
Friday, October 3, 2014

Bridges Of Portland at NW Quilt Expo

Last week I was able to attend the Northwest Quilting Expo in Portland. While it has taken a very modern turn one of my favorite exhibits was called the Bridges of Portland sponsored by Westside Modern.

If you aren't familiar with Portland this photo will help.

Enjoy these fascinating and fun quilts based on the Bridges of Portland!

This group did an amazing job on these quilts!

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. very cool quilts - what mountain is that? It is gorgeous!!
    thanks for sharing these modern works.

  2. Great interpretations of the subject. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I really enjoyed the pictures of the bridge quilts. Thanks for posting them.

  4. They are great quilts - you have a great weekend too!

  5. Very creative! I like the flying geese "bridge"!

  6. beautiful quilts and quilting. Wow I am impressed. While I am a traditionalist at heart I enjoy seeing modern quilts when they are well done. thanks for sharing

  7. This post was very instructive for me. The photo of Portland's bridges was a great "cheat card" for the quilts to come as well as a look to a new city for me. I too am not wow wow about modern quilting. I think they take themselves way to seriously. These quilts are great design and speak clearly of a "modern quilt". How is that for contradicting myself. At any rate I enjoyed this post a lot. Looked up "the mountain" and it seems to be Mount Hood.

    1. Actually the photo is looking north and it is Mt St Helens. Notice the flat top? Thanks for your comment!

  8. Though I am not into the modern movement, I am always in awe of a job well done. Very interesting to see the interpretations of Portland's Bridges.

  9. I like the flying geese bridge and the one that shows the bridge I Avoid at all costs! The one that has 5 stacked one on top of the other in Downtown.. When Daisy Kingdom was open I had to take it. Scary!!!

  10. I liked these bridge themed quilts and I don't usually like modern or art quilts. I love the second one and the one with the patchwork roads.

  11. Great show! I love the one with the red, turquoise, orange and navy on cream background especially.:)

  12. Beautiful modern designs, very creative. I notice the quilting especially, it adds so much.

  13. Really wonderful art pieces and a nice place for a show.


  14. Great pix! Isn't it amazing how many different ways people have come up with to portray the bridges! They are all so interesting and clever!

  15. Very interesting how the bridges were interpreted into fabric. Creative minds.

  16. Wow! How cool too see all the different bridge interpretations! Such creativity and vision to do these kind of pieces. I'm more of a pattern follower! :)


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