
Monday, October 6, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

Sweet P Paulette asked me to join in on the Around the World Blog Hop and it didn't sound too difficult so I said yes. Thanks Paulette! And if you've never been to Sweet P Quilting blog you must hop over immediately! She is so talented working in cotton and wool and seems to get so much done. I htink I love every one of her quilts.
 It seems like you all probably know plenty about me, but here's more if you are interested!

What am I working on? 
Hahaha,, this is a loaded question! My sewing room has stacks all over- that usually means I'm being creative. Wish I could find more time to sew! Work has been demanding my attention lately. The benefits "not!") of owning your own business.
Alrighty here are a few of the main projects:

Benjamin Biggs and rose and baskets blocks.
My batik braids.

 Aargh, an upside down snake! Don't Tread on Me from the flags of the American Revolution quilt.
Our Humble Quilts quiltalong for late fall or early 2015. (gather your 1 1/2" squares)

True Blue- helping to promote P and B Textiles. 

And seriously? 8 quilts basted and ready to quilt!

How does my work differ from others?

It doesn't....much. Although I do not worry as much as others if my points don't match,  or a certain project doesn't work out as planned, or my color choices were very wrong. I chalk it up to learning and move on. I very rarely ever use the seam ripper. I don't care if my plaids/checks/ homespuns aren't cut so it doesn't look like my blocks are crooked. Chances are they probably are, so why would I worry about a plaid? lol If you want to know why I think this way you can jump on over HERE and see my philosophy behind Humble Quilts.

Why do I write/create what I do?

I wanted to be able to interact with other quilter bloggers and that is why I started this blog. It has been amazing. It's an online community that brings people a little closer together and makes the world feel a little smaller and more intimate. Thank you all for being a part of that!

How does my writing/creating process work?

I have to admit I'm not a spontaneous blogger. I usually have my posts planned out ahead, and I've been known to jot down blog topics as I think of them. If you've been reading my blog long, you know I'm heavy on photos, short on words.....most of the time. People say I'm much more fun and animated in real life. I think that means my blog is kind of boring, so I must make sure I have photos to look at! hahaha

I'm tagging two other bloggers for the Around the World Blog Hop;

Juliann is from my neighboring state and am happy to call her a real life friend. She quilts, she sews clothing, she knits, she runs, she cooks, and she works! Our adult kids are the same age and both of our mother's have Alzheimer's. As you can see we have a lot in common. Her blog is Lining up My Stitches.

Lizzy lives on the beach in New York and I'd really like to meet her one of these days. She is enjoying life with a 6 month pug (we get to enjoy him on her blog as well!), Lizzy has a knack of personalizing her quilts to make them uniquely hers, I wish I had that creativity. She shares her life on the beach, her crafting (she has an etsy shop), poetry and her culinary skills on her blog- Gone to the Beach.

I hope you'll go visit these blogs and leave them a comment.

That's it for today! Have an awesome week!


  1. Just curious. Do you spray baste your quilts? That's what I do. And like you, I do not worry about points too much though it is nice when they are like they should be. And we are often attracted to the same style of quilts or even the same quilt.

  2. Boring? No way! Genuine and down-to-earth would be words I would choose, along with gracious and generous. Throw in talented, too. Love your SALs--looking forward to the next one! : )

  3. Your blog is one of my favorites, Lori! I have to say, I relate to just about everything you say ... except the part about never using a seam ripper ! LOL! Thanks for sharing :-)

  4. love your work and your blog, not boring

  5. Right back at you Lori!! Love EVERYTHING that YOU make...with the exception of that SNAKE!! YIKES!! Thanks for participating!!

  6. Hi Lori,

    Thanks for bring my cohort in today's posting thanks to Paulette. I always love to come and visit your blog and see what you are up to.

    I'm with you wonky plaids are the way to go, much more interesting.

  7. I'm loving the look of that quiltalong :0) You make such beautiful quilts! Sorry work is cutting into your sewing time :0(

  8. Boring? I think NOT! Love your blog and all your sharing and inspiring projects that you do. ? for you, are you hand appliqueing your BB blocks? I never got past the first one.

  9. I really enjoyed last years QAL and I'm just sewing the binding down. I am SO looking forward to the next one and all those teeny tiny squares.
    I have been following for a couple of years now (might even be longer) and I love your blog!

  10. Well, I sorted my 1.5" strips today and the squares are always ready ;-)

  11. This has been an interesting blog hop, getting to know a little more about how quilters think! And you are not the least bit boring. You should know that your fun side totally shines through your quilting.:)

  12. The best part of this blog post is knowing we rock and roll the same :)

  13. You're funny! Never boring!! More like inspiring, interesting, informative, sooooo creative and sooooo generous with your time as in the sew-along and plenty of pictures. Love your blog from the first visit. Hugs.

  14. Boring is not a word I would EVER associate with you, Lori!!

  15. A finished quilt IS a perfect quilt, Lori! :-) Love all the projects you have posted today and have also admired many you have posted in the past... Quilt on!!! :-)

  16. fun post to read - your are never boring - and I for one am a fan of photo heavy and work light - it's how I publish too -
    Love all your ongoing projects

  17. Mi divierte y aprendo en tu blog
    ¡¡me gusta!!!
    grandes proyectos

  18. Your blog is one of my favorites Lori. Not boring at all. I've been hanging out for your new quilt along, but must have missed it as I see the photo of some piecing for it. Can you tell me when you started it. :-)

  19. Your blog has always been a winner with me - as everyone has said, never boring. Love all the pictures of antique quilts that you treat us with, all the gorgeous quilts you make, and really appreciate your 'humble' quilting philosophy. Thanks for the continuing inspiration!

  20. as a DAR member and a quilter, thanks for the plug about the exhibit...i hope to get there early november...and really enjoy reading about your quilting philosophy....sounds like you really enjoy the process and with beautiful results!

  21. OOOooo, I actually have some 1.5" squares collected and will begin to add to that pile in earnest. Thanks for the interesting post and the sneak peek at the next QAL.

  22. Your blog boring? Far from it! I am always inspired by your posts and projects! Yay - I love little 1 1/2" squares! Can't wait for the next quilt-along! Looks like you spray baste? What do you use? I only tried once, and it was a gummy mess.

  23. I never find your blog boring at all. I love your quilts.
    I have to go pop over and see the other blogs


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