
Friday, November 21, 2014

Highlights of Guatemala

Many of you asked to see and hear more of what we did while in Xela. 
We went to several place and presented a program. I was in charge of the wordless book (click on the link if you don't know what that is) , using t shirts. We had bracelets to hand out to everyone as well. 

We passed out toys, hygiene items, candy, soccer balls. It all depended on what the needs were, although all the kids got a toy of some sort.
I purchased new testament Bibles and brought them in my bag (we got more while in Xela) I loved seeing these girls holding the Bibles I brought,
We prayed and had many prayers spoken for us. (and the safety of our vehicle!)
We passed out flyers telling everyone to come to the free festival on Friday night and kids festival Friday day. I loved getting on the ground and meeting people up close and personal.
We did a wordless skit to music. (this was only practice)

Young and old alike enjoyed the balloon hats.
We dedicated a water well we helped finance in a village at the foot of Santa Maria volcano. (This photo was the ceremonious "turning on" the water! Followed by lots of firecrackers.

 We shared our hearts with them.
 We invited the masses, and they came. Approx 60, 000 of them!

 They got to experience fun and exciting music.
Then they got to hear the Word of God preached. Unlike North America , Central America is eager to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Sunday morning we divided up in small groups and attended church. It was appropriate that I had brought my "love more" bag and hadn't given it away yet. You can see the pastor's wife put it on as soon as I gave it to her. I couldn't be more thrilled about that.

So, that's the highlights of my past week. 


  1. I guess it was an unforgettable experience for your friends and yourself ..... :)

  2. Wow, Lori, it looks like you had a wonderful trip! How great thet your church helped with the new well and all the other gifts that you were able to share!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a very emotional proud you must be for having participated in such an event.

  4. 60,000 people! Wow that's exciting! I love the beautiful picture of the girls and their New Testaments :0) did I miss a post about the love more bag? Did you make it?

  5. Don't you wish you could bring some of those sweet children home with you. Wonderful thing that you and your church did and are doing.

  6. It sounds like you had a wonderul experience there. Also, how wonderful to share the Gospel with people who are hungry to hear! I am sure that well will be an amazing blessing to many. Your love more bag found the perfect home!

  7. I am so glad you had this opportunity, Lori. I cherish the memories of our 1992 mission trip to Guatemala City and Nebaj.

  8. Wonderful post, Lori! Love the faces of the children and how sweet to see their happiness with their copies of the New Testament.
    You did good things and I am impressed with the crowd you drew. I think I see the LDS Temple in the background of one shot.
    Looks like your "Love More" bag found a very good home! Thanks for giving us some insight into your experience.

  9. What a loving and humbling experience. Thanks.

  10. That is wonderful, Lori! What an opportunity to share the good news of God's grace.

  11. This is so enjoyable to see...I read the other post the other day. Amazing crowd of 60,000 ...and the balloon hats much fun :)

  12. thanks for sharing your experience! Incredible. You must be filled with great memories.

  13. Such an great experience, wonderful to share all that love. I especially loved the well, symbolic and so needed many places.

  14. Looks very rewarding.
    I love all the colors in Central America - really liked your photo yesterday of the woman in traditional clothing. Beautiful fabric!

  15. Wow! Sounds like you had an amazing time. My husband and I are planning to join an overseas short-term missions trip soon, either to South Africa or Malta. I was the director of a missions organisation taking teams into country towns around NSW (Australia) for many years -- Western nations can sometimes feel like trying to plough dry, hard earth with a blunt stick! God bless you abundantly!

    PS I came in from Vrooman Quilts to read about the Cascadia Mystery quilt.

  16. Wow! What an experience! Love that the Pastors wife immediately wore the bag.:)

  17. Wonderful! Sharing the love of Jesus!

  18. Loved hearing about your trip, sounds like you blessed and were blessed in return.

  19. An amazing experience, wonderful memories, thanks for sharing.

  20. This is amazing to read and see! Thanks for sharing your experience.

  21. Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing...
    Terri in Texas

  22. Absolutely wonderful - thanks for sharing!! What an amazing adventure! Blessings to you and all that participated!!


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