
Friday, October 24, 2014

A Quilt for Christmas- Giveaway!

I had big big plans for Thursday- quilt plans, lunch with a friend, then my mom ended up in the Emergency Room so I did too.(She is back home now and hopefully will stay there!)  I don't have anything to show so I'll share this! (keep scrolling as you have a big opportunity to win a sewing machine!)

Sandra Dallas' latest book, A Quilt for Christmas, has created a wonderful story about a Civil War-era quilting group, whose members are actually the grandmothers of the Persian Pickle Club ladies. Civil War Era quilting story? Right up my alley! I have to confess I haven't read any Persian Pickle Club books but think I'll enjoy this. 
It is 1864, and Eliza Spooner’s husband Will has joined the Kansas volunteers to fight the Confederates, leaving her with their two children and in charge of their home and land.  Eliza is confident that Will will return home, and she helps pass the months making a special quilt to keep her husband warm during his winter months in the army.  When the unthinkable happens, she takes in a woman and child who have been left alone and made vulnerable by the war, and she finds solace and camaraderie amongst the women of her quilting group. But when she is asked to help hide an escaped slave, she must decide for herself what is right and who she can count on to help her.

You have two ways to win! Leave a comment here and I will send you the book after I've read it, of course, in time for the holidays.

Click HERE to get all the info and the link to sign up for the sewing machine. Good luck!


  1. I agree...this sounds like a quilt story I could get into too! I hope your mom is doing better!

  2. I have read Persian PIckle, Diary of Mattie Spenser, and Buster MIdnight's Café. I am such a fan of her books. I didn't know a quilty one was out. I am now retired and only read and quilt! Wonderful life. I am registering as Google but it's no reply. This is my Thanks

  3. Hi Lori,
    thank you for the offer to share your book once you have read it. I think it would be one I would like as well. Sounds very good. I don't think we can enroll for the sewing machine outside the US, but that is o.k., would not be 220 V after all.

  4. sorry to hear about your mom - glad to hear she's home.
    thanks for the sewing machine contest - I'm in!

  5. Hope your mom is doing ok - I'm sure it wasn't a fun day. This looks like another good book - I've read Sandra Dallas, and they are always winners.

  6. Sounds like a good read. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love a good Christmas story - a special treat during the hectic holidays!
    Blessings, Patti

  8. These books are fun to read. I've only read one of the Persian pickle club books but it was very enjoyable.

  9. I've read most of Sandra Dallas' books and loved them all. Thanks for the chance to win this one!

  10. That sounds like a book I would really enjoy reading :)

  11. I will add her to my list of authors to try. Thanks for a chance at the book.

    Hope your Mom is doing ok.

  12. I love Sandra Dallas books, and would be thrilled to add this one to my collection!

  13. Sorry about your Mom! Those are tough times.

  14. This sounds like a book I would like to read.

  15. This would be a great read and thanks for the chance to win.

  16. I just read this book. It's a double Hankie one! I'd love a new machine though. Sorry your Mom had to go to the ER. Hope things are better for her.

  17. Sounds like a good story.

  18. The Persian Pickle Club was a wonderful read. Put it on your list. No spoiler, but the end was awesome. I would love to read this one.

  19. I love Sandra Dallas, I've read all her books and the Persian Pickle Club was great. Hope you enjoy reading A Quilt for Christmas.

  20. Sorry about your mom. Praying she is doing well now! Hope you get a sewing day today.

  21. I would love to win. I just finished my first book I ever read of hers called Alice's Tulips also civil war era based and it was very good. This one sounds great! Thanks for the info and have a great day! Lisa

  22. The Civil War and quilts just go together like love and marriage. No, I won't continue with all the lyrics, but you get my point. Please enter me in the drawing. I love Sandra Dallas and I have read some of her other books.

  23. Sounds like a great book. I would love to read it, too

  24. I love all her books. The last one I read was a childrens' book, "The Quilt Walk".

  25. I too love the books of her's I've read. Thanks for sharing Lori.

  26. I have enjoyed many of Sandra Dallas's book. The Persian Pickle Club is one of my favorites! I'd love to read this new one - thanks for the chance. I hope your mom is okay. I'm sure it was a stressful day for both of you.

  27. I love books with a historical bent.

  28. I enjoyed The Persian Pickle Club - thanks for the chance to win Sandra Dallas' new book.

  29. I have always liked Sandra Dallas books. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Hope your mom is doing better and that would mean you are too. I've always enjoyed S. Dallas's book and I'm sure this one will be good too.

  31. So sorry to read about your mom. I love to read! Thanks for the chance!

  32. These kind of books are right up my alley. And since we're in tiny temporary quarters for the next few months without even enough room to set up my sewing machine, a good quilt book read would be most welcome! Thanks for a chance to win this one!

  33. I've enjoyed a number of books by Sandra Dallas. She does her research! I was not aware of this new book so I appreciate the opportunity to win a copy of it.

    I hope the trip to the ER with your mom was a one time event and that all is well now!

  34. Lori, I hope you're mum's doing much better, and I hope you're okay too.. I know how worrying it can be.
    The book sounds like a wonderful read. I love reading about the civil war and when it includes quilting, it's even better.
    Take care & thanks for sharing :)) cheers... Marian

  35. I have not read this particular Sandra Dallas book but have read all the rest. They are all least good reading for me.

  36. I am glad to hear your Mom is okay, I am sure that was scary. I have read the Persian Pickle Club and enjoyed it. This one looks like a good read too. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  37. Lori, Sorry about your Mom; hope she is doing better. A book set in Civil War times, throw in quilting and it has my attention....looks like an interesting read. Thank you for a great giveaway!

  38. So sorry to hear about your mom and am glad all is good now. :)
    Yes please count me in. Since like a good book to have on the nightstand. Thanks for the chance. Your mom's in my prayers.

  39. Glad your mom is home!! Love Sandra Dallas books!! Enjoy it and thanks for sharing!!

  40. Love Sandra Dallas books, I've read several. Tall Grass was a favorite.

  41. Topics of quilts, Civil War and will be a winner! Would love to read your book when you are finished and then pass it along!


  42. Lori, so sorry to hear about your mom, hope she has a speedy recovery. I have never read a book by Sandra Dallas but this one sounds like a good one!!

  43. Any book about quilting would have my attention, sounds like a nice read. I'm glad your mother is back home.

  44. I enjoyed other Sandra Dallas books and I am sure I would enjoy this one as well. If I am not quilting then I like to enjoy quilting through my other favourite pastime--reading!!!

  45. You must read The Persian Pickle Club -- I've read it at least 3 times and always enjoy it. I've read some of Sandra Dallas' other books and look forward to this one. Thanks for sharing!

  46. The books sounds good. I hope your mom continues to do well. Hugs,

  47. I enjoy reading civil war stories. Have read The Persian Pickle Club and loved it.

  48. I was just thinking you hadn t mentioned your mom recently. Trips to the ER are scary, for both of you, I m sure. Glad to hear she is home now.

    I only read on my kindle so no need to add my name to the drawing, thanks anyway.


  49. I have read the Persian Pickle Club and it was very good, I'm thinking I'd like this one even more! Hope you enjoy it!

  50. Thanks for doing this giveaway, and for the link to the St. Martin's Press giveaway. This sounds like a great read.

  51. Oh, I love Sandra Dallas books! I think I have read them all! I'm excited to see she has a new one!

  52. Thanks for the opportunity to win and read this book, it sounds like a good one.

  53. my Wednesday night quilt group calls ourselves the Pickles after we all read "the Persian Pickle Clue" We've been together through thick and thin. Can't wait to read this new book.

  54. This sounds like my kind of book too! Thanks for the chance to win.

  55. Very glad your mom is doing better. The snow will be flying soon, what better time to read a new book!

  56. I love Sandra Dallas. I've read all her books and they were all good reads. I'm sure this one will be a winner too. Hope I am as well.

  57. I have read many of her books, and look forward to this one. Anything in the category of historical fiction is right up my alley. Might even inspire me to make a quilt!

  58. What a great giveaway......I would love to read this book.....I read the Persian Pickle Club book and loved it.....

  59. A speedy recovery to your mom. I hope she is well. Thanks for the chance to win the book. I have read all her previous books and really enjoyed them. Take care.

  60. I've never read one either. Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks Lori -- Karen (PS - I hope your mom is doing better now).

  61. I've not read anything by this author, but I like Civil war history and quilts, so it sounds good.
    Thanks for the chance! Glad to hear your mom is better, too.

  62. I would la la LOVE to win and read this!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  63. History and quilting...a great combination. Thanks for the chance to win.

  64. I have read most of Sandra Dallas' books and really enjoy them. Thanks for the give away.
    Hope your mother is doing well.

  65. I have enjoyed Sandra Dallas' other books, but haven't heard about this one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  66. I really enjoy Sandra Dallas' books and would love to add this one to my collection.

  67. Would love to win this new Sandra Dallas book!

  68. Looks like a great book, thanks for the chance .

  69. what a lovely book. looks like it would be a great read. Thankyou.

  70. I love Christmas themed books. Thanks for a chance to win. Love your mini.

  71. I love this author! Sincerely, Paula K.

  72. Sandra Dallas always has good books. Sounds interesting and appropriate for the season.

  73. Thanks to Quiltin' Grandma's Blog I found your blog. I'm happy to play along with your doll quilt mystery QA. Have a great holiday season. Thanks for the chance to win.

  74. Nice to have the opportunity to win a new author/book to me! Thanks.

  75. Look like a great story. Thanks for the chance to win.

  76. Being an omnivorous reader, I would love a chance to win. What could be better--a book for Christmas about Christmas...hugs, thanks, Julierose

  77. Would love an opportunity to win. Love Christmas and love quilts! Thanks for the chance to win.

  78. Woo hoo. A chance to win a good read. Many thanks

  79. I would love to win! I have not read any of her books, but have enjoyed other Civil War books, so would be interested in this. And the quilting link adds to the interest for me.


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