
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Flags of the American Revolution

We are losing people who were sewing along, but hopefully with the new year you'll pick up steam again. 

  Cathy S blocks.
 Cathy S star fillers.
 I wasn't sure I'd get all my crescent and star filler blocks complete but I did. Yay!
I gave my mom a job of marking around the freezer paper templates for next month. For her career she was a cook and it is hard for her to sit and watch me fix dinner. This was Christmas day and she isn't very handy in the kitchen anymore. She really liked "doing" something. I'll make sure to have more ready the next time she comes over.

So, if you've looked in your book at all, block 7,  with 13 six pointed stars is next. If you've fallen behind, keep plugging away on the blocks. If you are ahead we will do block 7 this month and if you finish that and want to work ahead we will do block 10, Liberty of Death next. Then we only have one more!! Almost done!!

If you haven't been trimming your blocks to size as you go, now would be a good time to start that.

I'm looking forward to seeing your blocks. Send them to me, or link up if you have a blog.


  1. Your blocks look great Lori.... We're in the home stretch!!

  2. Dear Lori,
    your blocks are great and so are Cathy's blocks.
    I only prepared 3 of the Star and Moon setting blocks, but will catch up, no worry.
    Wish you a good start into the New Year.

  3. preciosos bloques!!!
    feliz año nuevo

  4. Your mom looks well! Happy New Year to you and your family!!

  5. That's a great job !! Bravo ladies !!
    Happy new year from France ! :))))

  6. You didn't lose me Lori!! I have a post written and will post and link up sometime today. I just posted about another finish I had forgotten about and wanted to get it in before the end of the year.
    What a great idea for helping your mom. I didn't like drawing out those little stars either!
    Yours and Cathy's blocks look great!

    Have a Happy New Year!!!

  7. Your blocks look great--and so do Cathy's! We're on the home stretch :) Happy New Year to you!

  8. Nice idea with your Mom and will add something to the meaning of that block for you. I just love your choice of fabrics - that cheddar!

  9. Yours and Cathy s blocks look great! I m looking forward to seeing all the others too. I love seeing the different fanrics chosen.

    I still haven t fisihed my sawtooth stars....

    Happy New Year Lori

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  10. Wonderful blocks and it is fun to see how everyone does theirs with different fabrics and shades.


  11. It's enjoyable watching the blocks as they're being made. Fabric choices made, the predicted and the unpredictable, are half the fun of following along.
    Your ideas, observations, and leadership in 2014 have been appreciated. Lori. Thanks for all you've done to help us quilters along with our projects.

  12. Really like the crescent blocks--so interesting! I'm sure people will pick up once the busyness of this season is behind them. The quilt is too much fun.:)

  13. I didn't get my blocks sewn this month - hardly got any sewing done this month. But I'm not lost! Things are settling down again and I'll try and get caught back up for next month's reveal. Blessings in the New Year!

  14. darlynn......I have not forgotten. thank you for the nudge! Onward in '15

  15. People like to help and your Mom is so cute working on the stars. It's good to give her something to do. I love these blocks!

  16. Your blocks look great Lori. Sweet of your mom to help prep your stars. Happy New Year!

  17. fun to see everyone's blocks. Nice to have a project for you mom while she was there. Good idea! I use to give small things to do to my MIL and FIL so they felt useful and included.

  18. Another great group of blocks! Good idea to put your mom to work!


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