
Sunday, December 28, 2014

That Spirit of Christmas- My Miracle

I sent this photo to a wonderful Christian young man that works at the hotel we stayed at in Xela, Guatemala.  I only knew his name, Jaime, and that he was 11 years old. He stole my heart on a street in Xela and I couldn't get him out of my mind.
I didn't know if shoe shine boys worked in the same areas but I met Jaime a few blocks from our hotel and asked Francisco to please keep an eye out for him. I had a list of questions for him to ask him if he was found.  Francisco  went above and beyond,  printing out this photo and bringing it to businesses in the area with his phone number to be called if Jaime was seen. The following week Jaime showed up at the hotel!

He is looking a bit bewildered in this photo.

Much better with a little food in his stomach. (note his pitch black hands from shoe shining)

After a few emails back and forth with Francisco I found out he is one of nine children! He doesn't live in the city but travels in (probably by bus, but not sure about that) to add a few $Q to the family's income. Can you imagine? Sending your 11 year old boy into the city to work and make money?

The magic of Western Union and  a special young man named Francisco they had a very memorable Christmas.

I received a slideshow today set to music that was made for me by the angel Francisco. The top two red word slides at the beginning of this post were the opening of the slide show. The following is how the day unfolded.

Fortifications before Christmas shopping. It is possible he has never eaten fast food. Amazing what we take for granted.

On the way to his home in a village outside of the city. 
 Jaime's home.
 The siblings come running!
 Jaime is presented with a pair of shoes.

And a bicycle! ( Francisco and I had a conversation about to get or not to get such an extravagant gift, Francisco thought if we could make a little boys dream come true that we should do it.)
 Seven of the kids, with gifts too!

Dad and mom receiving the gift of money to purchase food for the family. (or other necessities)

Family photo with the Angel Francisco.

And that is my Christmas miracle!

PS, I plan on sending them $ regularly to help feed the family and hopefully take some of the burden off the kids to earn money to survive. If you'd like to help in any way, please shoot me off an email. 

from the slideshow



  1. What a special story for this very wonderful time of year. May the Lord bless you and keep you in the hollow of His hand.

  2. Lori your story brought tears to my eyes. This is why I make the reversible without batting quilts to send with the teams from our church when they go to Haiti. Our daughter and family have been to Haiti many times. My goal is to make a quilt for every team member that goes from our church. They are baby size and larger made with a lot of bright colorful scraps. Last August I sent five and have a pic of on wrapped around a baby. The mother was overwhelmed and her friends were so happy for her.

  3. How wonderful that he could help you.

  4. darlynn here....God bless both you and Francisco! Wonderful story, amazing hearts.

  5. I have tears in my eyes. Of course, I will help. Give me an addy to send a check to.

  6. What a wonderful story and thing that you have done to help the family. We did that with an appalachian family, it is nice to be able to help others when we can.


  7. What a beautiful, inspiring story Lori. Christian service, love. Amazing angels, both you and your partner Francisco.

  8. The smile on his face while he is on the bike. Oh my. There are no words to describe that. So glad you were able to make this connection and had an angel helper!

  9. This is such a heart warming story, Lori. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

  10. What a wonderful Christmas Story!!! Your trip continues to bless you and those who touched your life! The pictures say how much you touched there life. God Bless!

  11. A wonderful Christmas miracle that will now continue thanks to you. It's amazing what an amazing difference you have made to that families life.
    How rewarding your trip has been for you, and as for Jaime he now has an angel looking out for him. X

  12. You can be proud of you Lori ! What a wonderful story.......
    It's the miracle of Christmas.... And the Lord protects all of us.
    Hugs from France !

  13. Lori,
    you must be an Angle, what a blessing for the family.

  14. What an amazing story Lori. You are an angel to this family!
    Bless them and you too

  15. If only each one helped one, as you have done, what a wonderful world this would be! Blessings, Marlene

  16. I can't find words to comment. This is wonderful. Growing up in Brazil, I was overwhelmed by the amount of need; but my mother was like you, she would focus on what she could do and made it happened. All the best to you in 2015.

  17. Words almost escape me, this is the most beautiful story I have heard for a long time. You are so kind and generous and have made one little boy and his family very happy. I can just imagine the feeling of joy that you have too . Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  18. The smile on the boy's face when he is sitting on his bike says it all! Thanks for sharing with a needy family.


  19. Wow, Lori!! My heart is overflowing. Such an amazing story. I just love how the Lord works!!

  20. What a lovely story. A true Christmas miracle.
    Francisco must be such a fine young man.

    Jaime is so adorable, that smile! Finally. On the bike. A dream come true. I wonder what the future will hold for him and his family. Jaime is blessed to have you in his life.


  21. What wonderful story. It's people like you who restore my faith in humanity, a difference can be made by one person at a time. A chance meeting for Jaime has probably changed his and his family's life thanks to you and your facilitator, Francisco.

  22. What a great story.:) Glad you found someone to help make all this happen for you!

  23. A really wonderful Christmas story, full of very special people who made a difference. A special young boy who tugged at your heart. A young man who went beyond what you asked in order to make this happen. And of course you who wanted to make it happen. Can you email me your address, I think I have it somewhere ,but not sure where at this point.

  24. I Love your Christmas miracle, Lori! Thanks for sharing it!
    Such a touching story!

  25. That boy looks pretty happy with his bike :0) what a beautiful Christmas story!!!

  26. There will certainly be a special place in heaven for you, Lori. What an amazing story...the kind that restores one's faith in humanity.

  27. What a wonderful story... it truly touched my heart. Please email me your address so I can add something to help this deserving family.

    1. Jody, you do not have an email associated with this comment. Which means you are "no-reply commenter". Boo Hoo. I hope you see this and email me.

  28. Wonderful, Lori. Your story does good for the soul, and you're an angel for sure!

  29. Your Story is really the story of Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing.

  30. Bless You and Franscico to take the time and be there. Just Imagine how this will ripple outwards. Happy New Year


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