
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Revolutionary Flags Quilt Month 2

Last month we had 4 blocks we were doing for our Revolutionary Flags quilt. If you didn't get all them completed, that's okay. We want to see the ones you have done. Then keep plugging forward!
Block 2 Appeal to Heaven and Block 3, Bunker Hill
Block 4, The Pine Tree Flag and Block 8, Pine Tree
Janet Y's blocks. Love the stripe!
Janet Y's blocks.

Cathy's blocks. I adore the background fabric for Appeal to Heaven.

Mona S blocks . Love these greens!!
Mona S
Mona's center eagle
 Terry's blocks
Terry's blocks
Terry's eagle
Elaine's tree blocks

If you do not have a blog send me photos of what you have completed. If you have a blog, please link up the post you have shown this month's blocks.

Ready for your October blocks? It is going to sound like a lot, but some of it is easy piecing and no applique! We will be working on the stripes blocks. 
  •  Block 5,  Guilford Courthouse. (I've looked for buttons but will resort to making 8 pointed stars from wool and appliqueing them) 
  • Block 6
  • Block 9 (the most applique this month) 
  • Block 11 (I am going to look for white stars to add to the blue field) 
  • Block 13 (again, will use white star buttons)
Have a fantastic Wednesday!


  1. Love all the different looking blocks with the trees, & colors.

  2. I do love these blocks! This quilt is definitely going on my "to do" list, but I'm afraid there is a lot in front of it. My sewing room is almost done and I have been doing some sewing, and am anxious to really dig in!

  3. Great blocks from everyone this month. I need to go on a button search.

  4. Some really great fabric choices here. I love seeing the different versions. And I am in awe of all of the applique!

  5. All the blocks look great! I've already googled some clipart for small stars that I'm going to do in wool. Not really excited about using buttons....

  6. Love seeing everyone's blocks and their fabric choices :)

  7. Wow, everyone's blocks look so great. Love seeing the different fabric choices!

  8. me gustan todos los bloques, cada uno con sus colores,

  9. The ladies came through for you. Yea.

  10. Hi Lori, Just a heads-up: when I sewed the 1-5/8" strips together my rectangle came out too wide (I could have cut it down and just had a flag with a skinnier top and bottom strip). When I used 1-1/2 inch strips my final product was 10-1/2 inches wide and would be symmetrical in the finished quilt. Understanding this is a primitive project, but thought you'd like to know before you cut all of your strips to consider sewing a test block.

  11. I love seeing what everyone did with their blocks! Love the fabrics everyone is choosing. Makes the quilts unique.

  12. Love seeing everyone's selections! I'm just a tad behind, but am gaining ground FAST!!!
    Sooooo LOOK OUT!!! HA!

  13. …..and YES, LOVE your new blog header!!


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