for me. Oh well, have you pulled out your BTCT? I was asked to do a trunk show and started talking about hand quilting and that's what they want my presentation to focus on. I guess they just don't see much of it anymore.

  11. Such gorgeous handquilting! What a delightful way to finish this wonderful little fall quilt. Enjoy! A little suspense keeps us wondering :0)

  12. What great rich fall colors. The back makes me laugh because I have a piece of it too

  13. that mini is so cute. love the colors.

  14. Ah, those mini quilts.:) So rewarding!

  15. Love the backing and the hand quilting!

  16. Love the little quilt all hand quilted! Fun backings on both...I love to do that but don't always take the time to find something special.

  17. Super cute! (and very curious!)

  18. Such a sweet little quilt, Lori and I love your hand quilting on it. How long to we have to wait for a reveal on the other one??!!


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