
Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Left My Heart in Guatemala

I hope many of you are sewing along. So sorry about my post yesterday. If you cut your pieces before I edited the post, it will all be fine, just be careful because the bias will be on the outer edge. (yours will be like mine!)

I had no idea what I was  in for when I signed up to go to Guatemala on a missions trip. I see poor people in and out of the country, but it is completely different when you can talk to them and see them more closely.
We spent quite a bit of time outside of the city of Xela.
We were waiting for a medical center to open when these men came walking down the street.  Look at the boy in the center with the long machete!

The women dressed very traditional outside of Xela.

The school that this photo was taken is full of kids who have sponsors. 

They were getting ready to eat and they all came out of their classrooms with a dollop of soap to wash. 

Many kids help earn money for their families. I met little 11 yo Jaime on the streets when he asked if he could shine my shoes. (I was wearing my tennis shoes!) I had a bit of a meltdown after giving him a few pieces of candy and a granola bar.  Isn't he precious? 


  1. Awesome pictures and such a story they all tell. You had a great impact i'm sure and they were blessed to have you there. I love the picture of Jaime. :) He is a doll.

  2. These sort of experiences are very humbling, I felt just the same when I spent time at the orphanage in India last year. It makes you truly grateful for what you have.
    Great pictures and memories for you to treasure Lori.

  3. In 2001, I went in Madagascar and it was the same poverty....Make a trip like this, make us realize that we live in luxury !
    Thank you for sharing ! Your photos are so touching...

  4. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures! My husband will enjoy them when I show him tonight. He went on a two year mission to Guatemala before we were married in the 70's. He served some of his time in XELA! And he also left part of his heart there--it's the people--they are amazing.

  5. This tears at my heart!
    We have it so good, don't we?

  6. What beautiful pictures Lori! I hope you'll share more.

  7. Great pictures. I've been there twice. I know exactly what you're talking about.

  8. had tears as I read this and looked at the photos. we are so blessed
    thank you for giving of yourself to go there to help.
    Our church along with some of the other parishes here go to Haiti to build houses and wells. Last time they went in the spring, I made 60+ littlle dresses for them to bring there. I am unable to go because of my health. God bless you and all who reach out to our brothers and sisters in need.

  9. Oh my gosh, my DH went on a mission trip to Niger, Africa and was blown AWAY with the poverty, poor health, lack of food, etc. The children carried a cup and dish everywhere they went in case they came upon something to eat. And when those on the mission trip would stop to eat their meager lunch, the kids would stand around them in a circle watching them eat (don't think I could've eaten anything). He returned home just before Thanksgiving and had a REALLY hard time sitting down to our Thanksgiving table knowing of the starvation over there. He really wanted to go back to Africa once more but passed away before being able to.

  10. How amazing, what a journey for you. Can't wait to hear a bit more about your mission.

  11. Wonderful pictures, Lori. They really paint an amazing picture of beautiful people. I hope you will share more. It really does make one realize how truly blessed we are. It is so easy to take for granted all the abundance we live in.

  12. What an opportunity to have an impact on some precious children.

  13. What a heartwarming experience - thanks for sharing it with us!


  14. Thanks for sharing this experience. I have sewn and donated for mission trips but never been on one.

  15. Beautiful people despite their hardships. I m drawn to the color the people manage to have in their world/ lives. Even the kitchen benches are that magnificent cobalt blue. And Jaime is adorable, right out of "Oliver Twist"---that face! (Did you know one in 5 children here in the US live in poverty!? Isn t that so sad? ....for us and for hungry children everywhere.)


  16. What beautiful people. They look so gentle and kind. What a gift you were to them and a blessing!

  17. A humbling experience. We must all be grateful for the fortunate life we have. Beautiful photos!


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