
Friday, October 31, 2014

Flags of American Revolution Quilt

Send me your photos if you haven't shared your blocks. It doesn't matter what month we did them in. 
Add the link to your blog post below once you have blogged about your blocks

Cathy's blocks

Cathy's blocks

My blocks.
DarLynn's blocks
DarLyn's flags

Terry's blocks
Terry's blocks
Very nice Terry!
 I couldn't find any buttons for the stars. So I may do what Cathy did and applique wool stars. Any ideas on where to find buttons though?
These quilt blocks are really wonderful! I'm really going to enjoy seeing this quilt come together.

Next month we are doing Block 15, Whiskey Rebellion and 3 pieced sawtooth stars. The applique is a doozy so I'll keep this month fairly simple.


  1. Hi Lori,
    great applique here in the post. I am finally caught up, Yipee!

  2. I tried contacting the woman who sells them that Jan mentions in her book but I never got an answer, too bad we can't buy them all in one spot. I am still looking though :0).
    Still behind but making progress!
    Happy Sewing

  3. I like what Brown dirt Cottage did for button stars. Wool is a good idea too. Love following along with these posts.

  4. Oh months appliqué block looks challenging to say the least! Everyone's blocks look great!

  5. I really like seeing what everyone else is doing with their blocks. I was so curious as to what others were using in place of the buttons. I researched A LOT for the buttons and found as many as I would need it was w-a-y more than I wanted to spend!

    I am happy to say I am finally caught up!!!

  6. These are wonderful blocks. I am looking forward to seeing these quilts when they are all finished. I love seeing the variety when each person tweaks the pattern their own way.

  7. I love seeing all these flags! It's great fun to quilt-along.

  8. fun to see all this patriotic quilting - awesome work!

  9. I looked at site than Jan Patek lists in the book as a source for buttons. I am not seeing much that would work though. Try E-Bay. Last year, I found some star buttons at Hobby Lobby. I used wool for the stars on the flags.

  10. It's always so fun to see everyone's versions! I put some options for star buttons on my post.


  11. I used ultrasuede and a rug braiding needle (or a stout embroidery needle). Worked like a charm! Ultrasuede is sold by the inch or sometimes it can be found in small rolls at quilt shops.

  12. What a great collection of flags!

  13. I love seeing everyone's flags. Did you look on Etsy for star buttons? I'm starting the eagle applique today, yay!

  14. Some great quilts in the seeing the progress!

  15. I found some star buttons on the Hobby lobby site but when I went to the store
    they did not have any, I ordered some and they will call me when they come in,
    I'll let you know if they look good or not.
    Happy Sewing


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